Agenda item

19/11849/FUL - 2 Pinckneys Way, Durrington, SP4 8BU

Erection of three pairs of semi-detached houses with associated access, parking and landscaping following the demolition of existing property.


Public Participation

Neal Cruse spoke in objection to the application

Martyn Armstrong spoke in objection to the application

Ian Challoner spoke in objection to the application

Giles Moir (Agent) spoke in support of the application

Cllr Stephen Botham, Vice Chair – spoke representing Durrington TC


The Planning Team Leader, Richard Hughes presented the application for the erection of three pairs of semi-detached houses with associated access, parking and landscaping following the demolition of existing property. The application was recommended for approval.


The main issues which had been considered to be material in the determination of this application were listed as Principle of development, Character of the area, Design, Residential Amenity, Highways Safety and Parking Provision, Ecology implications and Trees.


Members of the Committee had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. In response to queries, it was clarified that the six dwellings would consist of five 3-bedroom and one 2-bedroom properties and not be affordable housing in the normal way due to being private.


Members of the public, as detailed above, then had the opportunity to speak on the application.


Some of the main points raised were associated with the proposal not being in-keeping with neighbouring properties due to the site being surrounded by bungalows.


Associated noise, the impact of the bin area, concerns relating to overlooking and increased vehicular movement and parking required by the associated development.


The Town Council (TC) was in objection to the application.


Local Member Cllr Graham Wright then spoke in detail, in objection to the application, where he addressed all of the areas within the report, including that the concerns of the TC and residents had not been addressed as suggested in the report.


Some of the points raised included that the application would not enhance the village and would be at odds with the Village Design Statement.


There had been concerns relating to the proposed parking at the rear of the properties and that no other housing in Durrington had over three houses with communal parking which sat within the curtilage of the properties.


Highways had not visited the site and there was clear doubt whether vehicles using the 8 parking slots proposed would be able to leave the site in a forward gear.

There would be a significant tree loss, as all trees were to be removed apart from the hedge, changing the feel and outlook of the area.


The existing level of housing in Durrington was currently listed as adequate in the Core Strategy document.


The report regularly mentioned that the application looked and felt like 3 properties however the development would produce 6 dwellings with 6 families, not 3 and would not represent similar properties in the area.


The development of 6 dwellings would total 17 bedrooms and would easily incur vehicles in excess of the 6 spaces provided for. Also the proposed refuse space to accommodate 6 families was not considered adequate, with regards to the additional recycling and black box containers each would require in addition to a household waste bin.


The application for 6 dwellings was overdevelopment of the site, would impact on the character of the area and the residential amenity. The restricted parking arrangements would have a detrimental impact on the surrounding highway network. In contrary of C57, and the Durrington Design Statement.


Cllr Wright then moved a motion of refusal against Officer recommendation, stating the reasons as above. This was seconded by the Chairman, Cllr Westmoreland.


The Committee was invited to discuss the application, the main points included that the site in comparison with the others around it, it was similar to the size of 3 plots and was therefore more suited to 3 dwellings. It was felt that 6 dwellings on this site would amount to overdevelopment.


Following debate, the Committee confirmed they had heard and seen all relevant visual materials and voted on the motion of refusal against officer recommendation, with the reasons stated.


It was:



that application 19/11849/FUL be Refused against Officer Recommendation for the following reasons:


The proposed redevelopment of the site of a single dwelling to provide six dwellings, associated parking arrangement and sub-division of the plot to provide separate outdoor amenity space for each dwelling that would be required to enable six households to function within this site, would result in an inappropriate, cramped form of overdevelopment that would fail to enhance or positively contribute to the character of the area or street scene, and would detract from the residential amenity of adjacent dwellings, and have a subsequent impact on the surrounding highway network due to associated on street parking and deliveries. The proposed redevelopment in its current form is therefore considered to be contrary to the aims of the National Planning Policy Framework; the Wiltshire Core Strategy policy CP57 (Ensuring High Quality Design & Space Shaping) and the adopted Durrington Design Statement.


Supporting documents: