Agenda item

Future Chippenham Consultation Update

To consider a presentation on the Future Chippenham Project Consultation.


Please note that due to the considerable interest generated by this agenda item and subsequent time constraints, there will be 20 minutes only allocated to public questions and 20 minutes only allocated to Councillor questions, and as such there is a chance that your questions may not be asked and answered. In this case, we encourage members of the public and Councillors to contact this address,, in the event that you do not get the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.



Wiltshire Council officers Simon Hendey (Director of Housing & Commercial) and Chrissie Lamb (Programme Specialist in Major Project Services), delivered a presentation on the Future Chippenham Project Consultation.


The background information and programme context were explained alongside the key information regarding the consultation process such as the fact that all consultation materials were being supported online due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions. It was noted that officers were keen to provide hard copies of any information needed to those who requested it by either posting or allowing people to collect from Monkton Park. The online webinars were raised, and it was highlighted that officers were looking to organise further sessions which allowed for a higher level of interaction between officers and members of the public.


Officers then moved onto the different distributor road route options and explained each in detail. A link to a video setting out the three options was shown, with officers encouraging people to watch it:

The different options assessment with regard to constraints and dependencies was then explained, namely: transport and connectivity; river flood risk; landscape setting and visual impact receptors; cultural heritage; and local biodiversity.


A timeline showing the key milestones of the project was shown and officers invited questions from members of the public and Councillors.


One member of the public asked questions to the officers which focused on the lack of detail surrounding potential housing developments and the lack of a fourth option which allowed members of the public to opt for none of the route options. Officers explained that people had the option of skipping to Question 6 on the consultation form and could use that as a space to object to all of the three route options or they could email into the Future Chippenham address setting out their concerns/objection which officers confirmed would be captured and reflected upon in the consultation results. It was also highlighted that this information was also under their Frequently Asked Questions webpage.


Members of the Area Board were then given the opportunity to ask questions of the officers with the main points of focus being concerns over carbon emission and traffic increases, the impacts on cultural heritage and further details on the proposed road. Members also voiced concerns with regard to the Local Plan Review Consultation being ran concurrently to the Future Chippenham Consultation with some members stating that they felt this was confusing for members of the public and suggested a level of pre-determination. One member of the Area Board then circled back to the points raised earlier concerning the lack of clarity around the option to object to all of the route options within the consultation form and suggested that the form should be amended to make this option clear. It was also suggested that the consultation period should be restarted once the form was amended. 


Furthermore, one member of the Area Board suggested that all members engage with the media to provide a statement voicing their concerns. The Chairman noted that this was not within the remit of the Area Board and it would be inappropriate to do so, and instead suggested that further advice be sought from the Democratic Services Team and a statement submitted to the relevant Cabinet Member.



Please find the link to the Local Plan Consultation here:


Please find the link to the Future Chippenham Consultation here: