Agenda item

Housing Aids and Adaptations: Final Report

To receive the final report detailing the findings and recommendations of the Housing Aids and Adaptations task group.


Due to the streamlined overview and scrutiny arrangements under COVID-19, the Environment Select Committee is, exceptionally, considering the Final Report of the Task Group at the same meeting as it is receiving the Executive Response.



The Committee considered the final report of the Housing Aids and Adaptations Task Group which presented the findings and recommendations of the Task Group for endorsement by the Committee and referral onto the Cabinet member for Corporate Services, Heritage, Arts & Tourism, Housing and Communities.


The Committee noted that due to the streamlined Overview and Scrutiny (OS) arrangements operating since April 2020, the final report of the Task Group was being considered at this meeting of the Committee alongside the Executive Response.


Cllr King presented the report on behalf of the Task Group and referred to the Task Groups Terms of Reference, which highlighted the ways in which the Council could reduce the waiting time for residents with disabilities to access suitable housing. He thanked those involved in the Task Group and paid tribute to fellow Task group members for their time and work ethic during the course of the Task Group deliberations. Cllr King in reporting on the Task Group findings commented in particular on (i) the method of applying for a Disabilities Facilities Grant was overly bureaucratic, with inbuilt delays causing frustration to claimants and (ii) the questions raised by the Task group under the Adaptable and Affordable Housing Policies section of the report were not new issues, however they resulted in six recommendations at paragraph 39 of the report.    


The Chair suggested that as the Executive Response would be considered as the Committee next item of business that questions should be held over until that item on the agenda.




1.    To welcome the positive and proactive engagement from the Executive throughout this important review


2.    To consider a report in 12-18 months’ time, outlining how these recommendations have been implemented by the Executive


That the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Heritage, Arts & Tourism, Housing and Communitiesconsiders implementing the following recommendations:


3.    In order to ensure that a future adaptable affordable homes policy in Wiltshire is robust, efficient and delivers greater accessibility to affordable housing for disabled households, to work closely with the other local authorities, such as BANES and South Gloucestershire, who have already implemented adaptable and affordable housing policies by:

a.    Learning about the issues faced by these local authorities in reviewing their Local Plans

b.    Understanding how developers responded to the adaptable affordable housing policies put forward

c.    Understanding how these adaptable affordable housing policies are enforced

d.    Reviewing how council service areas, such as social care and revenues and benefits, have provided evidence to support a locality’s need for adapted affordable housing


4.    In order to speed up the Disabled Facilities Grant process, from the initial Occupational Therapist’s assessment through to the completion of work, to work with other local authorities to:

a.    Draft a document which outlines the average cost for the most commonly requested aids and adaptations e.g. a stairlift or wet room


5.    In order to reduce the number of delayed transfers of care, to work closely with the Reablement team within Adult Social Care and publicise the Council’s Aids and Adaptations policy, so that those seeking to return to their home are aware of the provision available


6.    In order to ensure that disabled households are not waiting longer than general needs households to access affordable housing, to consider operating a direct let process for Disabled applicants through the Councils Housing Allocations Policy, which would run in line with to the current banding structures. This will be developed through the Preferred Development Partnership to encourage all housing providers with stock in Wiltshire to accept direct lets of clients who have a high need for properties that are adapted or would be suitable for adaptation

Supporting documents: