Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.
The Chair reported that she was willing to accept the notes of the CATG meeting held on 10 February 2021 as an urgent item for consideration by the Area Board. This would allow the Area Board to consider and approve the recommendations of the CATG meeting, which will allow officers to implement the decisions before the end of the financial year (end of March 2021).
Cllr Hill introduced the report and it’s recommendations.
• To note the discussions and updates outlined in the report
• To allocate funding of £17,826.77 to issue 3-19-10 A4 Curzon Street (nr Savernake Drive) – request to improve Pedestrian Crossing measures
• To allocate funding of £1,941.47 to issue 3-20-1 Compton Bassett Church Corner – request to upgrade traffic signing
• To move issue 3-20-11 Calne Anchor Road area to the priority list and allocate a sum of £1,750 towards a 20mph assessment
• To close issue 3-21-1 Stockley by property 2, The Cottage – request for marker posts to deter verge erosion
• To close issue 3-21-4 Calne Dixon Way – request to provide off-road car parking area for residents
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