Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To note written updates and receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·       Police – Neighbourhood Teams

·        Fire & Rescue


The Fire & Rescue draft Community Safety Plan 2021-2024 and accompanying summary video and a feedback form can be found at – the closing date for comments is 13 May.


Feedback can also be emailed to



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Police Neighbourhood Teams


Pete Sparrow – Wilton area

There was now a roadmap to lead us out of lockdown, however it was vital that people did not rush into planning events until it was fully safe to do so.


Community Speedwatch was hoped to be back in operation from 29th March.


This would be Inspector Sparrows last area board, as after 5 years he was moving to a new role as Response Inspector. The incoming inspector would be Tina Osborne.


PC James Barret was moving roles, and PC Matt Holland would be retiring after 30 years of policing in the Salisbury Area. There would be 3 new PCs in April.


Burglaries remain low, these were expected to rise during periods of rising unemployment and as people start to leave their homes.


Residents that had the Ring doorbell camera recorders, who were also registered to the community messaging service, may be asked for any additional CCTV footage for incidents in residential locations.


The Chairman wished Pete all the best in the future.



·       Where could area specific crime rate data be found?  

Answer: If you ask the new Inspector Tina Osborn she will point you to who can find that data for you.



Kevin Harmsworth – Mere & Tisbury areas

There were similar changes in the Warminster NHPT area.

Inspector Simon Cowdrey would be moving on from 9 April.

We will have Inspector Alan Lumley would be in post from April.


PCSO Peter Tscherniawsky would be awarded with a certificate to recognise his work with us.  His replacement PCSO Daniel Gill- already had a handover


Operation to respond to breaches of Covid legislation continued with the dedicated patrol vehicle.


A new app for reporting terrorism was called I Report It ‘


In Mere – there were continued patrols at the recreation ground. Op Septre was a national initiative to combat knife crime.  


There had been 5 checks throughout Feb & March in the area of CSW.

There had been some media around there being a community speedwatch enforcement Officer Role. Hope to bolster the work we will do with CSW.


The force website was undergoing upgrades so some of the links were not currently working. Please let us know if you are unable to get the info you need from the new website.


Response policing would be based at the new Warminster Police station in the town centre.



I am trying to form a CSW for South Newton and Stowford. I first asked for data in August last year and not yet received it. Did you have any influence over the installation of the metro-counts?

Answer: No that is down to Barney Applestone. The metro-counts generally were postponed during the lockdown. I will update at a future meeting on the progress of the CSW.


Fire & Rescue

The written report from fire has been uploaded to the agenda as supplement 1. New to our area, Raymond Bridgman Station Manager SWW was in attendance.



There were some interesting job opportunities on your report.

Answer: On the recruitment side, Wayne Presley was in the meeting to answer questions. The Salamander scheme was in operation for young people and recruitment for on-call officers was also ongoing. Further information was available on the website and after lockdown eased, interested persons could pop into a station on drill night.


In addition, the details for the Fire & Rescue draft Community Safety Plan 2021-2024 and accompanying summary video and a feedback form is available via the link in the agenda pack:




Supporting documents: