Agenda item

Area Board Funding

The Board members will consider applications for funding as detailed in the grants report attached to the agenda pack, and listed below:




Amount requested

Applicant: Music for Wellbeing CIC
Project Title: Moving Music Southern and South West Wiltshire

Health & Wellbeing Grant

View full application


Applicant: Tisbury Bowling Club
Project Title: Maintenance of green and equipment.
Health & Wellbeing Grant

View full application


Applicant: Wilton Help Community Interest Company
Project Title: Wilton HELP

Health & Wellbeing Grant

View full application


Applicant: Area Board Initiative

Project Title: Mere Electric Car Club

Community Area Grant

View full application


Applicant: Kilmington Parish Council
Project Title: Kilmington Laptop for Clerk

Community Area Grant

View full application


Applicant: Quidhampton Parish Council
Project Title: Recreation Ground Perimeter Fence Replacement
Community Area Grant

View full application


Applicant: Fovant Village Hall Management Committee
Project Title: Fovant Village Hall Energy Saving Project

Community Area Grant

View full application


Applicant: Bowerchalke Parish Council
Project Title: Bowerchalke replacement finger post sign

Finger Post Fund

View full application


Applicant: Mere Town Council
Project Title: Replacement finger post sign

Finger Post Fund





Youth Funding


The Board will consider the funding request attached to the agenda and listed below:



Grant Amount

Project Title: Seeds4Success - Open Access Youth Work and Positive Activities




The Board noted the remaining funding available in each budget, this was:


  • Capital = £39,900
  • Youth = £19,800
  • Health & Wellbeing = £2,470


The Board then considered the funding bids which had been submitted and detailed in full in the report attached to the agenda.


Applicants present were invited to speak in support of their projects and answer any questions. Following debate Members voted on each application in turn.


Health & Wellbeing Funding


Music for Wellbeing CIC (music project) requested £1050

Applicant Liv McLennan spoke in support of the project.


Cllr Wayman moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Jeans.



Music for Wellbeing CIC was awarded £1050 towards the music project.


The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.



Tisbury Bowling Club (maintenance of green) requested £910

Applicant Joe Selbyspoke in support of the project.


Cllr Jeans moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Wayman.



Tisbury Bowling Club was awarded £910 towards the maintenance of the Green.


The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.


Wilton Help CIC (community project) requested £1500

Applicant Steve Milton spoke in support of the project.



·       The amount remaining in the Health & Wellbeing budget was £510.

·       In Mere we had 90 volunteers on a similar scheme, we did allocate a bit of money for PPE but not much. Not against the remainder of our HW budget being awarded, but this seems a lot of money for volunteers and the local councils should be paying for this, Otherwise we should look at giving £1500 to all 3 community areas.


Answer: SM - I would strongly support an award to all of the covid – 19 groups as they have been doing an amazing job. We branch out in to surrounding villages and there were a high level of older people in Wilton town.


·       I don’t see that Wilton had done anything more than the other areas. Happy to award the remaining £510 but no more. The business case mentions funds for a part time administrator for the group

Answer: SM – We were looking to try and build a sustainable model. Not many charitable organisations operated without paid employees. We would need someone to run the accounts.



Cllr Deane moved the motion to award the remaining £510 to the project. This was seconded by Cllr Green.



Wilton Help CIC was awarded £510, towards the project to support older vulnerable and isolated people in Wilton and the surrounding villages during the COVID-19 Pandemic and beyond.


The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.





Community Area Grant Scheme


Mere Electric Car Club (AB initiative) requested £11,000

Cllr Jeans spoke in support of the project, noting that the name of the scheme would be re-named following further planning.


The number of households in Wiltshire with no cars was quite high, and many households were based in rural areas, therefore reliant on public transport.


The proposal was to pilot a scheme in Mere and see if it that could then be spread further across our area.


Cllr Jeans moved the motion to award the full amount to the Initiative. This was seconded by Cllr Wayman.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board allocated £11,000 to the Area Board Initiative – Electric Car Club Pilot.


The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.



Kilmington PC (clerk laptop) requested £368

Applicant Ruth Burrows spoke in support of the project

Cllr Deane moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Green.


Kilmington PC was awarded £368 towards the purchase of a new clerk laptop.


The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.


Quidhampton PC (replacement fence) requested £3781

Applicant, Fiona West spoke in support of the project.



I would expect the PC to have a fund put by to take care of this type of thing.

Answer: Cllr Wayman – This was a large area which needed to be made safe for the children.


Cllr Wayman moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Jeans.



Quidhampton PC was awarded £3781 towards a replacement fence.


The application met the grant criteria for 2020/21.


Fovant Village Hall Management cmmtt (energy saving project) requested £5600

Applicant, Michael Careyspoke in support of the project.



·       One of the things that should be installed is decent wifi for meetings and use by local children to use for homework etc.

·       They could come back as a separate bid for wifi if they want to.

Answer: MC - I don’t know what the cost for brining wifi would be as we don’t have a telephone line at the moment.


Cllr Green moved the motion to award £5000 and noted that it would be nice to see Wifi added to the facility in the future. This was seconded by Cllr Jeans.



Fovant Village Hall Management Cmmtt was awarded £5,000 towards the energy saving project.


The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.


Cllr Jeans noted that Broadband was now considered the fourth utility and that the board would welcome a future bid in the new financial year, if they needed help


AB Fingerpost scheme


Bowerchalke PC requested £400

Applicant, Alice Rawdon-Mogg

Cllr Green moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Jeans.



Bowerchalke PC was awarded £400 towards the replacement/repair of one fingerpost in 2020/21.


Mere TC requested £400

John Jordan of Mere TC spoke on the application.



Mere TC was awarded £400 towards the replacement/repair of one fingerpost in 2020/21.



Youth Funding


Seeds4Success requested £10,000

Applicant, Jaki Farrell spoke in support of the project.


Lucy spoke on her involvement as a young person in S4S over the years.


Cllr Wayman moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Jeans.



Seeds4Success was awarded £10,000 of youth funding towards the Open Access provision.




Supporting documents: