Agenda item

Organisational Recovery Programme

Overview and then focused presentations on:


Career step roles (agile workstream) - Paula Marsh


Evolve programme update (high performance workstream) - Stuart Honeyball


Inclusion strategy and action plan (inclusion workstream) - Tamsin Kielb



Paula Marsh – wriiten report, see paula’s power point


Highlights the road map of staff returning to work

360 degree feedback looks useful


Piloting career step roles – power point Paula Marsh



Evolve programme update (high performance workstream) - Stuart Honeyball – power point



Inclusion strategy and action plan (inclusion workstream) - Tamsin Kielb – power point


The Chairman thanked everybody for their presentations




Paula Marsh – HR & OD Strategic Delivery Manager presented an update on work undertaken through each of the Organisational Recovery Programme workstreams, and the priority actions for the next period. 


Points made included:


High performance culture


·         Extension of 360 appraisal roll out into next pilot area – likely to be Families and Children’s services


·         Evolve (SAP replacement) ITT evaluation training, data cleansing and business readiness planning


·         Development and implementation of new staff recognition scheme – EPIC stars


·         Performance task group set up with focus on performance dashboard development, appraisal review and governance


Workplaces and Workspaces


Focus on preparations for the return to workplaces when it is safe to do so including:


·         Communication of internal roadmap up to 21 June focused on staff who require access to workplaces to deliver services or for wellbeing reasons


·         Development of detailed plans for a return to workplaces for all staff in a phased way between 21 June and September


·         Member survey launched to capture views about virtual ways of working


·         Proposals to be taken to OR board outlining potential changes to meeting spaces, layouts within hubs, options to enable staff to trial new ways of working and investment in new technology, equipment and furniture


·         Digital workers – phase 3 telephony roll out, bring you own device policy, continued sharepoint migration




·         Development and piloting of commercial awareness course


·         Trial of commercial innovation interventions around key contracts



·         Completion of process mapping work and identification of areas for review


Wellbeing and Engagement


·         Staff Wellbeing Q&A session arranged for 12 March with a focus on vaccinations


·         Recruitment of mental health advocates and launch of scheme


·         Development and roll out of third staff wellbeing survey




·         Workforce Inclusion Strategy and priority action plan finalised and communicated


·         Launch of refreshed EDI steering group meetings chaired by ELT sponsor


·         Development and roll out of reverse mentoring scheme pilot




·         Review of unsocial hours, call out and standby payments to support with future service design


·         Specific work with services to support review of service delivery and embed new ways of working developed during pandemic


·         Review of council policies to align with “Our Identity” – development of early resolution process for grievances


·         Development of supporting guidance and processes around staff return to workplaces


Customer experience


·         Development and agreement of Customer Experience vision & strategy


·         Online payments – finalise agreement to Civica upgrade and confirm scope for compliance audit


·         Process automation tender documentation development



The following focussed presentations were given:


Career step roles (agile workstream) - Paula Marsh - HR & OD Strategic Delivery Manager


Points made included:


·         A tool to support more agile development and deployment of staff


·         Designed to support services with vacancies that were hard to recruit but where no apprenticeship standards existed to enable a “grow your own” approach


·         Enabled internal staff, who did not fully meet the person specification, to be considered for roles


·         The recruiting manager created a “portfolio” of knowledge, skills and experience that needed to be gained before moving fully into the role, this may include a formal qualification where required for the role


·         Normally the career step post would be one grade lower than the target post or two grades lower if a formal qualification was required


·         Staff move into the role as a secondment and, once the portfolio had been successfully completed could then be confirmed into post permanently


·         Two pilots were currently in progress for a network coordinator role in highways and plumber roles in the housing repairs service – feedback would be used to review and confirm guidance and policy changes which would be brought to SPC for review in the Summer and then rolled out more widely across the council



Evolve programme update (high performance workstream) - Stuart Honeyball - ERP Programme Lead, HR & OD


Points made included:


·         That Evolve was a corporate programme of work through which the council would design, specify and procure a new solution and associated business processes for HR, Payroll, Finance and Procurement to replace its existing Enterprise Resource Planning system, SAP, which had been in place since 2009


·         This would enable organisational insight to support evidence-based decision making and policy development


·         This would be achieved by transforming our business processes, systems, and the use of digital technology


·         It would support the organisation to develop a flexible, high performance culture, enabling the workforce to deliver the best outcomes for our residents



Inclusion strategy and action plan (inclusion workstream) - Tamsin Kielb Head of Service Org Development ? Change, OD & Change


Points made included:


·         The Vision – That Wiltshire Council was an inclusive organisation that reflected the diverse backgrounds of the communities it served, where everyone was valued as an individual and where fairness and respect run through everything that it does


·         The Aims – To ensure that the workforce was representative of the community and that everyone in the organisation felt a sense of inclusion and belonging


Develop new initiatives and processes as part of organisational recovery, to educate, promote and embed Inclusion and Diversity practices and ways of working into all areas of the organisation


Ensure that we build skills, awareness, capability and knowledge through sponsorship, training and communications campaigns to deliver this vision


The Chairman thanked everybody for their presentations