Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any updates from partners:


Ø  Wiltshire Police

Ø  Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Ø  BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Ø  Healthwatch

Ø  Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives


Some written updates have been received and are included in this agenda.


Updates were received from the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police

The Area Board received a verbal update from Sergeant Kevin Harmsworth. The update covered the following issues:


·       Sergeant Harmsworth updated that Inspector Al Lumley, a new inspector to the Westbury Area and will be attending the Area Board going forward.

  • A suspected arson took place at Coach Road Farm on 6 May. An investigation has been led by the CID team and a 13-year old male is set to be seen through the youth restorative justice panel to determine whether the matter should be dealt with in court.
  • On 28 and 29 June a spate of tyre slashings took place in the town area. Police are appealing for witnesses, dashcam and doorbell footage.
  • The Police have been aware of community tension regarding the Westbury incinerator protests. Patrols have been taking place as well as working with Hills Waste. The public were encouraged to bring to Police attention if they have any knowledge of protests.
  • Speedwatch has taken place 6 times over the past month and a half. A new online training package has also been made available for those wanting to partake. A 2-week national speed enforcement event will be taking place.
  • There has been a drive on E-scooter education, as there has been an increase in numbers locally. These can be used on private land but are illegal to be used on the road unless part of a rental scheme.


Following the verbal update there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:


  • It was clarified that there was a small rally relating to the Westbury incinerator in the Market Square at 9:30am. This was peacefully attended with social distancing.
  • It was queried whether the police would be supporting or endorsing the use of Auto Speedwatch. Sergeant Harmsworth stated that the Police aren’t currently supporting it due to a lack of clarity with data protection and how data is shared.
  • It was questioned what happens when the Police see an E-scooter on the road. Sergeant Harmsworth clarified that the pursuit policy doesn’t contain information on how to deal with E-scooters if they don’t stop. In the majority of cases users have stopped. To note there has been an incident where an E-scooter took off, however this was caught and taken.
  • It was brought to Sergeant Harmsworth’s attention that a number of people in Oldfield park have experienced car tyres slashed and catapults used, as well as wildlife reported to have been injured. Sergeant Harmsworth stressed that such issues should be reported as the Police can then work from the collected data.


·       Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The Area Board received a verbal update from Ray Bridgman, Station Manager.  The update covered the following issues:


  • Regarding fire prevention, Safe and Well visits have taken place recently and can be requested through the Fire Service website.
  • Westbury Station has been three members short of a full workforce, however proactive recruitment has been taking place to fill these spaces.
  • Between May and June, there have been 39 incidents in Westbury. Including 9 fires, 8 alarms and the remainder for gaining entry.

·– Mr Bridgman referred to the linked video, which referenced working with partners, firefighters working at vaccination clinics and driving ambulances.

·– Reference was drawn to the linked Wareham fire video, which highlighted the importance of taking picnics to forests rather than a BBQ.



·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.


·       BaNES, Swindon & Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BSW CCG)

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda. It was also noted that as the information related to 16 June 2021, these figures would have since substantially improved.


·       Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives

The Area Board received a verbal update from Westbury Town Councillor, Jane Russ. The update covered the following issues:


·       Westbury now has a new Council, with Sheila Kimmins as Mayor and Ward Jones as Deputy Mayor. There have been three councillor vacancies as well as space for a further three councillors to be co-opted.

·       The Westbury Town Council Mid-Term Strategy has now been approved and has been displayed on the Council Website.

·       Westbury Town Council have been approached by David Wilson Homes in relation to potentially taking over the Vivash Park green space, north of The Ham. A feasibility study was initiated to assess this.

·       The Town Council now has 12 elected members and a clerk, which will now allow for greater flexibility.

·       Two new committees have been set up, Climate Emergency and Vision for Westbury. Both have been set up to drive projects forward and the Town Council would welcome public involvement.


Following the verbal update there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:


·       It was queried what would happen if the Town Council were to decide not to adopt the Vivash Park green space. It was clarified that there is no obligation to adopt the land, however the developer could form a development company or charity for the space to be looked after.


·       POPCAN (Penleigh Park Group)

The Area Board received an update from Sheila Kimmins on behalf of POPCAN. The update covered the following matters:


·       A uniform exchange recently took place and was very well attended. There are plans for another to take place in August before schools return.

·       Dodgeball sessions have been organised in Penleigh Park during the school holidays and will take place twice a week for five weeks. It is hoped that this will carry on during winter at the Westbury Community Project.

·       Two events at the skate park have been planned to take place in the school holidays, with a company from Swindon set to attend for an exhibition and training.

·       In the longer term, POPCAN has considered looking at having another container placed on Penleigh park.

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