Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any verbal updates from the following:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

  1. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
  2. NHS Wiltshire
  3. Parish and Town Councils
  4. Community Area Young Peoples’ Issues Group (CAYPIG)
  5. Chambers of Commerce
  6. Westlea Housing Association
  7. Community Groups
  8. Outside Bodies.


Updates from partners were received as follows:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

Inspector Chris Martin introduced himself as the new replacement for the previous area Inspector, Steve Cox. Sergeant Martin Alvis reported that metal theft crime remained a top priority in the community area at present; however progress was being made on this. A full written update was included in the agenda at pages 15 to 16.


A question had been received regarding the way that road traffic collisions were recorded by the police. Concern was expressed that, when considering speeding matters, the local authority only took note of police records, which did not provide an accurate picture as police records did not account for ‘minor’ incidents.


Sergeant Alvis reported that road traffic collisions were only recorded when injury or damage to property was caused, or when an offence was committed. There was no legal requirement for the police to record ‘minor’ incidents, and to do so would result in a large increase in form-filling for the officers, and so the situation was unlikely to change. Sergeant Alvis recommended that the issue be discussed at the next Local Traffic and Highways Working Group meeting on 5 May 2011.


    ii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

A written update was included in the agenda at pages 17 to 19. A question arose regarding the date that it was expected that the fire cadets would start-up again. Councillor Peter Colmer undertook to investigate the matter.


   iii.        NHS Wiltshire

Written updates for December 2010 and January 2011 were included in the agenda at pages 21 to 26.


   iv.        Parish and Town Councils

Written updates had been received from Cricklade Town Council, Wootton Bassett Town Council and Purton Parish Council, and were included in the agenda at pages 27 to 31. Further verbal updates were received as follows:


Wootton Bassett Town Council

The Mayor’s Charity Fundraiser event at the Oriental Aroma would take place on Monday 7March 2011; not 7 May 2011 as previously notified.


Purton Parish Council

The Parish Council wished to thank the Area Board for allocating funding for junction improvements at Crosslanes. The Parish Council was concerned about proposals for 800 houses at Ridgeway Farm, the possible changes to library services and the potential for parish councils to assume responsibility for street naming.


    v.        Community Area Young Peoples’ Issues Group (CAYPIG)

Sarah Howes would shortly be returning to her role as Youth Development Officer for Purton and Cricklade, following a period of secondment. The last meeting of the CAYPIG had been a locality meeting, joint with the Malmesbury CAYPIG, when the programme for the next six months had been set.


   vi.        Chambers of Commerce

The Cricklade Business Association was displeased at Wiltshire Council’s plans to increase car parking charges in the area. Thanks were paid to Cricklade Town Council for its efforts to retain free car parking spaces and to increase parking provision within the town.


A recent appeal had successfully raised the sum of £7,000 to provide new low-carbon Christmas lights in the town. Other focuses at present included the new partnership for the redevelopment of the Heritage Trail, Cricklade Festival which would take place on 19 June 2011 and the Champion of Champions Britain in Bloom competition, which Cricklade had been invited to enter.

Supporting documents: