Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


·       Wiltshire Police

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

·       Older People’s Champion and Partnership for Older People (POPP)

·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership

·       Town & Parish Councils



a)    Wiltshire Police


Insp Al Lumley provided a verbal update from Wiltshire Police, which included detail about a slight increase in assaults in the last quarter, but mainly categorised as assaults within the family. There had been an increase in the number of calls received about missing persons, generally these were young people playing truant or elderly people wandering off.  They were all found and returned to their homes. Insp Lumley referred to Operation Ardent, which was a national objective in relation to abductions, child exploitation, county lines and human trafficking. The Area Board congratulated Paul Whiteside who had recently been appointed as a regular police officer in Pewsey from a PCSO.


Insp Lumley responded to questions about the police organisational structure chart for the Pewsey Area, he indicated that work on the chart was available on the Police website and would be available for Parish Council’s. Insp Lumley also commented on the frequency of Police reports for Parish Council’s and indicated that he would take this forward. 


b)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Dave Adamson, Station Manager provided an update from Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, which included detail about reducing the level of risk and harm from fire, interaction between the Protection Team and Local authorities, private landlords and tenants, on call recruitment, inspirational safety education, advice for people living with dementia, road safety, winter safety and the total number of calls for Pewsey Fire station.


c)    NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group


There was no written report.


d)    Healthwatch Wiltshire


The written report was noted.  


e)    Older People’s Champion and Partnership for Older People (POPP)


Cllr Wheeler reported that there had not been a meeting of the Group since the local elections in May 2021.


f)      Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)


Dawn Wilson explained that a Health and Wellbeing meeting had not taken place, although the membership had been combined with the covid response group as the same people were on both groups. Work was ongoing with Shalbourne Connect and walking groups.


Susie Brew commented on Pewsey Vale Tourism and in particular provided an update on the ‘Walkers Are Welcome’ project and the ‘Itineries’ Project


Colin Gale commented on the bus proposal and had received an acknowledgement from Bill Grewcock from Wiltshire Council and understood that the proposal was being considered as a grant application. Both Pewsey and Bedwyn Rail User Groups were keeping in contact with Devizes Gateway Team about proposals for the new station.  Discussions were also taking place with Transwilts about a community rail partnership. Colin made it clear to Transwilts that the proposals  must not have a negative impact on current services but only improve them.



g)    Town and Parish Councils


·       Rushall Parish Council – Colin Gale raised an issue about the condition of the road through Rushall. He explained that the road had been closed for some time as Highways were about to undertake some repair works. There was a need to make further urgent repairs to the road and Colin asked for Area Board support to action these.  Members confirmed that they supported the actions requested and would contact the Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste, Streetscene and Flooding about the issue.  


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