Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:


·       Police – Neighbourhood Teams

(Inspector Tina Osborn – Wilton area & Sgt Kev Harmsworth – Mere & Tisbury areas)


·       Fire & Rescue

·       Youth


To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Police – Salisbury/Wilton

b)    Healthwatch Wiltshire

c)     Wiltshire Council Items for Information


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


The Board noted the written reports and updates available in the pack and online, which were:


·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Wiltshire Council Updates

·       Police NHT Update

·       Fire & Rescue Service

·       Current consultations:


Partners present then gave verbal updates.



Wilton NHP Team – Inspector Tina Osborn (TO)

The priorities listed in the report related to Wilton as well as the Salisbury area.


·       Speeding remained a problem in some areas. Bishopstone and Broadchalke were in the process of arranging some speed Indicator equipment.




Could we pin officers down so we have an indication on when they may come out?

Answer: (TO) There were issues with speeding across the county, there would also be a potential increase once people came out of lock down. Police worked closely with the CSW teams now that they were back out and about.


Mere had a new PCSO, there had been a few complaints that there was no one in the police station, there used to be a contact number, but it was no longer available. 

Answer: (KH) – email the details to him, so that he could look into this and  feedback.


There was a road closure of the A360 due to commence in September, how engaged were the Police in the 750T weight restrictions and enforcement, as there were local concerns to Wilton of volume of traffic on A360 & A30.

Answer: (TO) email the details to her to look into and she would feedback.


Steve Banas – we also have a speeding issue in Swallowcliffe – we don’t have a CSW so an occasional police visit would make a difference for us.


Warminster NPT (Mere & Tisbury) Sergeant Kevin Harmsworth (KH) & Inspector Al Lumley (AL)

Inspector Lumley introduced himself as was new to the area, he would sit alongside TO in her role and would be in attendance at the AB for future meetings.


·       As Covid restrictions slowly eased, they would continue to monitor activity and any associated disorder.

·       CSW – was supported by the team, there was a 2 week Speed Enforcement fortnight from 28 July – 8 Aug.

·       There had been an uplift of catalytic converter thefts in the area.

·       Cross border crime remained an area of focus, with swift direct intervention, offences had tailed off.

·       Modern slavery and human trafficking were also an area of focus.

·       A visit to Seeds4success was planned in an advisory capacity.


The Chairman noted that it would be useful to see a list of when the had been out to assist with CSW and to monitor speeding issues, to get an overall picture of where they were attending.


Action: TO & KH to produce the information and circulate to Members.


Youth  - Jakki Farrell Seeds4Success


The service was now back up and running to the level it was prior to lockdown, facemasks would be worn for inside youth sessions.  


There were two new areas of work:

·       LGBT – A group session was hoped to be held in the Nadder Centre when possible.

·       Social Action Project – young people decided that they wanted to work with local landowners with felled trees. They will go an cut them into fuel sized bundles to be offered to people in fuel poverty.

·       Running in partnership with WC Fuel programme, holiday sessions will be offered out of Mere School for 4 weeks, for 4 days each week.  This would be available to 8 – 13year olds on free school meals. Any spare spaces would be offered out after those identified had been contacted.


Supporting documents: