Agenda item

Parish of Melksham Path No.107

To consider the two objections and thirty representations received relating to the above Order to add footpaths over land near to the River Avon, Melksham Forest, Melksham.


Public Participation

Katherine Evans, Solicitor representing Cooper Tyres, spoke in objection to the application.

Francis Morland, spoke in support of the application but questioned the procedures in place.

Dr Phil Wadey, spoke in support of the application.


Definitive Map and Highway Records Manager, Sally Madgwick presented a report which had the purpose to consider the two objections and thirty representations relating to the above Order to add footpaths over land near to the River Avon, Melksham Forest, Melksham. The report recommended that Wiltshire Council support the confirmation of the Order when the matter is referred to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (SoSEFRA).


Members of the Committee had the opportunity to ask technical questions regarding the application. Details were sought on the claimed route, specifically points C and D within the report and presentation which make up an on-going right of way. Additionally, whether the Council could take a neutral stance regarding the proposal, which was not recommended for this application as the Councillors had sufficient information within the report to decide on the matter.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee as detailed above.


The local Unitary Member, Councillor Jack Oatley, was unable to attend the meeting, therefore Democratic Services Officer, Ben Fielding read out a statement in support of the application on his behalf.


A motion to move and accept the proposal was moved by Councillor Trevor Carbin and seconded by Councillor Andrew Davis.


At the conclusion, it was,




That the Wiltshire Council Parish of Melksham Path No. 107 and Melksham Without Path No. 151 Rights of Way Modification Order 2020 is forwarded to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs with the recommendation that it be confirmed with a modification to the Order plan correcting the symbol used in the key for points C to D.

Supporting documents: