Agenda item

Melksham Community Area Transport Group (CATG)


Cllr Jon Hubbard outlined recommendations from the CATG meeting held on Thursday 10 June 2021:


Melksham Lowbourne Rd and Church Lane – request for bus shelters and benches - Highways to chase up provision of benches     


Issue 9-19-13 – Melksham Old Broughton Road – request for drop kerbs at junction with The City - Final cost to be split 50/50 between CATG and Town Council and to recommend to the Area Board that this issue be closed



6055 – Broughton Gifford - Gateways and Traffic Management measures - A road closure will be required during construction. Highways will commence with programming the work. To recommend to the Area Board the allocation of a further £2,000 to complete this project           


A365 Shaw Bath Road Footway improvements – funded by Section 106 monies from George Ward Gardens development - Highways to arrange construction



Issue 9-19-9 – Bowerhill Falcon Way – Request for Bus Shelter near Kingfisher Drive for southbound travel - Parish Council to seek clearance from Land Owner



Melksham Dunch Lane – funded by Section 106 monies from George Ward Gardens development - Town Council to undertake consultation


Issue 9-21-4 – Steeple Ashton - Request for 2 x ground sockets and support post to enable SID deployment - To recommend to the Area Board that this issue is added to the Priority List and to allocate £500           


Issue 9-21-5 – Littlemarsh old section of A350 – Speeding, littering and anti-social behaviour - Highways to arrange site meeting




·         That the Melksham Area Board agrees the CATG meeting notes dated 10 June 2021 and the agrees all recommendations


The Chairman thanked Cllr Hubbard for his update.

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