Agenda item

Matters of Community Wide Interest

a) Announcements from Parish Councils and Community groups eg. upcoming village events


Thanks to a smart piece of Parish Council collaboration between Downton, Redlynch, Alderbury, Idmiston (and potentially 2 other) councils, training by the Play Inspection Company (recommended by ID Verde) will be delivered to officers and councillors at a considerably reduced price than would otherwise be charged if ordered per council.  And an added bonus… the training will happen in each local play area, rather than at a remote venue.  Impressive work.


b) Community Policing local issues and priorities


In attendance: Inspector Tina Osborn


Announcements from Parish Councils and Community groups eg.
upcoming village events:


Karen Linaker noted that thanks to a smart piece of Parish Council collaboration between Downton, Redlynch, Alderbury, Idmiston (and potentially 2 other) councils, training by the Play Inspection Company (recommended by ID Verde) will be delivered to officers and councillors at a considerably reduced price than would otherwise be charged if
ordered per council. An added bonus was that the training would take place in each local play area, rather than at a remote venue. Impressive


Other PCs were able to contact Karen or Downton PC for further information.


Community Policing – local issues and priorities


Inspector Tina Osborn explained that the data within the written report now covered a month period. For further data, make contact with Tina.


·       There had been a spike in criminal damage offences in June, and then a reduction in July & Aug.

·       Following a series of burglaries in Whiteparish, one man had been arrested and an investigation was ongoing.

·       Catapult offences increased in July with incidents reducing in August.

·       Vehicles had recently been stopped and ceased after being found to have no insurance.

·       In Redlynch there had been some ASB reported around the War Memorial. The removal of a bench, had resulted in no further reports of to date – thanks to PC for their help.

·       Community Speedwatch would continue.

·       There had been increased fly tipping in the Coombe Bissett area, Officers were targeting repeat offenders with rural patrols.

·       There had been a focus over the summer on the use of E scooters with education and advisory letters being distributed. Some E scooters had been ceased along with off road motorbikes.

·       The area was generally in a good place. 


The Chairman thanked Tina for her comprehensive report and the good work her and her team did.




Was rural farm machinery theft opportunist or more planned?

Answer: It was sporadic, and at this time of year farmers were out farming with machinery at all hours.


The new PCC made a statement regarding a police station and custody suite locally, had there been any start up plans?

Answer: Not for me to answer at this stage.

The visible support of the CSW groups by an Officer was really important, the more visits the better.

Answer: There were a number of CSW groups across the wider area, it was not always possible to get round to all but we would continue to push it through our teams.


Fire & Rescue


Matty Maggs, Station Manager noted the recently published Community Safety Plan for 2021-24, which could be viewed online.


Fire services had been busy across the South Wilts area as a whole due to the global temperatures, which had seen an increase in field fires, often caused by equipment and hot exhausts from farm machinery.



Did the annual report include statistics of causes of fire and was there a breakdown?

Answer: Yearly we publish a breakdown of the top 10 types of incidents, attributes and causes.



Supporting documents: