The Board will consider applications for funding received by the deadline and detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager
Application Ref |
Applicant & Project |
Requested |
ABG201 |
AB Initiative - Health and Wellbeing Events involving interactive wellbeing activities and Silent Discos |
£540 |
ABG200 |
AB Initiative - Funding assistance to support multi agency interventions into local ASB issues |
£1,000 |
ABG163 |
Winterslow Scout Group - Grass sledges for Winterslow Scout Group and other youth organisations |
£387.80 (CAG) |
ABG169 |
Celebrating Voice CIC - Celebrate Voice Celebrating Age Gala |
£500 (CAG) |
ABG125 |
Redlynch PC - Community Defibrillators |
£2195 (CAG) |
ABG157 |
Alzheimer’s Support - Salisbury Dementia Centre Outreach Office Development |
£2,500 (CAG) |
ABG162 |
Coombe Bissett PC - Leg Press for Coombe Bissett Recreation Ground |
£1242 (CAG) |
The Board considered the applications for funding as set out in the funding report attached to the agenda.
Applicant’s present were invited to speak in support of their projects, followed by questions and debate.
Area Board Initiatives:
Health and Wellbeing Events involving interactive wellbeing activities and Silent Discos - £540
Karen Linaker outlined the project which aimed to put on two 2 hour events in October and January.
The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £540 towards the Health & Wellbeing Initiative.
The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22.
Funding assistance to support multi agency interventions into local ASB issues - £1000
Karen Linaker outlined the Multi-agency project to tackle ASB in the Downton Area.
Members were in support the project which would focus on intervention work to tackle ASB in a specific area. It was noted that the PCC had been asked to contribute to the project.
The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £1000 towards the ASB multi-agency Initiative for the Downton area.
The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22.
Community Area Grants:
Winterslow Scout Group - Grass sledges for Winterslow Scout Group and
other youth organisations - £387.80
The applicant, Paul Hardiman presented the application.
The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £387.80 to the Winterslow Scout Groups project for Grass Sledges.
The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22.
Celebrating Voice CIC - Celebrate Voice Celebrating Age Gala - £500
The applicant, Lynsey Docherty presented the application.
The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £500 to Celebrating Voice CIC, for the Celebrate Voice Celebrating Age Gala.
The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22.
Redlynch PC - Community Defibrillators – Application Withdrawn
Alzheimer’s Support - Salisbury Dementia Centre Outreach Office Development - £2,500
The applicant, Steph Bardzil presented the application, who noted that the Centre was based in Salisbury, however the catchment would cover south Wiltshire, people living in the city and southern Wiltshire. There had been 54 referrals from the Southern Wiltshire area.
Questions and comments included:
· Members asked for clarity on whether all three of the Area Boards covered by the remit of the project would be approached for funding.
· The total project cost was £20k, however the applicant held £145k of reserves.
Answer: As a charity we are supposed to have £3m for running costs, we are slightly under that.
· Was the Scotts Lane site rented?
Answer: Yes
· How many places would you be offering at the centre during the day time for clients?
Answer: 40 a week (10 spaces a day for 4 days a week) with the option to increase if high demand.
· What would a session cost?
Answer: £45 a day to attend a full day of care.
· Is there a facility for anyone that cannot afford the £45/day?
There would be support available through means testing and WC.
· Cllr McLennan noted that he understood the concerns, however until this year the Board had supported the Laverstock Memory group, which had since handed over its clients to Alzheimer’s, and questioned whether this was now the way forward to support outreach.
The Board voted on the proposal to award funding, this was not carried and the application was therefore refused.
The Southern Wiltshire Area Board refused the application from Alzheimer’s Support.
The Board felt that the provision would not be proportionate across the 3 community areas and that Salisbury area residents would be more dominantly provided for.
Coombe Bissett PC - Leg Press for Coombe Bissett Recreation Ground - £1242
The applicant Chris Chelu presented the application.
Comments and questions:
· Your PC holds £20k in reserve, the guidance is that a PC should hold 6 months, and that £20k is over a years worth.
Answer: That is the figure the clerk has advised.
· What usage was the existing machine getting and how did it get funded?
Answer: It was funded with a Tesco grant, which were no longer available. The other machine had not been used as much during lockdown but the wear on the grass is evidence it was used. Residents when surveyed approved of the additional machine.
· Need to be careful when considering the reserves of small PCs with low precepts, it was not easy for them to address issues that come along and were supported in saving up larger reserves.
The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £1242 to Coombe Bissett PC for the Leg Press for Coombe Bissett Recreation Ground.
The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22.
Supporting documents: