Issue - decisions

Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

28/03/2023 - Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

The Head of School Effectiveness introduced the Standing Advisory Council on Religious education (SACRE) Annual Report 2021/22 and provided some background information of the work of SACRE.


The Committee noted the following background information about SACRE: 


  1. SACREs have responsibility for advising a Local Authority (LA) on its schools.  In the 1944 Education Act, each local education authority was empowered to set up a SACRE but not compelled to do so.  However, in the 1988 Education Act the setting up of a SACRE was made compulsory.


  1. A SACRE is a part of local government, and its principal function is to advise the local authority on matters related to Religious Education and Collective Worship in schools.


  1. The Wiltshire SACRE is represented by members who are interested in education in general and religious education in particular. The membership is allocated to four groups as follows:

·       Group A: Christian denominations, other religions, religious denominations and non-religious world view

·       Group B: Church of England

·       Group C: Teacher and school representatives

·       Group D: The Local Authority

·       SACRE officers

·       Co-opted members


The Committee noted that the Annual report is shared with key partners and the Secretary of State, and their annual conference is held on 3 February 2023. Details of attendee numbers would be circulated to the Committee after the meeting.


The report indicated that Bristol Diocese charged £10,300 for the role of the SACRE Advisory to help deliver the SACRE curriculum for Wiltshire Schools, and this is considered to be good value for money when compared to other local authorities. The Committee noted that the Wire Award, which recognises excellence in Religious Education, is being encouraged through regular headteachers meetings.


The Chairman thanked officers for their report.



That the next annual report from SACRE be presented to the Standing Task Group to enable development of the cover report to ensure a “standalone” report.