That Cabinet:
In relation to the One Plan, and subject to any other minor alterations to improve its clarity:
1. Note the contents and recommendations of the One Plan (Appendix 1);
2. Recognise the One Plan as an evidence-based document to inform the Local Plan Review and future planning guidance; and
3. Endorse the One Plan as a material consideration in the making of planning decisions.
In relation to the Chippenham Avon Project Master Plan, and subject to other minor alterations to improve its clarity:
4. Note the contents and recommendations of the Master Plan (Appendix 3);
5. Recognise the Master Plan as an evidence-based document to inform the Local Plan Review and future planning guidance; and
6. Endorse the Master Plan as a material consideration in the making of planning decisions.
7. Note the council’s intent to contribute funding of up to £1 million via Community Infrastructure Levy to the project, subject to match funding and contractual arrangements being in place which will be confirmed in a further report to cabinet.
Reason for Decision:
To ensure the regeneration of Chippenham town centre with the aim of boosting Chippenham’s economy, enhancing the environment and celebrating the town’s heritage.