Issue - decisions

Wiltshire Council's Financial Plan Update 2019/20

01/03/2019 - Wiltshire Council's Financial Plan Update 2019/20

Vote 1

That Council:


A. Endorses the update of the Financial Plan for 2019/20;

B. Approve the growth and savings proposals summarised in the report to provide a net revenue budget for 2019/20 of £332.378 million

To vote separately:

C(i). Set the Council’s total net expenditure budget for 2019/20 at £332.378 million;

C(ii). Set a Council Tax increase of 2.99%;

C(iii). Agree delegated changes in fees and charges as set out in Section 41;

D. Endorse the Medium Term Financial Strategy and receive regular updates on delivery against strategy to Cabinet.


And notes the Section 25 report and consider this as part of the budget setting process.


Vote 2

That Council


C(iv). Set a 1% reduction for social dwelling rents;

C(v). Set the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget for 2019/20 as set out at Appendix D of this report; and

C(vi). That all service charges related to the HRA be increased to recover costs, capped at increase of £5 for those not on housing benefits and garage rents increased by 3%.