Members' Allowances

Allowance Scheme

Full details of the Members’ Allowance Scheme, including the current levels of allowances are available in Part 13 of the Wiltshire Council Constitution. If you have any questions please email

The Basic Allowance

The basic allowance is intended to recognise the time commitment of all councillors, including such inevitable calls on their time as meeting with officers and constituents and attendance at political group meetings. It is also intended to cover incidental costs such as the use of their homes. Allowances are set following recommendations by an Independent Remuneration Panel.

The basic allowance for 2023/24 is set at £15,869 per annum. Up to the end of the period 2024/25 the Council has adopted the annual pay award to council staff as the index by which annual adjustments will be made to the basic allowance.

Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs)

As specified in Appendix 1 of the Allowances Scheme Councillors holding specific roles will receive an additional allowance to recognise the significant additional time commitment and responsibility required in undertaking those roles. With the exception of the Group Leader Allowance, no councillor may receive more than two SRAs.

Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA)

2023/24 % of Leader SRA
Leader of the Council £39,671 (Band 1) 100%
Deputy Leader of the Council £31,736 (Band 2) 80%
Cabinet Member £23,802 (Band 3) 60%
Chairman of the Council £15,869 (Band 4) 40%
Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee £15,869 (Band 4) 40%
Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board £11,901 (Band 5) 30%
Portfolio Holder £8,927 (Band 6) 22.5%
Chairman of Police and Crime Panel £8,927 (Band 6) 22.5%
Chairman of Scrutiny Select Committee £8,927 (Band 6) 22.5%
Chairman of Area Board £8,927 (Band 6) 22.5%
Vice-Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee £8,927 (Band 6) 22.5%
Vice-Chairman of the Council £7,934 (Band 7) 20%
Chairman of Strategic Planning Committee £7,934 (Band 7) 20%
Chairman of Area Planning Committee £7,934 (Band 7) 20%
Chairman of Audit Committee £3,967 (Band 8) 10%
Chairman of Licensing Committee £3,967 (Band 8) 10%
Chairman of Staffing Policy Committee £3,967 (Band 8) 10%
Chairman of Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee £3,967 (Band 8) 10%
Chairman of Standards Committee £3,967 (Band 8) 10%
Chairman, Operational Flood Working Group £3,967 (Band 8) 10%

Group Leaders' Allowances

Number of Seats Held by Political Group as % of Council

30+% (Conservative) £9,810
20+% (Liberal Democrat) £7,358
Under 10% (Independent) £1,472 for Ind at 6%
Under 10% (Labour) £736 for Lab at 3%


Other Allowances

Other allowances include travel and subsistence allowances as detailed in Part 13 of the Constitution.

Annual Totals

2009/10 - £1.359million

2010/11 - £1.566million

2011/12 - £1.639million

2012/13 - £1.717million

2013/14 - £1.825million

2014/15 - £1.852million

2015/16 - £1.934million

2016/17 - £1.869million

2017/18 - £1.936million

2018/19 - £1.982million

2019/20 - £1.984million

2020/21 - £1.955million

2021/22 - £2.011million

2022/23 - £2.162million

2023/24 - £2.287million