Public Participation
Wiltshire Council welcomes public attendance and involvement in
all its public committee meetings. Public participation can take
the form of presenting petitions, making statements or asking
Should you wish to submit a Petition or use the council’s
ePetition facility, further information is available at the
Petitions Homepage (link). Full details of all the public
participation rules and procedures are available as part of Part 4
of the Council’s constitution:
Part 4 – Council Rules of Procedure
For Council and most other committees of the council the
procedure is as listed below
- Up to three speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes
each on any agenda item although this may be extended at the
Chairman’s discretion.
- Those wishing to make a statement must register to do so at
least 10 minutes prior to the meeting by contacting Democratic
Services via the officer listed on the agenda.
- Statements must be relevant to the powers and duties of the
Council, be clear and concise. Statements must not be defamatory,
frivolous, offensive, vexatious, unlawful or otherwise improper;
relate to any non-determined planning or licensing application; or
name or identify individual service users, members of staff or
members of staff of partner agencies
- The total time set aside for questions and answers will be
limited to 15 minutes which can be extended at the Chairman’s
- No person or organisation may submit more than two questions at
any one meeting. No question may be sub-divided into more than two
related parts
- In order to be guaranteed of receiving a written response prior
to the meeting questions must be delivered in writing or by
electronic mail to the Proper Officer no later than 5pm four clear
working days before the meeting. The period of notice is to allow
sufficient time for a response to be formulated. Any question
received between that deadline and no later than 5pm two clear
working days before the meeting, may only receive a verbal response
at the meeting. Any questions received after this date will be
received at the next meeting
- In exceptional circumstances and in cases of urgency the
Chairman may allow questions without the full period of notice
having been given where he or she is satisfied there is sufficient
justification. In these circumstances, there is no guarantee that a
full reply will be given at the meeting
- Notice of each question must include the name and address of
the questioner, (in respect of an organisation, the name of the
organisation and the questioner’s position within the
organisation) and to whom the question is to be put
- The question must be relevant to the powers and duties of the
Council and be clear and concise. A question will be rejected where
it does not relate to a matter for which the local authority has a
responsibility or which affects the council’s administrative
area;is defamatory, frivolous, offensive, vexatious, unlawful or
otherwise improper; relates to any non determined planning or
licensing application; requires the disclosure of confidential or
exempt information; names or identifies individual service users,
members of staff or members of staff of partner agencies; is
considered by the Chairman to be inappropriate for the particular
- Where a question is rejected on the above grounds, the
questioner shall be advised of the reasons for rejection. The
Chairman of a committee’s ruling on rejection of a question
will be final following consultation with the Monitoring
- For each question submitted, the questioner will be permitted
to ask one supplementary question without notice which must be
relevant to the original question or arise from the response given.
The Chairman may reject the supplementary question on the grounds
listed above
- For each question submitted, the questioner will be permitted
to ask one supplementary question without notice which must be
relevant to the original question or arise from the response
- Ordinarily, no debate shall be allowed on questions presented
or responses given. In exceptional circumstances only, the Chairman
may allow discussion.
Application at Planning Committees, Cabinet, Licensing and Area
- In respect of public participation at the Strategic Planning
Committee and Area Planning Committees, please refer to information
which will be included on the agendas for each planning
- In respect of public participation at Cabinet meetings, please
refer to
Part7 - Cabinet Procedure Rules (link). Presently, the Leader
welcomes any statements from any number of persons at the meeting.
For detailed responses, questions should be submitted in writing in
advance to the named officer on the agenda.
- Public Participation at area boards is encouraged throughout
the meeting, and is governed by guidance issued from time to time
by the Leader of the Council
- Where a licensing sub-committee has been convened to consider
an application, anyone may attend, but only those who havemade a
written representation in support or objection to the application
may speak. If there are large numbers who have made
representations, it is requested a spokesperson be appointed where
possible so as to avoid repetition of arguments and questioning at
the meeting.