Issue details

Chippenham Station Hub - Approval to vary the existing Chippenham Station Hub funding agreement with SWLEP and replace it in its entirety with the terms of a new Agreement to reflect a revised funding amount

1.     Chippenham Station Hub is a Local Growth Funded project delivered in partnership with the South West Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP), for which Wiltshire Council is acting as Scheme Promotor and Accountable Body.


2.     In October 2016 a grant agreement for £16M was entered into with the SWLEP with WC acting as Accountable Body, i.e. acting as the accountable organisation for SWLEP.


3.     During the feasibility stage, an element of the Chippenham Station Hub work (parking intensification in the northern platform) was deemed unfeasible/poor value for and as such the total funding amount was reduced to £13M.


4.     This change in budget needs to be reflected in a revised funding agreement between the SWLEP and WC.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/02/2021

Decision due: 5 Mar 2021 by Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Military-Civilian Integration, Health and Wellbeing, Economic Development, Arts, Heritage, and Tourism

Lead member: Cllr Philip Whitehead

Contact: Rory Bowen, Economic Development Service Manager Rory Bowen, 07810 753375, Email: Email: Tel: 01225 713433.

Consultation process

1.     The Chippenham Station Hub project has been developed in consultation with the SWLEP who are funding the project, and Wiltshire Council. There has also been consultation with key stakeholders such as Network Rail, GWR, Trans Wilts, Local Councillors and the public.


2.     The legal agreement is being developed in consultation with Wiltshire Council’s legal team with input from GWR and the SWLEP.

