Issue details

R-002-10 - Provision of Temporary Agency Staff

Cabinet approved the adoption of a neutral vendor managed service (NVMS) for the provision of temporary agency staff using the EU ‘Restricted Tender’ route on 23rd February 2010. This was a joint collaborative project with Bath & North East Somerset Council (BANES). This paper set outs the reasons for requesting a change to the approved procurement route.  



A project meeting with BANES in June 2010 identified structural changes to its procurement unit having an immediate impact on knowledge, capacity and the project timescales. As such, BANES have withdrawn from the project and it will not continue any further. This withdrawal removes the Council’s opportunity to gain the benefits expected from a collaborative procurement exercise.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 13 Sep 2010 by Cabinet Member for Hubs, Governance, Support Services, Heritage & Arts and Customer Care

Lead member: Cllr John Noeken

Department: Department of Transformation and Resources

Contact: Cllr Christopher Newbury, Vice-Chairman of the Council 01225 771632 email
