It is a statutory requirement that Wiltshire
Council’s Adoption Service provides a year-end report to the
Council. It describes the management arrangements, outcomes,
priorities, and finances of the Agency for the period 01 April 2019
to 31 March 2021. The main consideration for the Council is to be
assured about statutory compliance and the effectiveness of the
Adoption Service.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/11/2021
Decision due: 14 Dec 2021 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education, and Skills
Lead director: Interim Director - Families & Children
Department: Families and Children
Contact: Jen Salter, Corporate Director - Children and Education (DCS) Email: Tel: 01722 438144.
Consultation process
No consultation required for this