Issue details

Wiltshire Council's Budget 2023/24 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24-2025/26

The proposed budget for the financial year 2023/24 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24-2025/26, including the setting of the Council Tax, the Capital Investment Programme and the Housing Revenue Account

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommmend Forward to Council

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/10/2022

Decision due: 31 Jan 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management and Strategic Planning

Lead director: Andy Brown (Corporate Director Resources & Deputy Chief Executive)

Department: Finance and Procurement

Contact: Andy Brown, Corporate Director Resources & Deputy Chief Executive Email:, Sarah Rose, Head of Finance - Adults & Health Email: Tel: 01225 712555, Sally Self, Chief Accountant Email: Tel: 01225 713065, Leanne Sykes, Head of Finance - Environment Email:, Marie Taylor, Head of Finance Childrens & Education Email: Tel: 01225 712539, Lizzie Watkin, Director of Finance and Procurement (s.151 Officer) Email: Tel: 01225 713056.

Consultation process



All Councillors
Statutory consultation with businesses

Agenda items


  • Wiltshire Council's Budget 2023/24 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24-2025/26