Issue details

Proposal to retain and invest in Silverwood School Chippenham and Trowbridge campuses

Proposal to utilise Phase 5 Silverwood capital funds (£3.6 million) in the refurbishment of Silverwood School Chippenham and Trowbridge campuses. The proposal creates 150 special school places (75 places at each campus), thereby exceeding the target for 50 additional Silverwood School places.
Refurbishment plans offer improved space standards for pupils and align more closely to space standards offered by the Silverwood Rowde new build.
The proposal requires Cabinet approval to enter formal consultation on changes to Silverwood School pupil numbers and the age range of pupils (a proposed change from all through to Primary only).

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/11/2022

Decision due: 13 Dec 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education, and Skills

Lead director: Director - Education & Skills

Department: Education & Skills

Contact: Lucy Townsend, Chief Executive Email:, Melissa Hardwell, Head of Special School Transformation Email: Tel: 01225 713839.

Consultation process

The proposal to enter into Formal Consultation will be subject to Cabinet decision on 13/12/2022. If approval is given, formal stakeholder consultation (with families and learners with SEND, plus key partners) will commence early 2023. The proposal to retain and invest in Silverwood School Chippenham and Trowbridge campuses will then be brought back to Cabinet for final decision.


If approval for formal consultation is granted, students and families (current and prospective) of Silverwood School will be consulted, together with key stakeholders.

Agenda items


  • Proposal to retain and invest in Silverwood School Chippenham and Trowbridge campuses