Our existing supported housing contracts
contract's were awarded as part of a full re commissioning exercise
that took place in 2017 and commenced on 1st April 2018. Current
contracts have been extended taking us up to 31st March 2024. The
current contracts support 194 supported housing units for single
homeless, young people and parent and baby at a cost of
£1.2m. These contracts now need to be re-commissioned to
ensure that the new services are cost effective, meet current
needs, and have successful outcomes.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Contract Value: >£1million annual/£4million including extensions/transfer of >50 employees/commerci;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/08/2023
Decision due: 12 Sep 2023 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cllr Phil Alford, Cabinet Member for Housing Phil.Alford@wiltshire.gov.uk
Lead director: Vacant (Director - Adult Social Care)
Department: Place
Contact: Nicole Smith, Head of Housing, Migration and Resettlement Email: nicole.smith@wiltshire.gov.uk Tel: 01249 706567.
Consultation process
As part of the re-commissioning process we
will consult with existing and any potential interested