Issue details

Safety Valve - Update following discussion with DfE

To update Cabinet on the ongoing discussions with the Department for Education (DfE) on our SEND Sustainability plan and potential Safety Valve agreement.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 16 Jan 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management and Strategic Planning, Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Military-Civilian Integration, Health and Wellbeing, Economic Development, Heritage, Arts, and Tourism, Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion, Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education, and Skills

Lead director: Andy Brown (Corporate Director Resources & Deputy Chief Executive), Terence Herbert (Chief Executive), Vacant (Corporate Director - People), Lizzie Watkin (Director - Finance and Procurement)

Department: Education & Skills

Contact: Ben Stevens, High Needs Block Sust Strat Lead Email: Tel: 01225 713788, Liz Williams, HNB Sustainability Finance Lead Email: Tel: 01225 712521.

Consultation process

The SEND sustainability plan has been widely consulted on through co-design workshops with key stakeholders, briefings for Councillors and a single item Children's Select Committee meeting. The work will continue to be consulted on, and will be a standing item on Children's Select Committee agendas.

Agenda items


  • Safety Valve - Update following discussion with DfE