To consider the comments received following the formal advertisement of proposed ‘Prohibition of Motor Vehicles’ and ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ at Devizes Road, Hilperton as part of an active travel scheme for the wider Hilperton area.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Divisions affected: Hilperton;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/03/2024
Decision due: 8 Apr 2024 by Cabinet Member for Highways, Street Scene, and Flooding
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Highways, Street Scene, and Flooding
Department: Highways & Transport
Contact: Kirsty Rose, Principal Engineer Manager Email: Email: Tel: 01225 756182.
Consultation process
Consultation relating to the proposed restrictions has been undertaken with:
The proposed changes were subject to formal consultation ending on 7 August 2023. The advertisement plan can be seen in Appendix 1. During the consultation period a total of forty-nine items of correspondence were received in response to the Council’s proposals. Of the items received, twenty-seven expressed support for the Council’s proposals, one made general comments on the proposals and twenty one objected to the Council’s proposals. A list of respondents can be found in Appendix 2.