Issue details

HSSF-07-24 - Fisherton Gateway Traffic Regulation Order Amendments, Salisbury



(i)             Consider the comments received following the formal advertisement of the various Traffic Regulation Order (TRO hereafter) amendments in Salisbury.


(ii)            Recommend proceeding with the introduction of the TRO amendments as advertised.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/05/2024

Decision due: 13 May 2024 by Cabinet Member for Highways, Street Scene, and Flooding

Lead member: Cllr Nick Holder, Cabinet Member for Highways, Street Scene, and Flooding

Contact: Paul Shaddock, tel: 01722 434671, email:

Consultation process

Consultation has been undertaken with:


·       The elected Wiltshire Council Members representing Salisbury Wards


·       The elected Salisbury City Council Members for all Salisbury Wards through the statutory TRO consultation process


·       Emergency services through the statutory consultation process


·       Members of the public through the statutory consultation process


TROs for the various amendments were formally advertised for comment on 14 December 2023. The Councils closing date for receipt of objections or other representations to the advertised TROs, together with the grounds on which they were made, was 15 January 2024.
