Issue details

R-003-10 - Registration Service Income

1.      To request permission to set the fees for the Nationality Checking Service (NCS) at £50 for adults, £25 for children, and £25 for re-visits (when the customer has to return because they have not brought all the documentation they were asked to.)


2.      The net effect of these increases will be an additional £2,000 of income in this financial year and £8,000 income in the 2011/12 financial year, based on anticipated figures


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 13 Jan 2011 by Cabinet Member for Hubs, Governance, Support Services, Heritage & Arts and Customer Care

Lead member: Cllr John Noeken

Department: Department of Transformation and Resources

Contact: Jacqui White, Service Director Business Services 01225 713013 email:

Consultation process

Why undertake Nationality Checking?


1.      To provide the first step for people applying to become British Citizens.  Nationality Checking is a necessary step in this process. 


2.      We have already held Citizenship Ceremonies for 1,900 people in the county since 2004 but these people will have had to use another authority’s nationality checking service.  This will have been an inconvenience for the customers and also represents a loss of revenue to Wiltshire Council. A significant number of these will have been forces personnel.


3.      A significant proportion of the Registration budget is balanced through income derived from services and ceremonies provided for the public.  The Nationality Checking Service is needed by customers and will generate significant income for the Registration service budget which would otherwise go to other local authorities.


What benefits does Nationality Checking have for customers?


4.      Nationality Checking is a necessary step towards citizenship.


5.      The nationality checking team can make sure applications for British Citizenship are not delayed. They do this by:

·        checking forms to make sure everything is filled in correctly

·        making sure all the required documents and fees are attached before the application is sent to the Home Office.


6.      In addition customers keep important documents (such as passport and marriage certificates) rather then sending them to the Home Office.


How the service works for customers


7.      A trained advisor will:

·        check application forms have been completed correctly.

·        make sure all required documents are attached.

·        check that the correct fee has been submitted.

·        photocopy valuable documents such as passports and marriage certificates.

·        photocopy 'Life in the UK' certificates or other evidence of competence in the English language.

·        certify the copies and return the originals.

·        send the completed application to the Home Office by special delivery.


More about the service


8.      The Nationality Checking Service is a partnership between the Home Office Border and Immigration Agency and a local authority. The local authority team will have received training from immigration specialists and will provide a first-rate service.


Neighbouring local authorities who already offer the Service

·        BaNES

·        Devon

·        Gloucestershire

·        Hampshire

·        Oxfordshire

·        Poole

·        Swindon

·        Notable exception is Bristol.



