Issue details

CDC-001-12 - Wiltshire Leisure Services Strategy - Indoor Facilities Action Plan

To inform the Council of the Indoor Facilities Action Plan and for it to be adopted under the Council’s delegated decision making process. The Indoor Facilities Action Plan is attached as Appendix 1 to this report.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 11 May 2012 by Cabinet Member for Housing, Leisure, Libraries and Flooding

Lead member: Cllr Stuart Wheeler

Department: Neighbourhood Services

Contact: Mark Smith 01380 734789 email

Consultation process

Substantial research has been undertaken enabling future decisions to be based on a robust evidence base (validated by Sport England), which has lead to the Council, through the transformation programme to commit resources to support local communities to develop their local services, which in the case of the initial three funded campuses includes indoor leisure provision. Consultation undertaken included:

Customer Satisfaction Survey - A survey was supplied to each leisure facility for customers to complete to rate the service and quality of the facilities. 


Postcode Survey - The survey undertaken established where customers live that visit our centres and how they travel to our centres. 


NGB Consultation - The National Governing Bodies of Sport that are active in Wiltshire were consulted and asked to give their views on a range of requirements to assist them in developing their sports in the County, specifically within indoor leisure.


Consultation Questionnaire - A consultation on the future provision of leisure centres was available to all residents, via libraries, the web, area boards and roadshows. 


