Issue details

CS-01-15 - Decision to Reduce Residential Provision at Rowdeford Special School

To confirm the decision to reduce the number of residential beds at Rowdeford Special school, Rowde from 23 to 16 places.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/02/2015

Decision due: 5 Mar 2015 by Cabinet Member for Children's Services

Lead member: Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education, and Skills

Department: Children and Families Social Care and Intergrated Youth

Contact: Susan Tanner - 01225 713563 - Email:

Consultation process

As per the guidance laid out in line with Department of Education’s publication “School Organisation – Maintained schools” (January 2014) a four week consultation period was taken forward between the 9th of January 2015 and the 6th of February 2015. Information was made available to key stakeholders regarding the proposals and the background behind these proposals. Stakeholders were encouraged to respond by filling in a consultation reply form which was available, by post and email and via the Wiltshire Council and Local Offer Websites.


In addition two meetings were held in which parents, governors, staff and interested parties were invited to attend. The Head of Commissioning and Joint Planning, Susan Tanner, led both of these meetings. 14 staff and governors attended the first meeting and 14 parents and carers attended the second meeting.


There were 11 replies to the consultation, of these 8 were from parents and 3 from members of staff. No major concerns or objections were raised. Parents did note concerns about the support that could be offered to future families who are struggling with social care issues and these will be addressed through the wider SEN strategy and the wider use of Social Care strategies to support families. Staff raised concerns about job security and these will be responded to through the school and the appropriate HR polices if there are further implications.

