Issue details

HTW-09-18: Tisbury Order - Proposed Waiting Restrictions



(i)         Consider objections to the advertised proposals for parking controls at various locations within Tisbury.


(ii)        Recommend the making of the Traffic Regulation Order with minor amendments to the advertised proposals.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/03/2018

Decision due: Not before 16 Mar 2018 by Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene and Flooding

Lead member: Cllr Bridget Wayman, Chairman of the Council

Lead director: Director - Highways and Environment

Department: Highways & Transport

Contact: Trevor Malton 07825 693848 email:

Consultation process

As part of the Town centre parking review the Town Council was consulted prior to the advertisement process. The review resulted in three locations in Tisbury being put forward to advertisement. 


During the advertisement period a total of 30 items of correspondence were received in response to the proposals contained within the advertised Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). Of the 30 items of correspondence received, 2 expressed support for the Council’s proposals, 26 objected the proposal in its current form and 2 commented on.


Details of correspondence can be found in Appendix 1 together with a summary of comments.

Officer response to the comments can be found in Appendix 2.
