Issue details

HTW-22-18: Proposed Application to Stop Up Highway at Charlcutt Barn, Charlcutt, Calne

To ask the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to consider whether the Council should grant a request from Mr Harrop and Miss Van Hoegaerden, owners of Charlcutt Barn, Charlcutt to apply to the magistrates’ court for an order stopping up highway rights over part of the verge of the C118 road on the ground that it is not necessary for public use.  The section of highway concerned is shown cross-hatched in black on the plan at Appendix 1.  


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/06/2018

Decision due: Not before 19 Jul 2018 by Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene and Flooding

Lead member: Cllr Bridget Wayman, Chairman of the Council

Department: Highways & Transport

Contact: Email:

Consultation process

On 15 March 2018, Bremhill Parish Council consented to an application being made and a copy of the signed consent form is shown at Appendix 2.


The local member, Councillor Christine Crisp, does not oppose the proposal.
