Voting record

 Council, Tuesday 17 October 2023 10.30 am

Item: Corporate Parenting Strategy 2023-2026 and other Corporate Parenting Panel Developments

Corporate Parenting Strategy 2023-2026 and other Corporate Parenting Panel Developments:

Motion status:Carried

1)    That Council approves the revised Corporate Parenting Strategy 2023 – 2026 attached as Appendix 1 to this report.

2)    That approval is given for Wiltshire Council to sign up to the National Care Leavers Covenant.

3)    That all Councillors as Corporate Parents pledge their commitment to the poem (attached as Appendix 2) to our children and young people in care as recommended by the Corporate Parenting Panel. 

4)    That the Council commit to the Corporate Parenting Panel exploring care experience as a protected characteristic and progress this to put in place policies and programmes which promote better outcomes for care experienced young people and adults, with a full proposal returning to Full Council for approval.


Cllr Tony Trotman For

Item: Update on the Council's Response to the Climate Emergency and revised Environmental Policy

Council's Response to the Climate Emergency & revised Enyvironmental Polic:

Motion status:Carried

That Full Council


1)    Note the actions taken in response to the climate emergency following the last update in May 2023, and notes the progress made against key indicators as well as areas of limited progress.


2)    Approve the updated Environmental Policy in Appendix 1 and add it to Paragraph 1.2 of Part 3B of the Constitution for inclusion as part of the Policy Framework.


3)    Agree that future climate updates are received annually at its October meeting.

Cllr Tony Trotman For

Item: Capital Programme Additions and Amendments to the Revenue Net Budget

Capital Programme Additions and Amendments to the Revenue Net Budget:

Motion status:Carried

To approve:

a)     the allocation of a £4.4m budget for Education provision in the North of the County to be funded by a mix of capital receipts, earmarked reserves and £1.7m of new borrowing.

b)    to move the £0.382m income budget associated with saving from increased retained share of funding from Business Rates for Council Assets from Assets to the Business Rates Retention Scheme in the Funding section; and

c)     to increase the Government Grants budget in Funding to recognise the additional Market Sustainability Improvement Fund of £2.773m and increase the net budget in Adults by the same amount.


Cllr Tony Trotman For

Item: Community Governance Review 2022/23

CGR Recommendation 1 - Westbury/Heywood:

Resolution status:Carried

1.1 That the areas marked as A in the map provided be transferred from Westbury Town to the parish of Heywood.

1.2 That the areas marked as B in the map provided be transferred from Heywood to Westbury Town, as part of the Westbury East Ward and Westbury North Ward respectively.

1.3 That the parish of Heywood be unwarded, with seven councillors.

1.4 To request that the LGBCE amend the Westbury North, Westbury East, and Ethandune Electoral Divisions to be conterminous with the proposed revised parish boundaries of Westbury and Heywood.


Cllr Tony Trotman For

CGR Recommendations 2-7:

Resolution status:Carried

That Council:
Approve the changes to community governance arrangements as set out below as recommended and detailed by the Electoral Review Committee in the Final Recommendations:

Recommendation 1 Heywood/Westbury (Separate Vote)
Recommendation 2 Tidworth
Recommendation 3 Netheravon/Figheldean/Fittleton cum Haxton
Recommendation 4 Grittleton/Castle Combe/Nettleton The Gibb
Recommendation 5 Yatton Keynell/Castle Combe/Biddestone & Slaughterford
Recommendation 6 Warminster
Recommendation 7 Donhead St Mary/Monkton Farleigh
To authorise the Solicitor of the Council to take all necessary measures to make and approve the Community Governance Order(s) to bring into effect for 1 April 2025 all of the changes detailed under resolution 1, subject to any required consents by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England;
To authorise the Electoral Registration Officer to make any necessary changes to polling districts to bring them into line with the agreed governance changes at the appropriate time, to be reported to the Electoral Review Committee.

Cllr Tony Trotman For

Item: Part 12: Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct:

Motion status:Carried

That Council approve the following updated section of the Constitution:


Part 12 Code of Conduct


Cllr Tony Trotman For

Item: Protocol 12: Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel Arrangements and Procedure Rules

Protocol 12:

Motion status:Carried

That Council approve the following updated section of the Constitution:


Protocol 12 – Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel Protocol


Cllr Tony Trotman For