Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - Tuesday 8 October 2013 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices, Monkton Park, Chippenham, SN15 1ER. View directions

Contact: Roger Bishton  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item




An apology for absence was received from Cllr Gordon King.


Minutes of Previous Meetings

To approve and sign the minutes of the meetings held on 25 June 2013 and 5 July 2013.  (Copies attached)

Supporting documents:




To approve and sign the Minutes of the meetings held on 25 June 2013 and 5 July 2013.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest received.


Chairman's Announcements


·                     Overview & Scrutiny Skills Training

The Chairman announced that there would be some overview & scrutiny skills training for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the  Management Committee and the three Select Committees on Tuesday 15 October 2013, which would be held at Shurnhold, Melksham.  It was planned that this training would then be made available to all non-executive members of the Council. 


·                     Peer Review Challenge

The Chairman reported that he and other leading overview and scrutiny members had been interviewed by the Peer Review Team at County Hall, Trowbridge.  The Team were assessing how we did things and where we could continue to make improvements in the future.  In particular, their focus was on how to empower communities to do more for themselves, what more could be done  working with our key partners and the Council’s plans to manage change and transformation over the next four years.  The Chairman stated that he had found the interview to be a positive experience and that the Peer Review Team had been impressed with the work undertaken by the various task groups.



Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.




To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above no later than 5pm on Tuesday, 1 October 2013.  Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


There were no declarations of disclosable interest or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.  


Approval of the Business Plan 2013-2017

Members will recall that the Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee in receiving the first draft of the Draft Business Plan 2013 – 2017 at its meeting on 25 June 2013 agreed that the task of scrutinising it would be undertaken by the individual select committees and the Management Committee (for corporate services). These meetings took place between 2 July and 5 July.


The views of each committee were then considered collectively by the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee and the three select committees on 8 July and incorporated into one report for Cabinet on 23 July. A written response to the views and recommendations made by overview and scrutiny was tabled at the Cabinet meeting on 23 July 2013. Many of the recommendations were accepted in one form or another during a positive debate.


The Cabinet recommended that the Draft Business Plan as revised be presented to Council for adoption at its extraordinary meeting on 3 September 2013 together with any further comments from Scrutiny. 


A further meeting of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee and the three Select Committees was held on 13 August to consider the revised Business Plan and additional comments were passed to Council for consideration. 


The revised Business Plan was subsequently adopted by Council on 3 September. The public version of the Plan was launched at Cabinet on 24 September including a “keepsake” summary and a young people’s version. A detailed communications plan has also been developed to support the publication and distribution.


The arrangements and timetable proposed for implementation of the plan through the development of service plans is recognised as important information for overview and scrutinyas reported to Council. It will have a significant bearing on the development of overview and scrutiny’s own work programme and ultimately on how it effectively contributes to the Council delivering its vision, goals, outcomes and objectives over the next 4 years. The Committee may wish to discuss this further at the meeting.


The Committee is asked to note the positive contribution made by overview and scrutiny to the development of the Business Plan and its recent public launch, and to move forward with engagement in the development of the service plans when further information is known. 







The Committee was reminded of the process that had taken place for scrutinising the Council’s draft Business Plan 2013-2017 culminating in a meeting of the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Management Committee and the three Select Committees on 13 August 2013.  Finalised views and comments were passed to a special meeting of Council held on 3 September 2013 when a revised Business Plan was adopted. The public version of the Plan was launched at Cabinet on 24 September 2013 including a “keepsake” summary and a young people’s version.  A detailed communications plan had also been developed to support the publication and distribution of the Business Plan.


It was noted that the next stage would be the development of service plans which would facilitate the implementation of the Business Plan and these arrangements together with a timetable were currently being prepared.  The Committee was informed that it was likely that the first service plan to be developed for consideration would be highways and it was anticipated that this plan would be ready to be scrutinised in about three to four months’ time.  This process would have a significant bearing on the development of overview and scrutiny’s own work programme and ultimately on how it effectively contributed to the Council in delivering its vision, goals, outcomes and objectives over the next four years.  




(1)          To note the positive contribution made by overview and scrutiny to the development of the Business Plan and its recent public launch.


(2)          To move forward with engagement in the development of the service plans when further information was known.





Developing the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme

Members will recall that a series of meetings involving the chairs and vice-chairs of select committees with relevant Cabinet members, portfolio-holders and service directors were held recently to discuss service priorities and overview and scrutiny engagement. The outcome of these meetings was intended to recommended topics for overview and scrutiny’s work programme. 

A report by the Scrutiny Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, is circulated.


Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to a report by the Scrutiny Manager, prepared in consultation with the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman which set out the outcome of initial discussions between select committee chairmen and vice-chairmen with the relevant Executive members and directors. 


It was pointed out that the potential priorities and topics highlighted would need to be viewed in the context of the Business Plan as agreed by Council on 3 September 2013, legacy items recommended by the previous Committee and endorsed by this Committee on 23 May 2013 and also the current Cabinet forward work plan.


The Chairman explained that he and the Vice-Chairman wished to meet the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the select committees to discuss priorities, approaches, options, capacity & resources etc. with a view to reporting back to the Management Committee at its next meeting on 5 November 2013 with an initial draft single work programme.  Emphasis would be given to making strong links to the Business Plan and identifying topics where real value could be added through the overview & scrutiny process.  The Chairman went on to stress the importance of allowing space for the addition of committee/individual member requests as new issues arose and priorities might change.


The Chairman also confirmed that he would be pleased for the Management Committee to consider any priority recommendations from select committee chairmen that could not wait for the timetable and gave as examples advance proposals for task groups on financial planning (which was the subject of an item to be discussed later in the meeting) and also a review of area boards.


Cllr Jonathon Seed, the Cabinet Member responsible for area boards, explained that area boards had been evolving since their inception in 2009 and he considered that the time had come for a scrutiny exercise to be carried out, which would include seeking the views of partners and stakeholders.    He stressed that area boards were working well but they could benefit from a fresh look at their working for the future.  It was noted that terms of reference and topics to be covered had been drawn up in consultation with the Cabinet Member and were as follows:-


·                The current role and remit of the Area Boards

·                Area Board budgets and grants

·                Local service devolution and management

·                JSA and community planning/community priorities.

·                Contract and commissioning decisions affecting the community area.

·                The consultative role of the Boards in local development

·                The role of the Area Boards in future campus governance.

·                Community area partnership arrangements.  

·                Area Board meeting management.

·                Area Board support, promotion and publicity.

·                Area Board staffing and management

·                Future service delivery through Area Boards


During discussion the following topics were considered for scrutiny:-


(i)      The desirability of establishing a rapid scrutiny exercise on the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).  It was noted that, although the LEP was not a political body, a lot of public money had been ploughed into it.  Arrangements should be considered for a joint scrutiny of LEP with Swindon Borough Council.


(ii)     The Chairman & Vice-Chairman  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126.


Overview and Scrutiny of Financial Planning and Budget Setting in the Council

A report by the Scrutiny Manager, following consultation led by the Vice-Chairman with those with direct responsibilities for financial planning in the Council, is circulated.


Supporting documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Scrutiny Manager on proposals for the overview and scrutiny of the financial arrangements in the Council including budget scrutiny.


The Vice-Chairman stated that the report had been written following consultation he had held with those with direct responsibilities for financial planning in the Council including the Cabinet Member and the Service Director for Finance.  He explained that the discussions which had taken place, along with the direction of the Business Plan, suggested that a new approach was required not only for scrutiny of the revenue budget but encompassing broader and longer-term financial planning.  Major external factors such as welfare reform and Central Government policy implications also needed to be taken into account.


After discussion during which the importance was emphasised of interplay with the select committees, to which would be referred selective items for consideration and report back,




(1)       To establish a new standing Financial Planning Scrutiny Task Group of the Management Committee (to replace the legacy Budget Scrutiny Task Group) with the following terms of reference:-


·         To understand and review the Medium Term Financial Strategy (4 year financial model)

·         To understand and review the approach and robustness of the financial planning regime within the Council 

·         To understand and help develop the approach to the annual budget setting cycle

·         To review the specific contribution of overview and scrutiny in the annual budget setting cycle with a focus on outcomes

·         To undertake periodic budget monitoring including reviews of key mid-year trends and developments and to ensure that these are taken into account when updating the Financial Plan

·         To work under the direction and guidance of the Management Committee and report regularly to the Cabinet Member, Management Committee and select committees (as appropriate) on its work and findings and to make any necessary referrals

·         To include a review of performance management  


(2)       To appoint the following Members to serve on the Task Group (until the usual annual review of places) and to note that the Task Group will elect a chairman at its first meeting:-


Cllr Glenis Ansell

Cllr Sheila Parker

Cllr Pip Ridout

Cllr Ian Thorn

Cllr Roy While


(3)       To hold the first meeting as soon as is practically possible. 









Member Request - Staff Morale

The following request for a scrutiny review has been received from Cllr Jeff Osborn on 24 September. As a member of the Management Committee he is entitled to do so under the overview and scrutiny procedure rules in the Council’s Constitution.


“An objective investigation into the state of morale amongst the non senior staff of Wiltshire Council, in light of recent management restructuring, legal cap on salaries, extra work load and loss of job security”.


Cllr Osborn states that his reasons for wishing this is as a consequence of off the record chats with staff, their families, friends and neighbours, especially in his division. He further adds that as all management books tell you – staff are your best asset, lose their commitment and the organisation suffers. He also referred to the following draft resolution of the Audit Committee from its meeting of 17 September:


To note the latest position regarding the Council’s risks that are identified in the current Corporate Risk Register as detailed in Appendix A of the report, with the inclusion of risks regarding the Voluntary Redundancy and Staff Reorganization, confirming the status of the high level risks being reported from service areas and that the Risk Management Strategy and the processes associated are to be reviewed to ensure that arrangements are fit for purpose to monitor progress against the new Business Plan.


Cllr Osborn’s request was forwarded to Cllrs Stuart Wheeler and Allison Bucknell as the relevant Cabinet Member and Portfolioholder for staffing and Barry Pirie as Service Director for HR for initial comment to help inform the Committee about the issue.


The Committee is asked to decide whether to agree to the request (and add it to the work programme) or not in the light of any further comments received.   



The Committee was informed that a request had been received from Cllr Jeff Osborn on 24 September 2013 for a scrutiny review on the following:-


“An objective investigation into the state of morale amongst the non senior staff of Wiltshire Council, in light of recent management restructuring, legal cap on salaries, extra work load and loss of job security.”


It was noted that as a member of the Management Committee, Cllr Osborn was entitled to submit his request under the overview and scrutiny procedure rules in the Council’s Constitution.


Cllr Osborn explained that he had lodged his request as a consequence of informal conversations he had held with staff, their families, friends and neighbours especially in his Division.  He also referred to the following draft resolution of the Audit Committee from its meeting on 17 September 2013:-


“To note the latest position regarding the Council’s risks that are identified in the current Corporate Risk Register as detailed in Appendix A of the report, with the inclusion of risks regarding the Voluntary Redundancy Programme and Staff Reorganisation, confirming the status of the high level risks being reported from service areas and that the Risk Management Strategy and the processes associated are to be reviewed to ensure that arrangements are fit for purpose to monitor progress against the new Business Plan.”


Cllr Osborn’s request had been forwarded to Cllr Stuart Wheeler and Cllr Allison Bucknell, as the relevant Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder for staffing and also to the Service Director for HR & OD for initial comment to help inform the Committee about the issue.


Cllr Osborn explained that he considered that an independent review of staff morale should take place using an external consultant in order to obtain objective evidence. 


Cllrs Wheeler & Bucknell informed the meeting that Staffing Policy Committee received detailed quarterly workforce reports and Members examined these closely looking in particular at staff turnover and sickness. In addition staff surveys were carried out usually every two years and, although it was appreciated that the most recent one took place in December 2012, there appeared to be little evidence of a major problem regarding staff morale.  It was recognised that as with all large organisations, there was bound to be some staff who were unhappy for varying reasons, but the information received by the Staffing Policy Committee did not indicate that this was a significant problem within Wiltshire Council.  


A discussion took place during which it was generally considered that sufficient detailed information was already available to the Council on staff morale and that it would not be a sensible use of sparse Council resources to engage an external consultant to carry out a survey.  If there were to be a fall in staff morale then this would be apparent in the quarterly workforce report to the Staffing Policy Committee.


After further discussion,




To ask the Staffing Policy Committee to take a further look at statistical information available which might indicate the level of staff morale and to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 128.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items of business.


Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place at 10:30am on 5 November 2013 and will be held in the Council Chamber at Monkton Park, Chippenham.


It will include development of the Council’s new Housing Allocation Policy which was subject to scrutiny prior to public consultation and due for report to Cabinet on 21 November and the draft work programme (referred to in item 7).




To note that the next meeting was due to be held on Tuesday 5 November 2013 in the Council Chamber at Monkton Park, Chippenham, starting at 10.30am.