Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - Tuesday 9 September 2014 10.30 am

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Kieran Elliott  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Apologies and Membership Changes

To receive any apologies, substitutions or notices of changes of membership of the Committee.


Apologies were received from Councillor Jacqui Lay and Councillor Christine Crisp.

Councillor Lay was substituted by Councillor Howard Greenman.


As detailed on the front of the agenda, and following the Council meeting on 29 July 2014, Councillor Mark Packard had been removed as a full member of the Committee, with Councillor Peter Edge added as a full member. Councillor Mark Packard was added as a substitute member of the Committee, with Councillor Trevor Carbin removed as a substitute member.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2014.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2014 were presented for consideration and it was,




To approve as a true and correct record and sign the minutes.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements through the Chair.


There were no announcements.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.



If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item.  Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.



To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above no later than 5pm on Tuesday 2 September 2014.  Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice.  Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


No statements or questions were submitted.


Military Civilian Integration Partnership (MCIP)

A report from Kevin Ladner, Army Basing Programme Manager, Economic Planning and Development, is attached.

Supporting documents:


It was reported that as the Military CiviIian Integration (MCI) Partnership was one of the 12 key actions from the Business Plan, Overview and Scrutiny should demonstrate some initial interest.


It was explained that the aim of the MCI in Wiltshire is to optimise the economic and social benefits of the military presence in the county for the benefit of Armed Forces Personnel, Service families, veterans and local communities through engagement from Wiltshire Council and its partners with the MOD prior to changes to the military presence in Wiltshire being implemented. The MCI is governed by a Partnership Board, Chaired by the Leader of Wiltshire Council, to set strategic direction and guidance in context of the Army 2020 reorganisation and Firm Base policy.


A report was presented by Councillor Jane Scott OBE, Leader of the Council and Chairman of the Military Civilian Integration Partnership (MCIP), the Associate Director (Economic Development and Planning) and the Army Basing Programme Manager, detailing the challenges and risks the MCIP is seeking to mitigate through the increased engagement, including impacts from development required during the Army Rebasing Programme on communities such as on highways and education services, along with additional work with veterans and voluntary organisations to implement measures to benefit Wiltshire communities.


The Committee was invited to consider the most beneficial approach for overview and scrutiny involvement.


The Committee discussed the report, noting the significant economic and social impact on the county from the military reorganisation through the creation of a super-garrison to be based around Salisbury Plain, and the necessity for close engagement with civilian and military partners. It was strongly noted that the MCIP was not a statutorily required body, and that strong working relationships were essential to maintain and increase co-operation and effectiveness between all the partners.


The positive impact of the MCIP on the Army Rebasing Programme was raised, noting the change of approach from the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) from purchasing 1400 homes as part of the plan, to the detriment of the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy Housing plans, following engagement and consultation, toward options with a more positive impact on the community and partners. It was emphasised that the Rebasing Programme had only been one part of the work of the MCIP, and that further workstreams as detailed in the report could benefit from additional scrutiny. However, Councillor Scott felt that the Rebasing Programme was the right area for Overview and Scrutiny engagement.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




For the Vice-Chairman, having regard to the input of the Chairman of each Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee, to investigate possible areas where Scrutiny involvement would add value to the ongoing work of the MCIP, and to provide recommendations to the next meeting of the Management Committee.



Scrutiny Communication

Work has already taken place to enhance the intranet page on the website.


1)    The Chair and Vice-Chair met recently with the Corporate and Associate Directors responsible for Overview and Scrutiny. Discussion included improved communication and promotion of the function with a quarterly newsletter proposed.


2)    The need to review the function in terms of how it best responds to developments in the organisation was also proposed. This will also be relevant as a response to the findings in the peer challenge review reported to the Management Committee in March 2014. The Committee will be informed once the thinking has been further developed.


The Chair and Vice-Chair will update further at the meeting and seek endorsement for this work.


The Chairman updated the Committee on work undertaken to enhance the visibility and promotion of the Overview and Scrutiny Function within the council among officers and members. Enhancement of the Scrutiny page on the council’s intranet was noted, and the Committee discussed how to best improve communication of the work of the Committees and Task Groups.


The Committee discussed the possible creation of a Scrutiny Newsletter that could be circulated 2-4 times a year in a similar format to the overview Annual Report which was presented to Council in May 2014. It was raised that there had been long standing difficulties in engaging many non-executive members to participate in Scrutiny work if they were not already a member of a Scrutiny Committee, and that efforts were needed to improve this, though there were concerns a newsletter would not be effective given the volume of communications all councillors received.


A further review of the Overview and Scrutiny function would also be brought to the Committee at a future date.




To bring forward more detailed proposals on increasing communication and promotion of the Scrutiny Function to a future meeting of the Committee when further developed, taking into account the concerns and comments as detailed above.


Scrutiny Training

A re-run of the scrutiny skills training event that was originally held on 24 March 2014 took place on 15 July 2014 as organised by the Council’s Learning and Development team. The event was delivered by a prominent and well-respected regional adviser on overview and scrutiny as before.


The Committee is asked to consider whether additional overview and scrutiny training is sought for non-executive councillors and the themes that it may be set around. However, in light of the proposed review this may feature as one of the outcomes.


The Chairman, along with the Scrutiny Manager (Designated Scrutiny Officer), updated the Committee on feedback from the Scrutiny skills training that had been arranged for March and July 2014, and sought views on what additional training should be arranged in future and in what format.


It was raised that a programme of training events over the course of a 4 year council could provide a useful structure for non-executive members, training new members in the basic functions of Overview and Scrutiny and the legislative underpinning of the function in the first year, with more detailed and focused training for all members in the following years to advance the skills of existing scrutiny members as well.


The need to target training sessions to specific topics was highlighted, with examples of scrutiny work undertaken by Wiltshire and other authorities used as a basis to develop members further, and that the Councillor Development Group could assist with the planning of any training schedule, and that it was necessary to establish what training would be available internally and externally before deciding upon an approach.




To present options for additional Scrutiny Training at a future meeting of the Committee when an outline programme had been developed.


Procurement Update

The review has now been concluded and a report presented to CLT on the approach and supporting structure.  This will be implemented from September 2014 – April 2015 and will involve a number of changes around the council in order to fully embed and resource a sound category management approach.  Appointment to the Head of Service roles will commence during September and other posts will follow once all staff impacted have been identified, agreed, consulted with and provided opportunities to apply for appropriate posts.  There is a significant amount of work that needs to be done this year in order for the new approach to be operational from April 2015 and this is currently being developed into a project timeline. A more detailed report will be made to the Management Committee at its next meeting on 4 November 2014.



Cllr Richard Tonge, Cabinet Member for Finance, along with the Interim Head of Corporate Support, delivered an update on the planned reorganisation of the Procurement service, to be implemented between September 2014 - April 2015, as detailed in the agenda papers. It was stated the Procurement Board would have more senior officers appointment to better centralise and harmonise the service, and that the structure had been in difficulty for many years and change was required.


Some Committee members expressed disappointment that Scrutiny had not been given an opportunity to comment upon the proposed new arrangements in advance, and it was suggested that the Financial Planning Task Group should look at the procurement service in relation to the delivery of savings identified in the Financial Plan.




To note the update and to receive a more detailed report in November 2014 following the completion of the review of the service.


Performance and Risk Update

An outward facing performance framework has been developed which is about to be published.  This is integrated within the website, is ipad and smartphone enabled and takes the council forwards significantly in the way we are presenting information and engaging with residents on our performance in a much more user friendly manner.  This format uses tiered reporting focused around the business plan outcomes.  Alongside this there is an integrated outcome focused performance and risk management framework that provides a much more structured view on performance linked to delivering the council’s priorities. Discussion has already taken place at the Financial Planning Task Group in respect of this new approach.


The Management Committee will need to determine how it wishes to utilise the performance information in the work of overview and scrutiny when more is known.


The Interim Head of Corporate Support delivered an update on a new performance framework which would be integrated within the Wiltshire Council website to significantly improve the presentation of information and engagement with the public on the achievement of business plan outcomes.


The Committee was shown the planned website in operation, which would be interactive and updated quarterly. The Committee welcomed the better design and accessibility, and sought clarification of the website’s features in displaying Performance and Risk information.


In response to queries it was stated the website was being trialled with the public to seek feedback and eliminate any problems, that the page would be accessible from the council website but would be accessible directly from a link, and that headline figures were accompanied with additional information to clarify or expand understanding. The Committee stated it was vital that visitors also be able to easily determine if the council were achieving progress or worsening for chosen outcomes, and so a clear direction of travel for the information was necessary.


In order to establish scrutiny involvement on the project moving forward, it was suggested the Financial Planning Task Group continue to oversee any analysis of performance and risk in the same manner as the former Budget and Performance Task Group.




To welcome and support the new arrangements and request that the Financial Planning Task Group monitor the development of reporting on performance and risk.


Task Group Updates

1)            Written updates on Management Committee Task Group activity are detailed as follows:


LEP Task Group

Briefings for the Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council members respectively have been held, with the inclusion of key officers of each authority and representation from the LEP secretariat. The first joint meeting of the Task Group is scheduled to take place on 30 September.


Financial Planning Task Group

The Task Group met on 27 May, the outcomes of which were reported to the last Management Committee. The next meeting is due on 11 September to discuss the Budget Outturn Report that will be presented to Cabinet on 16 September and the first quarterly update.


2)            The Chairman of each Select Committee will be given the opportunity to provide brief updates in relation to activity undertaken by existing task groups, and endorsement of any proposed new Task Groups.

Supporting documents:


1)    The Committee noted the written updates on its task groups as detailed in the agenda.


2)    a) The Vice-Chairman of the Health Select Committee provided the following updates:


Continence Services Task Group

There has been a response from the Executive and a meeting is being set up with the CCG to take forward the recommendations the CCG supported.


Help to Live at Home

The inaugural meeting is scheduled for the 3 October to consider any actions as a result of the peer review; as well as the recent CQC report on Mears, a domiciliary care agency. 40 out of 700 of their clients were adversely affected by the changes and acquisitions made by Mears over the last three months. The CQC report will also come before the HOSC on 23 September.


Review of AWP/Dementia Services

 A report is now in draft form for a meeting of the Task Group on Thursday 11 September. It is intended for presentation at the HOSC on the 23 September as well as the CCG Governing Body the same day.


Transfer to Care Task Group

Work is ongoing. Members were made aware of the 100 day challenge, which it was hoped would have a positive impact on the delayed transfers to care figures. A specialist pilot group is looking at Salisbury NHS FT to review processes.


b) The Chairman of the Environment Select Committee provided the following verbal updates:


Car Parking Review Task Group

The work of the Task Group is currently ongoing, with the Task Group having visited three local authorities to view and discuss cashless technologies, and would be reviewing the preferred option for Wiltshire before it goes out to public consultation.


20mph Policy Task Group

A meeting with the Executive and key officers is scheduled for 23 September, with a final report due to be considered by the Committee in October 2014.


Adoptable Estates Task Group

The Task Group had been reviewing systems and the communications around planning processes, with a report now due for consideration by the Committee in October 2014 following a visit to a development under construction.


Community Infrastructure Levy(CIL) Task Group

The CIL Task Group would reconvene as appropriate pending adopting of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, looking at the way the Council would access and record monies gained through CIL, and the possible distribution of that monies to towns and parishes with or without established neighbourhood plans.


Waste Task Group

The Waste Task Group fulfilled its remit and reported to the Committee in December 2013; its recommendations were referenced in the report of the Waste Management Service to Cabinet in December 2013.  The Task Group undertook some further work, at the request of the Service and the Corporate Director, to review the communications plans in respect of changes to the waste collection rounds. 


Investment in Highways Task Group

It was stated that the need for this Task Group had lapsed and it would therefore not be required to be constituted.


In response to queries it was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 82.


Forward Work Programme

1)    The Committee is asked to consider the single work programme and give direction on future overview and scrutiny activity. Select Committee chairs will lead on issues in their area.


2)    The meetings between chairs and vice-chairs of select committees and Cabinet members/portfolio-holders and Associate Directors are underway. These will be focusing on priorities over the next 12-18 months and where early engagement with overview and scrutiny can add value. The outcome will inform revision of the work programme. Progress and the need for endorsement will be reported as appropriate.


3)    The arrangements for overview and scrutiny engagement in major projects were agreed at the last meeting. The first of the regular meetings with the chair and vice-chair of the Management Committee and Head of Programme Office to consider potential projects in the pipeline has been arranged for 22 September. Select Committees will be advised on any recommended projects.

Supporting documents:


1)    It was agreed to add to the Work Plan possible Scrutiny of the council’s HR and Corporate Governance arrangements, as well as further updates on the rollout of superfast broadband. It was agreed future agendas would include a section for regular reports from members on Project Boards.


2)    It was explained that meetings between Chairs and Vice-Chairs and Cabinet Members and Associate Directors had begun, with more meetings to follow.


3)    The Committee was advised the Chair and Vice-Chair had not identified any further projects where it was felt Scrutiny involvement would be beneficial, but that this would be reviewed monthly. A framework for the support of members added to a Project Board and reporting back to the Management Committee was in the process of being finalised.


Date of Next Meeting

To confirm the date of the next meeting as 4 November 2014.


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 4 November 2014.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.