Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 7 December 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Heddington Village Hall

Contact: Alexa Smith (Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01249 706612/ Email:

Note No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome Councillor Keith Humphries, Cabinet Representative for Health and Wellbeing.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present. The Chairman welcomed Councillor Keith Humphries (Cabinet Representative for Health and Wellbeing).


The Chairman received a petition from Caroline Conway regarding installation of a pedestrian crossing at Lake View. The petition was signed by 102 individuals and asked Wiltshire Council to consider as a matter of urgency the installation of a pedestrian crossing across the A4 road in the vicinity of the Lake View development, Quemerford, so that residents could safely cross the main road to gain access to the only footpath available at that point.    



The petition was received by the Chairman of Calne Area Board and would be passed to the relevant Cabinet Representative, Councillor Dick Tonge (Highways and Transport), for consideration.   


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Christine Crisp, who was unable to attend the meeting due to ill health of a close family member, and Councillor Roy Golding (Calne Town Council).  



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 24 August and 26 October 2010.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 24 August and 26 October 2010 were approved and signed as correct records.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Tony Trotman declared an interest in the Community Area Grant application from Singchronize (agenda item 8b), as close family members took part in this group. Councillor Trotman spoke on this application, but did not vote.  

7.10 pm


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will provide information about the Ridgeway Care and Repair service, an award received by the alternative sports hub, the parish steward scheme, the census 2011, dog control orders and public protection enforcement policy.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack. The Chairman also provided an update about RAF Lyneham and information on land withdrawn from the initial site options report for the Wiltshire and Swindon aggregate minerals site allocations document.


Wiltshire Council was pushing the Ministry of Defence for a decision on the future of Lyneham before Christmas. The Council was extremely concerned about the future use of the site and the impact its closure would have on the local community and surrounding towns and villages. Councillor Jane Scott, Leader of Wiltshire Council, had written to the Secretary of State for Defence, Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP, to request that a decision was made soon. A copy of the letter was available to view at the Area Board meeting.


The following initial site options presented within the Wiltshire and Swindon aggregate minerals site allocations document have been withdrawn from further consideration (as at 1 November 2010) at the request of the landowner:

Site reference           C1 (part of) - land near Compton Bassett/Quemerford

                                    C4 -                 land near Compton Bassett/Quemerford

                                    C6 -                 land south of Calne

                                    C7 -                 land south of Calne

                                    C9 -                 land north of Bromham

                                    C10 -              land north of Bromham

                                    C12 -             land near Studley, west of Calne

                                    C13 -             land near Studley, west of Calne

                                    C14 -              land near Studley, west of Calne.     

7.20 pm


Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:

a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    NHS Wiltshire

d.    Calne Community Area Partnership – including progress on the community hub and the Abberd Brook project

e.    Calne CAYPIG (Community Area Young People’s Issues Group)

f.     Town and Parish Councils.

Supporting documents:


 a) The written update from Wiltshire Police was noted. Sergeant Phil Connor explained to the meeting that Inspector Kate Pain was now the Chairman of the Wiltshire Police Federation. Inspector Steven Cox would take over from Inspector Pain in the Calne Community Area. The Chairman would thank Inspector Pain for all her work with the Area Board.


Sergeant Connor noted excellent work had taken place with Calne CCTV and PCSO Gray had been very successful with the Calne Shop Watch Scheme.


Councillor Trotman alerted the meeting to an issue with cars being keyed in the Curzon Street area.


A concern was raised about the length of time taken to answer a call to the non emergency police number, 0845 4087000.


b) The written update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service was noted. Group Manager Mike Franklin added that the number of fires in the Community Area was at a two year low. He highlighted the risks associated with lighting candles at home and invited owners of thatched properties to take up the offer of home fire safety checks by calling directly using the freephone number 0800 3897849 or requesting a service online from the website: Please also get in contact to have smoke alarms correctly fitted (though there could be a twelve week delay while waiting for new stock).


c) The written report from NHS Wiltshire was noted.


d) The written update from Calne Community Area Partnership was noted.


e) CAYPIG had held a meeting on 12 November 2010 to discuss the skateboard park. They came up with the idea of a twelve hour bike ride for young people to raise funds for the project. CAYPIG were also looking into funding opportunities from organisations.    


Another meeting was held on 29 November at the existing skateboard park. From this meeting a plan was drawn up and had been passed to Ian Perry at Maverick Skateboards.


Calne Extreme were running regular activities on Wednesday and Thursday evening and special events and projects on other days of the week. It cost £10 to become a member and this included a free Calne Extreme hoodie. Please see Calne Extreme notice board at Priestley Grove Youth Centre for project details or contact or 01249 812509.


The large amount of help received by the Bluez n Zuz discos from volunteers was underlined. 


f)   Cherhill Parish Council provided an update about the Tommy Croker Memorial Playing Field. The funding application that was considered at the last Area Board meeting had been deferred, pending further information about an award linked to the central government play builder scheme. The project had subsequently been awarded this funding from Government and work would start at the end of January 2011.


Cherhill and Yatesbury are in the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and had formed a project group. Please get in touch with the Parish Council if you would like to become involved.


Hilmarton Parish Council requested the Area Board write to Councillor Tonge (Cabinet  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.

7.40 pm


Turn Off the Lights

A chance to prioritise sites for this project to reduce night time street lighting.


The meeting was given a chance to prioritise sites for a project to reduce night time street lighting. The votes would be added to those that had already been received and the ballot would be closed this evening.


A concern was raised regarding communication to people living in identified sites. The Community Area Manager explained that the sites had been put forward by local people and information had been provided in the press, on the local radio, online and in the community hub and the library. When priority sites had been established, people living in these areas would then be consulted with in order to look into which lights they would or would not like turned off. The Community Area Manager would welcome suggestions on how communication could be improved for community ballots in the future.


The results of the ballot were as follows:

Top priority = A4 - Marden Hill to Cherhill

2nd   =    Greenacres Way/ Beversbrook Road (Bypass)

3rd   =    A4 through Calne

4th   =    Fynamore Gardens

5th   =    Stickleback Road

6th   =   Newbury Avenue.     

7.50 pm


Community Area Grants

To consider three applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


a.    North Wessex Youth Corps of Drums - seeking £950 to provide uniforms for band members

b.    Singchronize – seeking £1,000 for equipment for the new contemporary community choir

c.    Derry Hill United FC – seeking £1,285 for moveable goalposts.   


Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to the three applications made to the Community Area Grants Scheme.



North Wessex Youth Corps of Drums were awarded £950 to provide uniforms for band members.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and it addresses ambitions laid out in the Calne Community Area Plan to develop cultural, recreation and sporting activities that capture imagination and encourage involvement.  



Singchronize were awarded £1,000 for equipment for the new contemporary community choir.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and it addresses ambitions laid out in the Calne Community Area Plan to develop cultural, recreation and sporting activities that capture imagination and encourage involvement



Derry Hill United FC were awarded £1,285 for moveable goalposts.



The application meets the 2010/11 grant criteria and it links to the Calne Community Area Plan ambition to develop sporting activities that encourage involvement.   


8.00 pm


Wiltshire Council's New Approach to Providing Face to Face Customer Access to Council Services

To report on the new proposals to provide face to face contact with our customers.


Wayne Smith, Customer Services Operations Manager, introduced a DVD about the new proposals to provide face to face contact with Wiltshire Council customers. This was followed by a short question and answer session.


The information desk at the Bank House would continue to signpost and provide advice to customers, though the grant for the service from Wiltshire Council had been cut to bring the North in line with the rest of the county. The Project Manager for the community hub was unable to attend but asked for it to be noted that the hub was interested in being a face to face venue. The community hub had been identified as an ideal space for Officers to meet with customers and Colemans Farm was also under consideration as a possible access point location.



Wayne Smith would contact the community hub regarding use as a venue for providing face to face contact with Wiltshire Council customers.   

8.10 pm


Possible Future Health and Social Developments in the Calne Community Area

Information will be provided by Martin Hender, Practice Manager, and Dr Paul Harris, Senior Partner at Patford House Surgery.


Dr Paul Harris, Senior Partner at Patford House Surgery, provided information about possible health and social developments in the Calne Community Area. This covered the following main points:

·         Why the surgery needed to move (the lease expired in a few years time, CQC and DDA requirements, parking issues, a Government White Paper)

·         Opportunities linked to a move (links with local authority, social and dental services and providing consultant services closer to patients)

·         The present situation (outline support had been received from NHS Wiltshire, preliminary discussions had been held with Wiltshire Council, there was support from other GP practices and interest from dentists and pharmacists and consultation had started to take place).


Dr Harris explained that he was looking for support from the Area Board and local people, help from Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire to identify funding streams and suggestions from the people of Calne Community Area. The use of the community hub as a place to consult with local people was highlighted.


The Area Board should be kept informed of future developments.

8.25 pm


Your Local Issues

Councillors will provide an update on community issues and progress on Area Board working groups. This will include:

a.    Skate board park working group

b.    Cycle network working group

c.    Highways working group.  


Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups.


a) Councillor Marshall added to the update on the skateboard park working group given by the CAYPIG by thanking the young people involved for all their hard work.


b) Councillor Berry spoke about the cycle network working group. Calne Area Transport had drawn down their funding and started research. Concrete surfaces should start to be put in place by Spring 2011.


c) As Councillor Crisp had presented her apologies, information about the highways working group would be presented at the Area Board meeting in February.

8.40 pm


Cabinet Representative

Councillor Keith Humphries will give a short overview of his role as Cabinet Representative for Health and Wellbeing.


Councillor Keith Humphries gave a short overview of his role as Cabinet Representative for Health and Wellbeing. The health element of his role related to public health and the wellbeing element to prevention and protection services.


Concern was raised regarding the landfill site at Lower Compton and environmental health issues. Councillor Humphries would provide his contact details for the individual who asked about this issue.    

8.45 pm



The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting and, as this is the last Area Board meeting of the year, invite all present to listen to Singchronize choir.

Supporting documents:


The next Area Board meeting would be held at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 8 February 2011 at 7.00 pm at Calne Town Hall, with refreshments available from 6.30 pm. As this was the last Area Board meeting of the year, the Chairman wished everyone a Happy Christmas and invited the meeting to listen to a lovely performance from Singchronize choir.