Agenda and minutes

Corsham Area Board - Tuesday 17 August 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Corsham Town Hall, High Street, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 0EZ

Contact: Julia Densham (Senior Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01249 706610 / Email:

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited members of the board to introduce themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Dick Tonge and Mr Ian Storey.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8 June 2010.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 8 June 2010 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcements

Supporting documents:


The chairman informed those present of the following:


(a)               Review of Local Transport Plan Car Parking Strategy


The Council’s current car parking strategy dates back to 2000 and now needed to be reviewed to reflect the move to Wiltshire Council and to ensure that parking charges and standards were broadly consistent across the whole county.


The consultation was open from 12 July to 3 September 2010.  The Council would feed back to area boards in the autumn and the Cabinet would consider the results in December.  Any changes would then be effective from April 2011.


(b)               Community Payback – Call for Grot Spots


Wiltshire Probation Services were launching a new scheme, “Community Payback Involving Local Communities”.


Area Boards were asked to identify “grot spots” in areas which need clearing or community facilities which need work.  These can be referred to the community area manager or by using the issue tracking system found at


(c)               Consultation on Initial Site Options for the Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations


A consultation on potential sites for sand and gravel extraction commenced on 5 August 2010.  The consultation would run for a period of eight weeks.


The potential site relevant to this area is in the Corsham Without and Box Hill division. 


(d)               Leisure Review


The leisure review was originally scheduled to come to this meeting.  However, it would now be considered at the next meeting in October to enable the cabinet member to attend to present the item and to answer questions.  This still falls within the consultation period for the leisure review.


There would be a roadshow on Monday 11 October in the Somerfield/Co-op car park where staff would be available from 10am to 2pm to answer questions.


Some concerns were raised by a member of the public regarding any proposals to close the Springfield Leisure Centre in Corsham.  The following views were expressed:


·        There had been major investment in the last three years to bring the centre to an excellent standard.

·        The swimming pool was the main gala centre for the area.

·        The pool was preferred by the majority of serious swimmers.

·        50% of pool users come from Chippenham because it was the preferred centre for serious training.

·        Any proposal for closure should be reconsidered.


(e)               Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation


The consultation on possible new gypsy and traveller sites following on from the work carried out in April and June had now been put on hold. 


The issues consultation used figures proposed in the draft South West Regional Spatial Strategy as the basis of future need for gypsy and traveller sites.  The Regional Spatial Strategy has now been revoked and it falls to local authorities to determine the right level of site provision.


Officers were currently assessing existing information about the level of need for new gypsy and traveller sites in Wiltshire to make sure the development plan document progresses with the correct local targets for new site provision.  This has affected the overall timetable for the preparation of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


A4 Basil Hill Update

To receive an update on the latest position.


The Chairman updated the board on the current situation with regard to the A4/Basil Hill proposals.  Talks were still ongoing and Wiltshire Council had not yet agreed a contribution figure.  Progress had been delayed by the departure of the person dealing with this from the Ministry of Defence.  It was hoped that rapid progress would be made once the holiday period was over.


In response to a question, the chairman confirmed that adequate notice would be given if works were to be undertaken to the roundabout at Academy Drive.


Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


a)         Wiltshire Police

b)         Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c)         NHS Wiltshire

d)         Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

e)         Corsham Area Young People’s Issues Group

f)          Chamber of Commerce

Supporting documents:


In addition to the written reports from partners the board received the following updates:


(a)               Wiltshire Police


Corsham was currently top in the sector for performance figures.  The Neighbourhood Policing Team survey had also shown that Corsham was top in customer satisfaction.


In response to a question regarding speed cameras Cllr John Noeken explained that fixed speed cameras would be removed due to the government grant being withdrawn.  The cameras would be non-operational from October.  The mobile units would remain operational.


It was agreed that a copy of the recent press release issued on this matter would be sent to Christine Reid, Chairman of the Community Area Partnership.


(b)               Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


Cards were circulated at the meeting which could be used to make an application for home fire safety advice.


(c)               Corsham Town Council


The Town Council thanked Wiltshire Council for its support with Corsham in Bloom, and, in particular the street cleaners who had done an excellent job.


The Town Council urged everyone to respond to the current leisure consultation particularly in relation to the Springfield Leisure Centre.


(d)               Colerne Parish Council


The youth club was now established and numbers were rising each week.  The Marshfield play area was being refurbished.  There were plans to refurbish the recreation area but funding was currently an issue.


(e)               Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)


CCAN informed the board of the following events:


·        As a result of the recent Joint Strategic Needs Assessment that was carried out CCAN had formed a Planning Health Forum.  The first meeting would take place on 14 September at 4pm at Corsham Town Hall.

·        An open CCAN meeting would take place on 16 September at 7pm at Hartham Park.  This meeting would look at how expectations had changed since the last community plan had been produced.  All local residents were welcome.


Waste Consultation

To receive a presentation from Martin Litherland, Head of Waste Collection, on the proposals for a new waste and recycling service.


Martin Litherland, Head of Waste Collection, gave a short presentation regarding the waste collection consultation.  He included the following points:


·        the new council had inherited four different waste collection schemes across the county

·        landfill tax was set to increase from £40 per tonne in 2009 to£80 per tonne in 2014, increasing by £8 per year

·        Landfill diversion targets needed to be met, otherwise disposal costs would escalate.

·        the proposed new service would provide each household in Wiltshirewith a 2 weekly collection of household waste, black box recycling, plastic bottles and cardboard, and a non-charged‘opt-in’ garden waste collection

·        leaflets were available at the meeting that provided additional information and alsodescribed the ways in which people could engage in the consultation.  The closing date was 20 August.

·        Current county-wide recycling rates were:

East 44%, West 43%, South 35% and North 28%

During the following question and answer session the following issues were raised:


  • It was confirmed that the existing village recycling schemes had been included in the figures produced.  It had not yet been decided whether these schemes should continue but they could be used to collect other materials not included in the waste collection service.
  • There was concern from some members of the public that there had not been adequate publicity regarding the consultation.  Officers explained that the proposal had been publicised in the Wiltshire Magazine which was delivered to all households, was on line and had also been brought to all area boards.
  • If very large households required a larger bin then this could be provided.  However, the priority would be to encourage people to recycle as much as possible.
  • There were no proposals to recycle food waste at this stage.
  • Education was important and the report to the Cabinet in October would include a communication strategy.
  • It was important for supermarkets to engage with the process to encourage waste minimisation.


Review of the Library Service

To receive a presentation from Niki Lewis, Service Director, on the current review of the library service.


Niki Lewis (Service Director for Communities, Libraries, Heritage and Arts) gave a presentation on the Library Services Review.  The following points were made:


·          £500,000 was to be saved over the next two years while maintaining the current level of service delivery

·          the meeting was invited to complete the postcard questionnaires to feed into the consultation


The following issues were discussed:


  • All options were currently being considered.  It was important to retain those elements of the service which was valued.  Library closures had not been ruled out but nothing had been decided yet.
  • Some concern was expressed about the cost of uniforms for library staff.  Niki Lewis explained that this helped to identify librarians which was helpful for older people and also provided a safeguard when working with young people.
  • Stock was sold off when it was rarely used or when it was in poor condition through heavy use.
  • It was suggested that the library service could work in conjunction with charity shops to buy books which could be returned to the shops when no longer required.


Cabinet Representative - Councillor John Noeken

The Cabinet representative, Councillor John Noeken, will talk about his responsibilities for Resources (including human resources, ICT, procurement and commissioning, customer services, business transformation and the registration service and coroners) and will invite questions.


Councillor John Noeken attended the meeting to talk about his role as Cabinet Member for Resources.  This included responsibility for human resources, ICT, procurement and commissioning, customer services, business transformation and the registration service an coroners.


Cllr Noeken’s work over the last year had included the logistics of bringing five councils together into one and harmonisation of staff terms and conditions.  It was important to maintain frontline services in spite of the large cuts that would be made to funding over the next four years.  Staffing levels and processes would have to be reviewed.


It was confirmed that a Finance Director would be appointed in the next few weeks.  Cllr Noeken also explained the process for tendering for large contracts such as the highways contract.  Ringway was one of the lead contractors with some subsidiary companies working with them.  The contract was put out to tender on a regular basis.


Community Area Grants

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider four applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:


(i)                  Gastard Village Hall Committee

(ii)                Transition Community Corsham

(iii)               Neston Pre School Playgroup

(iv)              Corsham Junior Netball Club

Supporting documents:


The area board considered four grant applications seeking 2010/11 community area grant funding:


(a)               Gastard Village Hall Committee



To award £998 to make good the floor in the village hall to enable users to use the hall safely.



The application meets the funding criteria for 2010/11 and provides a place for the community to meet.


(b)               Transition Community Corsham



To award £930 to Transition Community Corsham to organise and facilitate an eco-schools conference for schools in the Corsham Community Area subject to the balance of funds being in place.



The application meets the funding criteria for 2010/11 and demonstrates a link to the community plan in relation to education and learning.


(c)               Neston Pre School Playgroup



To award £877.42 to Neston Pre School Playgroup to purchase equipment to start a stay and play session to enable the group to reach and provide facilities for more people.



The application meets the funding criteria for 2010/11 and provides facilities and activities for people in the community area.


(d)               Corsham Junior Netball Club



To award Corsham Junior Netball Club £998.15 to purchase equipment to establish a new junior section of the club.



The application meets the funding criteria for 2010/11 and will improve facilities which will enhance the community as a whole, it also offers facilities and activities for young people.


Community Issues

The Community Area Manager will provide an update on issues received and actions taken since the previous area board meeting on 8 June 2010.


The Community Area Manager updated the board on the following community issues:


  • Graffiti at Rudloe – this had now been cleared.
  • Post Box at Katherine Park – The Post Office had identified a site and was now seeking the permission of the land owner to install the post box.
  • Community Centres – Meetings were currently taking place to find a way to resolve this issue.
  • Meriton Avenue – The Council was looking into potential solutions to parking on the grass verges.  A mini-consultation would soon be taking place with local residents.
  • Paving outside Corsham Town Hall – The Council was currently working with the Town Council to move this issue forward.


Performance Reward Grant

To consider an application for performance reward grant funding to enable energy monitors to be available for free hire in all libraries across the county.


The Area Board is asked to consider whether it wishes to agree to this application being put forward for consideration by the performance reward  grant funding panel.


Supporting documents:


The board considered an application for performance reward grant funding to enable energy monitors to be available for free hire in all libraries across the county.



To support the application for performance reward grant and agree that it should be put forward for consideration by the grant funding panel.




Future Meeting Dates and Forward Plan

To note that the next meeting will take place on 19 October 2010 at Corsham Town Hall.  The forward work plan for the area board is attached for information.

Supporting documents:


It was noted that the next meeting would take place on 19 October 2010 at Corsham Town Hall.