Agenda and minutes

Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 11 January 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Online - Microsoft Teams Meeting

Contact: Matt Hitch  Democratic Services Officer


Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

To welcome those present to the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed attendees to the meeting and informed them that it was being broadcast live. She then invited the councillors and officers present introduce themselves.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence had been received from the following:


·       Joanna Wittels (Healthwatch Wiltshire)



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 12 October 2021.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting on the 12 October 2021 were presented for consideration.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting on the 12 October 2021 as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Cllr James Sheppard declared that he was a member of Marlborough Tennis Club, but not a board member or in a management position.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive announcements through the Chairman. 


·       To note that the PCC’s Crime Plan is out for consultation until 26 January 2022. Click here to have your say.


Th Chairman reminded the Area Board that, as the meeting was being held online, all decisions on funding, delegations and key priorities would have to be ratified through the Leader Delegated Decision process.


She then noted that at the last meeting Cllr Russell Holland, Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Swindon and Wiltshire had updated the Area Board about the PCC’s new crime plan. She noted that the plan was out for consultation until 26 January and a web link to the consultation could be found on the agenda frontsheet.


PCC Philip Wilkinson


PCC Philip Wilkinson explained that he had reformed the process of putting together the crime plan to allow for wider community engagement, with the aim of making the force more responsive to public feedback. An example of this was setting up a Youth Commission to provide networking opportunities for 14- to 25-year-olds ensuring that their voices would be represented. He reported that they were in the process of analysing the results of the public consultation and drawing up a list of key priorities. He assured the Area Board that there would be a focus on outcomes and deliverables to guarantee local democratic accountability. On 10 March he would present the plan to the Police and Crime Panel. He stated that he planned to increase the precept by £0.83 per household per month in order to recruit an additional 62 officers and improve service delivery.


Members thanked the PCC for his consultation and welcomed the emphasis that was being placed on speeding, the third highest priority identified during the consultation. The PCC stated that he was improving the coordination of 115 speed watch teams into eight area groupings to improve the use of available data. In addition, he announced that three mobile speed cameras had been purchased to improve enforcement and an extra car allocated to each traffic police team in the county. A military armed response team had also been helping with enforcement on an ad hoc basis to support speed watch teams.


A question was received from the public about the process for applying to be a police constable for those without degrees. The PCC stated that they were reviewing recruitment and promotion processes within the force. Inspector Al Lumley then explained that there were three routes to become a constable, one of which was via an apprenticeship that did not require a degree.



Community Area Status Report and Area Board Priority Setting

Community Engagement Manager Andrew Jack to provide an update on the Community Status Report.

Supporting documents:


Community Engagement Manager (CEM) Andrew Jack referred the Area Board to the report between pages 11 and 22 of the agenda pack. He explained that a research action plan had been produced to tackle issues over the next three to four years. He noted that there were five key priorities, each divided into issues with different objectives designed to address them.


The CEM then highlighted some of the actions identified in the plan, such as supporting local apprenticeships and running a skills fair for young people. He reported that Marlborough was the first stop in Wiltshire on the Great Western Way, a route of tourists visiting the West Country via market towns and explained that the Area Board was looking at ways of helping to promote tourism in the area.  He then gave tangible examples of what had already been achieved by working through the Area Board, such as a successful sports taster session in September, run in partnership with Marlborough Sports Forum. Finally, he encouraged the public to have their say on the plans and how best they could be delivered.



Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


Wiltshire Police

Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

Jubilee Centre

Kennett & Avon Medical Partnership

Healthwatch Wiltshire

Town/Parish Councils

Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan

Marlborough Climate Action

Supporting documents:


Written updates were available in the pack from:


• Wiltshire Police

• Healthwatch Wiltshire

• Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Verbal updates were also received from the following partners:


Wiltshire Police


Inspector Al Lumley updated the Area Board about personnel changes within the area, noting that Sgt Gareth Cole was the new neighbourhood sergeant. He was pleased to report that crime had fallen across the force by four percent over the 12 months to October 2021. A recent local success had been the sentencing of a prolific shop lifter. The inspector reported that Marlborough averaged around three to four reported shop liftings per month but that had risen to 17 in October 2021, primarily as a result of this individual. After his arrest there were only two reported shop lifts in December 2021.


The inspector also provided information about Operation Elf, an increased visible police presence over the Christmas period, as well as the introduction of identification verification checks for officers in the wake of Sarah Everard’s murder. In response to a question about hare coursing he explained that cases were investigated through their dedicated rural crime team but that the best way to report the cases was through the 101 ‘phone line.


Deputy PCC Russell Holland highlighted a recent government announcement toughening sentences for hare coursing and stated that they were looking at ways to improve enforcement equipment, such as night-time goggles.  


Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Wayne Presley, Group Manager of Group 2 Wiltshire, referred the Area Board to the information included in Agenda Supplement 2 of the agenda pack. He noted that the force had been supporting ambulance drivers to deal with increased demand. He reported that from February 2022 the brigade would undergo a six-week inspection. A recruitment campaign was also underway especially for on-call firefighters.


Jubilee Centre


Sally Wolfenden from the Jubilee Centre reported that the number of people they were supporting was now up to three quarters of pre-pandemic levels. The centre had also been working alongside a community bus to help provide transport to members getting their flu jabs. She explained that the centre was a joyful place, full of fun and fellowship. She then took the opportunity to pay tribute to those who had kept the meals on wheels service running throughout the lockdowns and stated that they would welcome additional volunteers.


Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership (KAMP)


Suzy Deering, Communications Officer at KAMP, explained that they had rolled out the Covid-19 booster vaccination programme in the Marlborough and Pewsey areas. KAMP had run clinics over the Christmas period and staff had worked over bank holidays to get as many people vaccinated as possible. The clinics had been well publicised on BBC Radio Wiltshire and, as of 10 January 2022, over three quarters of eligible adults in the area had received their booster jabs. She noted that another clinic would be held in Pewsey Surgery on 13 January, so encouraged those eligible to come forward.


The communications officer also spoke  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



3G Football Pitch for Marlborough

To receive an update on the work being done to create a new 3G pitch and the way that Area Board funding is being used.


Matt Hodey, a coach at Marlborough Youth FC, thanked the Area Board for providing a £5,000 funding grant towards survey work and provided an update about the progress made towards the scheme. He reported that Marlborough had been identified by Wiltshire FA as a one of four priority areas where facilities required improvement. A preferred specialist contractor had been identified for the work and they were surveying two potential sites in the town for the pitch, one on Elcot Lane and one at St John’s School.  It was anticipated that the findings of the feasibility study would be available by the end of January. The representative also stated that there had been positive engagement with Marlborough Town Council as well as the Football Foundation. 



Prevention and Wellbeing

A new team that will bring the work of the former Local Area Coordinators’ Team to the whole county.


The Chairman introduced the item, explaining that the Prevention and Wellbeing team had replaced the Local Area Coordinators’ service from October 2021. Katie Brown, Senior Prevention and Wellbeing Officer (North) provided further information about the team explaining that they worked alongside adults in the community facing issues such as social isolation, bereavement and homelessness. She stressed that the geographical focus of the team allowed them to build local relationships and that there were four officers supporting the north of the county. Frances Barrone was the team member working most closely with Marlborough and she had already built a strong working relationship with Jill Turner, the Chair of Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group, as well as the Jubilee Centre. The officer encouraged those wanting support from the team to ring 03004560111 or complete an online referral here.




Shared Lives Service

To receive background information about the scheme and to find out about what is being done to promote the scheme in the Marlborough area.


Kate Dale from the Shared Lives service explained that they helped vulnerable adults receive support within their carer’s home, allowing them to live as part of their family. The scheme enabled vulnerable adults to live as independently as possible and helped people with a wide variety of needs. The officer explained that the scheme was part of a preventative approach to care, providing respite for carers as well as reducing the need for admission into other care settings.

The officer noted that there was one carer in the Marlborough and Pewsey area, so they were looking for volunteers with a spare room. A matching process would be set up for people wanting to get involved, so that the carer and customer could get to know each other. Extensive training would be provided to volunteers and a care act assessment would be completed to ensure that appropriate support would be in place. The officer stressed that financial support was available for carers and that it was not a 24-hour commitment, so a carer could combine the role with part time work. Those wanting further information could ring 01380 826451 or email




Wiltshire Youth Council

To receive an update about the Wiltshire Youth Council, giving 11 – 18-year-olds the chance to have their say on decisions made by the Local Authority. Elections are due to be held between 31 January and 4 February 2022.



Supporting documents:


The Chairman explained that Wiltshire Council’s Child and Youth Voice team were encouraging secondary schools to put forward councillors to Wiltshire Youth Council.  The youth council would give 11 – 18-year-olds the chance to have their say on decisions made by the Local Authority. She noted that elections were due to be held between 31 January and 4 February 2022.



Local Youth Network Update

A report on the findings of the County-wide Youth Survey.


To consider the below Area Board Initiative:


·       £17,500 towards Marlborough Area Youth Support.



Further details on the grant can be found in the grant report attached to agenda item 16.


The CEM reminded the Area Board about the county-wide youth survey that ran in the autumn of 2021 and was pleased to report that it had received around 4,500 responses.


Cllr Thomas introduced an Area Board initiative to set up a charitable incorporated organisation that would then employ a youth worker to improve youth services within the local area. The youth worker would be employed to organise events, fundraise and coordinate the efforts of different youth organisations. The worker would operate in Marlborough as well as in the surrounding villages within the Area Board. It was envisioned that the supporting organisation would have trustees including young people as active members. Work would also be done in collaboration with the Marlborough Community Youth Project. The councillor noted that the aim was for the Area Board to kick start the scheme and that fundraising opportunities would allow it to become self-sustaining in the longer term.




To commit £17,500 towards Marlborough Area Youth Support, specifically towards the employment of youth worker and the setting up of the appropriate supporting organisation.




Although in excess of £5,000, sufficient budgetary youth funding resources were available to support the scheme and it was seen to be an exceptional case due to the need to support youth service provision in the area.



Vibrant Wiltshire Grant Scheme

To receive information about grants to support small and independent businesses, along with capital funding to make improvements to their premises.


The Chairman informed the Area Board that the scheme was currently on hold and that further information would be provided at a future meeting if the scheme was relaunched.



Community Area Transport Group

The Area Board will be asked to ratify the funding recommendations from the Marlborough Community Area Transport Group (CATG) meeting of the 9 December 2021.

Supporting documents:


Cllr James Sheppard, Chairman of the CATG, referred the Area Board to the information between pages 35 and 50 of the agenda pack.




1. To note the discussions from the CATG meeting of 9 December 2021.

2. To confirm the eight high priority schemes as agreed by the CATG.



Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group

To receive an update on the Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group from their meeting on 30 November 2021.


To consider the following application for Health and Wellbeing Funding:


·       Alzheimers Support, £2,250 towards the Marlborough Movement and Music for the Mind project.



Further details on the grant can be found in the grant report attached to agenda item 16.

Supporting documents:


Jill Turner, Chairman of Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group provided a brief update about their meeting of 30 November. She stated that the meeting had been attended by the Chairman of the Area Board, the CEM, Frances Barrone from the Prevention and Wellbeing team, as well as representatives from Healthwatch Wiltshire, Carer Support Wiltshire and the Jubilee Centre. She was disappointed to announce that a grant application by Textiles and Stitch Around Marlborough towards the Red Dress Presentation had been withdrawn.


Members then considered the following application to the Health and Wellbeing Grant Scheme:


Alzheimer’s Support - £2,250 towards the Marlborough Movement and Music for the Mind project.


Sarah Marriot CEO of Alzheimer’s Support Wiltshire spoke in favour of their application, explaining that they were a local charity and supported people with dementia at the village hall in Mildenhall.




To award £2,250 to Alzheimer’s Support towards the Marlborough Movement and Music for the Mind Project.




The application met the funding criteria for 2021/22



Community Area Grant Scheme

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider the below applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


·       Marlborough Festival, £5,000 towards a Marlborough Festival 2023 event plan.

·       Marlborough Tennis Club, £1097.50 towards a defibrillator.


To note that the following application has been approved via delegated authority:


·       Textiles and Stitch Around Marlborough, £300 towards The Red Dress Presentation.



Supporting documents:


Members considered applications for the Community Area Grants Scheme as detailed in the agenda pack.


Marlborough Festival - £5,000 towards a detailed event plan


Representatives from the community interest company reported the progress that they had made since the last Area Board meeting, such as consulting with community representatives including town councillors, business owners and charities.


During the discussion members welcomed the idea of holding a festival and sought further information about the funding. The representatives confirmed that they had applied for lottery funding and were looking at sources such as the Arts Fund, crowd funding and backing from local businesses. When asked about the stand alone cost of the event plan, the representatives confirmed that this was £4,000 plus VAT and they explained that this would be a community asset. As funding guidelines suggest that a project can be supported up to 50 percent of the project cost up to a maximum of £5,000, members proposed to support the bid at £2,000. It was also noted that there might be further opportunities to support the festival as plans progressed.




To award £2,000 of a requested £5,000 to Marlborough Festival towards an event plan.




The funding awarded met the funding criteria for 2021/22


Marlborough Tennis Club - £1,097.50 towards a defibrillator


Peter May, a committee member of the tennis club, spoke in favour of their application. He noted that their membership had grown during the pandemic, so they had nearly 400 members. Given the relatively isolated location of the club and the physically demanding nature of the sport he explained that the defibrillator would be important to health and safety.




To award Marlborough Tennis Club, £1,097.50, towards a defibrillator. 




The application met the funding criteria for 2021/22



Open Floor

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


There were no questions put to the Area Board.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held at 7.00pm on 22 March 2022.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.


It was noted that the next ordinary meeting of the Marlborough Area Board would be on Tuesday 22 March 2022, at 7.00pm.