Venue: The Cotswold Space - County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Kieran Elliott Email:
Note | No. | Item |
Election of Chairman 2019/20 To elect a Chairman for 2019/20. Minutes: Nominations were sought for a Chairman for the forthcoming year. Councillor Stewart Palmen was nominated by Councillor Steve Oldrieve, seconded by Councillor Andrew Bryant. Councillor Edward Kirk was nominated by Councillor Peter Fuller, seconded by Councillor Horace Prickett. After a vote it was,
To appoint Councillor Edward Kirk as Chairman for the forthcoming year. |
Election of Vice-Chairman 2019/20 To elect a Vice-Chairman for 2019/20.
Minutes: Nominations were sought for a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year. Councillor Stewart Palmen was nominated by Councillor Steve Oldrieve, seconded by Councillor David Halik. Councillor Horace Prickett was nominated by Councillor Peter Fuller, seconded by Councillor Horace Prickett. After a vote it was,
To appoint Councillor Horace Prickett as Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.
7.00pm |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Deborah Halik, Colin Kay of the Trowbridge Health and Wellbeing Centre Development Group, and Phil Peaple from the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service. |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2019. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2019 were presented for consideration and it was,
To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements through the Chair. Minutes: The Board received an update on the first Trowbridge Weaver’s Market which had taken place on 13 July 2019.
The Board thanked organisers for their efforts and the Chairman offered thanks on behalf of the Board to Councillor Stewart Palmen for his work with the market.
Appointment to Working Groups and Outside Bodies To make appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups for the forthcoming year:
Outside Bodies Local Youth Network (LYN) Trowbridge Community Area Future
Working Groups Community Area Transport Group (including appointment of Chairman) LYN Management Group Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group Safer and Supportive Communities Group Health and Wellbeing Group
Older person’s champion
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board received a report on the current composition of working groups and appointments to outside bodies. It was noted the representative from TCAF should be Meg Aubery, that David Baker was no longer the representative of the Chamber of Commerce, and it was agreed to add Roger Evans as a parish council representative to the Community Area Transport Group. It was therefore,
That subject to changes as detailed above, to
a) Appoint Councillor representatives to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A;
b) Agree to reconstitute and appoint to the Working Groups as set out in Appendix B; and
c) Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Groups, as set out in Appendix C.
d) Appoint an Older Person Champion for the Area Board, in accordance with Appendix D.
7.05pm |
Partner Updates To note the written reports and receive any updates from the following:
a) Wiltshire Police b) Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service c) Town and Parish Councils d) Local Youth Network e) Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group f) Safer and Supportive Communities Group g) Health and Wellbeing Group Supporting documents:
Minutes: Updates from partners were received as follows:
i. Wiltshire Police The written update was noted.
ii. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service The written update was noted.
iii. Town and Parish Councils The written update from Trowbridge Town Council was noted, and that the new Leader of Wiltshire Council had been invited to speak to the town council regarding major development sites and other matters.
North Bradley Parish Council also provided an updated on the progress of their neighbourhood plan.
iv. Local Youth Network Grant recommendations would be considered under funding, and it was reported meetings would be held with Trowbridge Community Area Future after the summer break to discuss the various activities that would have taken place.
v. Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group The written report was noted. Chris Hilton, recently appointed interim Head of Economic Development at Wiltshire Council, was in attendance and explained discussions had been held with the Chairman of the group since publication of the agenda. It was acknowledged that there had been considerable delays since the outline planning application for the site had been approved in November 2018, largely as a result of Environment Agency concerns, and that he would be meeting with them shortly, along with the NHS. It was stated it was hoped Cabinet approval for the way forward could be achieved in October 2019.
The Board noted that there had been many attempts to progress with the site which had not come to fruition. They requested a further update on progress in September 2019 and that the Health and Wellbeing Centre Development Group be involved in discussions with officers.
vi. Safer and Supportive Communities Group The group would be meeting shortly. It was also noted it had changed its name.
vii. Health and Wellbeing Group The group would also be meeting shortly and there was no further update. |
Warm and Safe Wiltshire Programme To receive a presentation from Paola Aldana, Senior Energy Advisor, Warm & Safe Wiltshire.
Minutes: A presentation was received from Paola Aldana, Senior Energy Adviser, Warm & Safe Wiltshire, a charity concerned with sustainable energy projects.
Details were provided on efforts to tackle fuel poverty as well as issues of poor heating controls and insulation, working to reduce energy usage and collaborative work on information campaigns with health service and the fire and rescue service.
The Board were also advised of an ongoing project to install smart meters in homes to monitor energy usage and avoid estimated bills, and allow for flexible charging for usage at different times if desired. In response to queries it was stated the 1st generation meters had had difficulties when people switched suppliers, but that the 2nd generation should avoid that problem, and that the upgrade would be free.
The Board thanked Paola for her presentation. |
Wiltshire Highways Maintenance To receive a presentation from Diane Ware, Principal Technical Officer Highways Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Diane Ware, Principal Technical Officer Highways, Wiltshire Council regarding highways maintenance in the community area.
It was noted that each community area received funding based on length of the network and proportion in need of work within the next five years. Owing to the quality of the network in Trowbridge this had meant less allocated funding, but as areas were assessed and new sections identified as needing priority work, other funding could be obtained.
The Board thanked Diane for her presentation. |
Trowbridge Museum To receive a presentation from Clare Lyall, Curator and Head of Cultural and Neighbourhood Services. Minutes: A presentation was received from Clare Lyall, Curator and Head of Cultural and Neighbourhood Serviced, Trowbridge Town Council, regarding Trowbridge Museum.
The Board thanked Clare for her presentation. |
7.20pm |
Funding Youth Grants
i) Youth Adventure Trust – Vulnerable Young People from Trowbridge 2019 Activity Days - £1988.40 ii) Splash Positive Activities for Trowbridge Young People – Splash, part of Community First - £4975.00 iii) Trowbridge Town Football Club – Trowbridge Town Youth Football Club Goalposts - £750.00 iv) Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – Re-Cycle Wiltshire - £4000.00
Community Area Grants
v) Brighter Aspirations Studley Green Youth Space – Trowbridge Community Area Future - £7500.00 vi) Trowbridge Town Football Club Goal Posts – Trowbridge Town Football Club - £896.97 vii) The Outdoor Classroom – The Grove Primary School - £5000.00
Health and Wellbeing Grant
viii) Trowbridge Community Area Future – Community Hub @ BA14 Support Clubs - £3400.00
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board considered the following applications:
Youth Grants
i. Youth Adventure Trust The sum of £1988.40 was requested for Vulnerable Young People from Trowbridge 2019 Activity Days. On the motion of Councillor Stewart Palmen, seconded by Councillor Steve Oldrieve, it was
Resolved The Area Board awarded the sum of £1988.40 to Youth Adventure Trust. Reason The application met the Grant Criteria.
ii. Splash Positives Activities for Trowbridge Young People The sum of £4975.00 was requested for Spash, part of Community First. On the motion of Councillor Steve Oldrieve, seconded by Councillor Stewart Palmen, it was,
Resolved The Area Board awarded the sum of £4975.00 to Splash Positives Activities for Trowbridge Young People Reason The application met the Grant Criteria.
iii. Trowbridge Town Football Club The sum of £750.00 was requested for Youth Club Goalposts. On the motion of Councillor Ernie Clark, seconded by Councillor Peter Fuller, it was,
Resolved The Area Board awarded the sum of £750.00 to Trowbridge Town Football Club. Reason The application met the Grant Criteria.
iv. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust The sum of £4000.00 was requested for the Re-cycle project. On the motion of Councillor Stewart Palmen, seconded by Councillor Andrew Bryant, it was,
Resolved The Area Board awarded the sum of £4000.00 to Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. Reason The application met the Grant Criteria.
Community Area Grants
v. Trowbridge Community Area Future The sum of £7500.00 was requested for Brighter Aspirations Studley Green Youth Space. On the motion of Councillor Peter Fuller, seconded by Councillor Andrew Bryant, it was,
Resolved The Area Board awarded the sum of £7500.00 to Trowbridge Community Area Future. Reason The application met the Grant Criteria.
vi. Trowbridge Town Football Club The sum of £896.97 was requested for Goalposts. On the motion of Councillor David Halik, seconded by Councillor Stewart Palmen, it was,
Resolved The Area Board awarded the sum of £896.97 to Trowbridge Town Football Club. Reason The application met the Grant Criteria.
vii. The Grove Primary School The sum of £5000.00 was requested for The Outdoor Classroom project. On the motion of Councillor Stewart Palmen, seconded by Councillor David Halik, it was,
Resolved The Area Board awarded the sum of £5000.00 to The Grove Primary School. Reason The application met the Grant Criteria.
Health and Wellbeing Grants
viii. Trowbridge Community Area Future The sum of £3400.00 was requested for Community Hub @ BA14 Support Clubs. On the motion of Councillor Edward Kirk, seconded by Councillor Horace Prickett, it was,
Resolved The Area Board awarded the sum of £3400.00 to Trowbridge Community Area Future Reason The application met the Grant Criteria.
Community Area Transport Group Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board received the notes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting and,
To approve the following awards:
Issue 4824 – Speeding Westbury Road/Woodmarsh, North Bradley - £5000.00
Issue 6920 Moyle Park , Trowbridge - £133.00
Issue 7069 Speeding – Whaddon Lane, Hilperton - £160.00 |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: It was reported that the owners of the Bowyer’s site were almost in a position for public notice of their future plans, and it was hoped they could provide an update at the next Area Board meeting.
A minute’s silence was also held in response to the passing away of Councillor Jerry Wickham, Ethandune Division and previously Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Public Protection, who had lived in Keevil.
The Board then discussed concerns at the lack of public engagement in many Board meetings, with suggestions that there be more focused and engaging topics on the agenda, and that there needed to be increased work to promote the activity of the Board. The Chairman asked that all members help promote the next meeting, which would include a presentation regarding cyber crime. |