Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 2 September 2010 6.00 pm

Venue: The Bowman Centre, Shears Drive, Archers Gate, Amesbury, SP4 7XT

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board, and thanked the Bowman Centre for hosting the meeting.


At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and officers sitting at the front of the meeting introduced themselves.  The Chairman also welcomed and introduced Jamie Capp, a member of the Wiltshire Assembly of Youth and Deputy member of the Youth Parliament.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·         Wiltshire Councillor Graham Wright

·         Richard Brasher – Berwick St James Parish Council

·         David Marks – Bulford and Tidworth Garrison.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Fred Westmoreland declared a personal interest in item 12a (Performance Reward Grant – Wyndham Community Hall).  Councillor Westmoreland explained that he had supported the group in developing this project and submitting the application, in his role as the local Councillor, but was not an active member of the project team.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2010.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2010 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




Chairman's Announcements

a.    The Great Stones Way

b.     Hear to Help” project

c.    Community Payback – Call for “Grot Spots”

d.    Gypsy Traveller Site Consultation

e.    Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026

f.     Planning & Housing Receptions relocating to 27-29 Milford Street, Salisbury

g.    Confirmation of membership of new Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

h.    The Chairman will invite questions on issues not covered elsewhere in the agenda, including questions to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Councillor Dick Tonge, who will be in attendance. (Note: Written questions may be submitted in advance of the meeting – please email to by 31 August 2010)


Supporting documents:


a.    The Great Stones Way – Information on this project was available at pages 17-18 of the agenda.


b.   Hear to Help” project Information on this project was available at page 19 of the agenda.


c.    Community Payback – Call for “Grot Spots” - Information on this initiative was available at page 21 of the agenda.


d.    Postponement of Gypsy Traveller Site Consultation – The information set out at page 23 of the agenda advised that this consultation had been postponed.


e.    Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 – Information on this document was available at page 25 of the agenda.


f.     Planning and Housing receptions moving to 27-29 Milford Street – It was noted that the public receptions for these departments would be relocating.


g.    Confirmation of membership of new Community Area Transport Group (CATG) – This group was being set up and would meet in October, making recommendations to the Area Board meeting on 21 October.


h.    Reducing Light Pollution scheme – update – Wishford, Bullford, Durrington and Figheldean had all applied to become part of the trial scheme.  A report would be submitted to the Area Board meeting on 21 October.


i.      Name of Area Board – The Chairman advised that correspondence had been received from the Bourne Valley Alliance of Parish Councils in relation to changing the name of the Area Board.  In principle the Area Board had no problem with this proposal and would welcome suitable suggestions.  It was noted that any decision to change the name would be determined by the full Council and not by the Area Board itself.


j.      Community Planning – It was confirmed that Councillors were continuing to review options regarding a community plan for the area, and that a report on this would be forthcoming.  The previously agreed deadline of January 2011 was no longer envisaged.


k.    Questions to Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Councillor Dick Tonge, and other comments –


The Chairman invited questions to Councillor Dick Tonge:


·           Replying to a query regarding the Camera Safety Unit (CSU), Councillor Tonge explained that this body had been jointly funded by the government, Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, and Wiltshire Police to coordinate and run the mobile and fixed speed cameras in the county.  However, the government had made in-year cuts of £400K to the funding for this body which had resulted in its closure.  It was confirmed that Community Speed Watch would continue and that the police would continue to use fixed and mobile speed cameras to enforce speed limits.

Inspector Martyn Sweett added that Neighbourhood Beat Teams would continue to carry out speed checks and enforcements on roads, and that a strategy was being developed to cover the shortfall.


·           Councillor Tonge confirmed that, despite a delay to the works to Bulford Bridge of 10-14 days due to issues with the installation of utilities, it was anticipated that the original deadline would still be met.  Furthermore, it was hoped that traffic would be able to use  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



Your Local Issues

To receive an update from the Community Area Manager on local issues.

Supporting documents:


Karen Linaker, the Amesbury Community Area Manager, introduced the report enclosed at pages 27-28 of the agenda.


At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor Ian West referred to speeding and congestion issues on the A303 in Winterbourne Stoke, raising a specific request that a speed camera was required on the eastbound side of the road.  These concerns were echoed by other residents of the village.


Inspector Martyn Sweett commented that the police were aware of the issue, and would try to ensure that this was considered as part of the strategy to address the loss of the CSU (see minute 5 above).


It was noted that the road was the responsibility of the Highways Agency and that speed indicator signs could be a possible solution.




Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.



The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


David Healing of Durrington Town Council updated the meeting on events and issues relevant to Durrington and Larkhill, including:


·         The Village Design Statement was now in Final Draft stage.

·         An Expression of Interest had been accepted by Plain Action for help in funding the Village Hall Extension.

·         Durrington had applied to be trial parish for the new reduced street lighting scheme.

·         Thanks were offered to the Area Board for their assistance in getting Larkhill Road resurfaced.


Simon Banton of Figheldean Parish Council advised that Figheldean had also applied to be a trial parish for the reduced street lighting scheme.


Inspector Martyn Sweett spoke to the update set out at page 29 of the agenda, adding that PC Alan Day had retired and that a replacement would be named in the next two to three weeks.


Councillor Mike Hewitt referred to a Hampshire Police initiative to put chemicals into farm fuel to allow stolen fuel to be identified.  Inspector Sweett responded that Wiltshire’s Farm Watch was working hard to reduce rural crime, with three hare-coursers having been caught the previous week.




Good Neighbour Scheme

To receive a presentation from Sandie Lewis, Head of Strategy (Voluntary and Community Sector), Wiltshire Council.



The Chairman thanked Maureen Atkinson (Bourne Valley Link Scheme) for suggesting this item, and encouraged other attendees to suggest items for the Area Board to consider.


Sandie Lewis (Head of Strategy, Community and Voluntary Sector Support - Wiltshire Council), and Helen Lines (Community First) gave a presentation on Wiltshire Good Neighbours.


Sandie explained that the scheme, developed in a partnership between Wiltshire Council, Community First, Age UK Wiltshire, and Age Concern Salisbury District, sought to learn from the experience, skills and success of the Link schemes.  The scheme would be based on volunteering but with some paid coordinator time, providing support, facilitating access to services and providing access to information for older and vulnerable people in the area.  It was hoped that this would lead to those in need feeling more secure, more cared for, having a better quality of life, and demonstrating that Wiltshire was a place where “everybody matters”.


It was proposed to have 25 Good Neighbour Co-ordinators in place by September 2011, each covering a small cluster of parishes, with the project being rolled out in 3 phases.  A project covering Winterbourne, Idmiston, Porton, Gomeldon and East Gomeldon would be included in the first phase.


The Co-ordinators would play a central role, promoting the service, helping with referrals and “signposting” volunteers and local people towards information and services.


The Chairman thanked Sandie and Helen for the presentation, and also took the opportunity to thank all Link scheme volunteers for their hard work.  Questions and comments were raised as follows:


·         Concern was raised that Wiltshire Good Neighbours would duplicate the work of existing Link schemes and may jeopardise future funding.  Sandie confirmed that the scheme would develop and complement the services of the Link Schemes, which in some places had become limited to transport.  It was also confirmed that there was no intention to reduce existing funding for Link schemes as a direct result of this new initiative.


·         Initially, the service would be funded by Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire, although it was hoped that other sources of funding could be identified in the future. Community First and Age UK Wiltshire were already exploring other funding options.


·         Responding to concern that the use of the term “older people” could be unclear and exclusive, Sandie commented that the scheme had been designed for those in need, and that no one would be refused access to the services.  However, it was anticipated that the main service users would be older, vulnerable residents.





Stonehenge Visitor Centre

To receive a presentation from Loraine Knowles, Project Manager for English Heritage.



The Chairman welcomed Martin Harvey (Project Development Manager, English Heritage), who was attending in place of Loraine Knowles, to give an update on the Stonehenge Visitor Centre project.


Martin summarised the proposals, confirming that Airman’s Corner remained the site of the proposed visitor centre and exhibitions. This plan incorporated the closure of the A344 from Stonehenge bottom to Byway 12, and improvements to the Airman’s Corner junction. In conjunction with these proposals, Wiltshire Council would seek traffic orders to restrict motorised vehicles on the A344 from Byway 12 to Airman’s Corner, and on Byways 11 and 12. The Highways Agency had made a commitment to undertake improvements to the Longbarrow Roundabout on the A303, although this was currently under review following the Government announcement.


In June the Government had announced a series of cuts, including the withdrawal of £10 million funding for the Stonehenge Visitor Centre project.  Following strong support from the press and public, English Heritage had decided to explore alternative sources of funding and to complete the current planning and design phase of the project using money raised from private sources.


Current and on-going activities included:

  • Completion of the current design phase and on-ongoing review of costs.
  • Submission of the application for the A344 Stopping-up Order in August – this would shortly be subject to a public consultation and possibly a public inquiry.
  • Submission of Scheduled Monument Consent application for A344 works at The Avenue and nearby burial mound.
  • Round two funding application submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund in August.
  • Revision of the Business Case for the project.


The revised Business Case would be submitted to the Government in late 2010.  Subject to approval of this, and to funding commitments being secured, work could begin on the site in 2012, with the new centre opening in 2013.  As the original target completion deadline of the 2012 London Olympics would no longer be met, any on-going works would be scheduled to minimise disruption around that period, as an increase in the usual seasonal visitor numbers was anticipated.


Martin concluded by commenting that English Heritage would be happy to arrange one-to-one meetings with any local organisations concerned about the A344 closure, as part of the forthcoming public consultation. Input on other aspects of the project was also welcomed, and any comments or concerns could be raised via Karen Linaker.


The Chairman thanked Martin for his presentation and invited questions and comments:


  • It was noted that the improvements to the Longbarrow roundabout were necessary if the A344 was to close. Following the Government announcement in June the Highways Agency had stopped working on that project and had indicated that more would be known after the government’s spending review in Autumn.


  • Martin confirmed that English Heritage was in discussions with landowners of the private land required for the scheme.


  • In response to a comment over the use of kilometres to express distance in an English Heritage leaflet, Martin undertook to feed this back to colleagues.




Strategic Planning Sites in the Amesbury Area

To receive a presentation from Sarah Hughes, Senior Spatial Planning Officer.



The Chairman introduced Sarah Hughes (Senior Planning Officer, Spatial Planning) who was in attendance to give a presentation on Strategic Planning Sites in the Amesbury Area.


Sarah gave an overview of the following four key development sites in the Community Area:


Archers Gate – This site had planning permission for 550 houses, of which the majority were now complete.  A local commercial centre was currently being completed on the site, next to the Bowman Centre.  As part of the development, a school had been built on the site, with scope to expand, and an additional 170 houses were currently being built on the white land.


Kings Gate – This name had been given to the second phase of the Archers Gate development, to differentiate from the completed phase.  This larger development would consist of 1300 houses including 40% affordable homes.  Essential infrastructure would be installed along with the dwellings, including a new primary school, play areas, green spaces, community facilities, and contributions towards doctors’/dentists’ surgeries.


Solstice Park – The majority of this site had detailed planning consent, with only some of the smaller plots still available. A detailed plan of the site was available on the Solstice Park website.


Durrington H12 – Outline planning permission had been granted for 120 houses on this site.  A reserved matters application on the detail of the development had been submitted and was under consideration.


The Chairman thanked Sarah for her presentation and invited questions and comments.  The following points were made:


·         Concerns were raised regarding the ability of the existing highways infrastructure to cope with up to 2000 extra cars from the future development at the Kings Gate site.  It was also noted that the nearby development at Old Sarum had already increased the volume of traffic on the road network.  Sarah commented that transport was a key component of the Core Strategy for development in South Wiltshire.  In addition the Local Transport Plan would set out anticipated demand and proposals to encourage use of transport other than cars.


·         Councillor Fred Westmoreland commented on the need for the community to be more active in demanding infrastructure and contributions to local investment from developers.  A significant level of development would be taking place in Amesbury over the next few years, offering a unique opportunity to add to existing community facilities, and local infrastructure.  Even smaller developments in surrounding villages could result in capital schemes to benefit the community.  Councillor Westmoreland considered that now was the time to identify what was needed, and that early intervention by elected Members was crucial to securing the required outcomes from developers.


·         It was noted that the previous government had been developing a scheme to require a “Community Infrastructure Levy” from developers for each new dwelling built.  However, this was under review by the new coalition government, as they looked at the potential  for other public services (e.g. Education, Fire and Rescue) to benefit from the levy.




Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grant funding.



At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor John Noeken, Lead Member for Grants, introduced this item, thanking the other members of the panel who assisted in reviewing the bids: David Healing, Roger Fisher and Trevor Woodbridge. 


Councillor Noeken reported that the application from Wessex Community Action had been withdrawn.



Wyvern Village Hall Committee was awarded £1,230 to replace the main doors of the village hall.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grant criteria 2010/11 and would support the maintenance of this community facility.




Performance Reward Grants

To consider whether the Area Board wishes to support any bids for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme.


Supporting documents:


Councillor Noeken explained that applications for Performance Reward Grant were not for determination by the Area Board, but sought approval for referral to the Performance Reward Grant Panel, who would make a final decision.


(a)          Wyndham Community Hall


Several comments were made regarding the quality of this bid, particularly in view of the need for more community facilities in the town, with Antrobus House and the Bowman Centre often running at full capacity.  In response to a question, it was confirmed that car parking facilities were considered as part of the business plan.



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid from Wyndham Community Hall to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.



(b)          Wiltshire Voices


This was a County-wide project to support Area Boards in engaging with hard-to-reach elements of society.  Each Area Board would identify a different target group; in Amesbury this was proposed to be Council tenants and leaseholders.



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid for Wiltshire Voices to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.



(c)          Wiltshire is Saving Energy (WiSE)


This bid was another county-wide project, to provide energy monitors which could be hired for free from libraries, to allow users to see clearly how much energy their appliances used and how their behaviour impacted on their energy use.


A successful pilot had been run, with people borrowing the monitors for up to three weeks.



The Amesbury Area Board supported the bid for WiSE to go forward for consideration by the Performance Reward Grant Panel.




Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close

To note the attached Forward Work Plan.


The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on Thursday 21 October 2010, 6pm at Avon Valley College, Durrington.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board noted the Forward Plan as set out on pages 67-68 of the agenda.


Those present were invited to give their views on the meeting by means of the electronic voting handsets.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of Amesbury Area Board would be held on Thursday, 21 October 2010 at Avon Valley College, Recreation Road, Durrington.