Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Will Oulton (Senior Democratic Services Officer), 01225 713935, Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies and Substitutions Minutes: All members were present. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Cabinet (Capital Assets) Committee meeting held on 19 July 2016. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2016 were presented.
To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2016. |
Leader's Announcements Minutes: There were no leaders announcements. |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: It was noted that Councillor Ian McLennan, in attendance the meeting, was not a member of the Laverstock and Ford Parish Council and was the local Wiltshire Councillor for the adjacent ward. |
Public Participation and Questions from Councillors The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public. This meeting is open to the public , who may ask a question or make a statement. Questions can also be asked by members of the Council. Written notice of questions or statements should be given to Will Oulton of Democratic Services by 12.00 noon on Wednesday 7 September 2016. Anyone wishing to ask a question or make a statement should contact the officer named above. Minutes: It was noted that no requests for public participation had been received. The Leader did however explain that, as usual at meetings of Cabinet, she would be more than happy to hear from any member of the public present on any of the items on the agenda. |
Capital Budget Monitoring Report by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillor Dick Tonge presented the report which informed Cabinet on the final position of the 2015/2016 Capital Programme, including highlighting budget changes and movements summarised in the appendices.
In response to a question raised by the Leader, Councillor Tonge stated that interest rates for Capital loans are set over a longer period of time and may not be affected as much by variations in the base rate.
1. To note the budget movements undertaken to the capital programme shown in appendices A and B.
2. To also note the reprogramming of £0.278 million between 2016/2017 and 2017/2018.
Reason for Decision:
To inform Cabinet of the position of the 2016/2017 capital programme as at Period 4 (31 July 2016), including highlighting any budget changes. |
Wiltshire Growth Deal - Update and Funding Implications Report by Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director.. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe invited officers to present the report which provided an update on delivery of projects and the financial implications arising from proposed changes to the programme; the report also provided an update on the development and submission of the Growth Deal round 3 bid.
Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: the opportunity for the Council to cashflow specified projects to enable them to be completed earlier than originally planned, thereby potentially saving costs in relation to procurement and construction; the impact of not accelerating delivery on other economic growth and planning projects; that accelerating the delivery of projects should give the Council an opportunity to show how it is efficient at delivering Growth Deal projects and thereby a stand a greater chance of securing funding from government in the future; the opportunities for seeking funding from other government agencies, including Highways England; how working with a development partner on specific projects can reduce the risks that the Council is exposed to; and the timetable for central government to approve projects submitted as part of the Growth Deal Round 3.
1. That Cabinet Capital Assets Committee agrees the recommended cash flow proposal for the delivery of projects that form part of the Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Deal.
2. That Cabinet Capital Assets Committee delegates authority to the Section 151 Officer, to negotiate and agree with the Associate Director of Economic Development and Planning, and the Associate Director of Highways and Transport to cashflow and deliver the schemes.
3. That the SWLEP Commissioning Group be approached to underwrite any the development cost for Chippenham Station Hub in recognition that the project is being delivered by the Council on behalf of the SWLEP.
4. That subject to resolution 3 above, that Cabinet Capital Assets Committee agrees to cover the development costs for Chippenham Station Hub and those requested in Appendix C using the £0.5 million transition funding provided for Growth Deal project development (see para 50).
5. That Cabinet Capital Assets Committee notes the development and submission of the SWLEP Growth Deal round 3 bid.
Reason for Decision:
To ensure that Wiltshire Council maximizes the benefits and opportunities associated with the Growth Deal programme in terms of delivering key infrastructure projects and building Wiltshire’s economy whilst managing the financial implications and associated risks to the organisation.
Accelerated delivery of projects sends a strong message to Government on Wiltshire Council’s ability to deliver Growth deal projects to time, cost and quality. Accelerated delivery could also help realise potential time and cost efficiency savings. |
Urgent items Any other items of business that the Leader agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items.
Exclusion of the Press and Public This is to give further notice in accordance with paragraph 5 (4) and 5 (5) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 of the intention to take the following items in private.
To consider passing the following resolution:
To agree that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting for the business specified in Items Number 10 and 11 because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.
Reason for taking item in private: Paragraph 3 - information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
Minutes: Resolved
To agree that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting for the following items of business because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.
Reason for taking the item in private:
Paragraph 3 – information relating to the financial information or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
No representations have been received as to why this item should not be held in private. |
Wiltshire Growth Deal - Update and Funding Implications (Part ii) Minutes: The meeting considered the additional information contained in the exempt appendix.
Following a debate, the meeting;
That costs incurred undertaking development work to support the opportunity referred to in the exempt report are covered using the £0.5 million transition funding identified in paragraph 50.
That up to £0.080 million is therefore approved to enable this work to be undertaken.
To confirm that Wiltshire Council is committed to work with the LEP and central government to support the development of infrastructure required to support development of the site and secure inward investment.
Hampton Park Country Park (Part ii) Report by Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director. Minutes: Councillor Toby Sturgis presented the report which asked the Committee to confirm whether the council wanted to nominate Laverstock and Ford Parish Council as nominee for the Hampton Park Country Park; and to confirm the approach the council wishes to take in respect of negotiations with the developer in respect of the section 106.
In response to a question raised by Cllr Ian McLennan, Councillor Sturgis agreed that he would instruct officers to write to clarify the process by which agreements would be enforced.
1. To confirm their support for Laverstock and Ford Parish Council’s desire to own, deliver and maintain the Hampton Park Country Park and make them the council’s nominee.
2. To confirm their support to enter into a new s106 agreement with the developer and make Laverstock and Ford Parish Council party to that agreement.
3. To confirm their support for approaching the negotiations on the basis that land and funds are transferred directly between the developer and Laverstock and Ford Parish Council, with Wiltshire Council taking no intermediary role in terms of land ownership or financial risk.
4. To delegate to the Associate Director for People and Business the ability to enter into and complete s106 negotiations with the developer and Laverstock and Ford Parish Council on the terms described above. In particular ensuring legal agreement to transfer all current and future risk, including financial, to Laverstock and Ford Parish Council. If this cannot be reached then the development by the Council or Nominee will not progressed or be supported.