Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Max Hirst - Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome everyone to the meeting.
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked those present to introduce themselves.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from:
Cllr Laura Mayes
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2024. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting on 11 July 2024 were presented for consideration.
The Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board approved and signed the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 July 2024 as a true and accurate record.
Approval of Notes and Recommendations from 26 September 2024 For the Board to consider the notes and recommendations from 26 September 2024.
Due to the scheduled meeting not being quorate, no official resolutions could be made, therefore recommendations were read out for the awareness of attendees, although no official debate or action was held or taken. The link to the agenda, agenda supplement, reports and notes for 26 September 2024 is below:
Agenda and draft minutes - Democratic Services - Wiltshire Council
The recommendations to be considered are as follows:
Better Care Plan - standing update
i) Notes the quarterly report submitted to the national team on 29 August 2024 (Appendix A).
ii) Notes a verbal update on the investment agreed at cabinet in community health services and the related ICB procurement (see links under background papers)
iii) Notes a verbal update on the refresh of a s75 agreement between BSW ICB and Wiltshire Council
iv) Notes the latest performance in delivery against indicators in the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (appendix B)
BSW Implementation Plan
i) To note the update
SEND AP and Inclusion Strategy
i) To note the update
Gypsy-Roma-Traveller-Boater Strategy
i) Note the findings of the review of the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller &Boater Strategy (2020-2025);
ii) Note progress against the current strategy, and areas for development;
iii) Encourage partners to work with Wiltshire Council: to raise awareness of the community’s needs, and to further develop the aims and objectives for a new Strategy; and
iv) Request an update report from officers on the development of the Strategy.
Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership Update
i) To note the update
Minutes: The Board considered the notes and recommendations from 26 September 2024.
Due to the scheduled meeting not being quorate, no official resolutions could be made, therefore recommendations were read out for the awareness of attendees, although no official debate or action was held or taken.
The link to the agenda, agenda supplement, reports and notes for 26 September 2024 was included in the agenda. Resolved
To approve and sign as a correct record the notes from 26 September 2024 and approve the following resolutions:
Better Care Plan - standing update
i) Note the quarterly report submitted to the national team on 29 August 2024 (Appendix A).
ii) Note a verbal update on the investment agreed at cabinet in community health services and the related ICB procurement (see links under background papers)
iii) Note a verbal update on the refresh of a s75 agreement between BSW ICB and Wiltshire Council
iv) Note the latest performance in delivery against indicators in the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (appendix B)
BSW Implementation Plan
i) To note the update
SEND AP and Inclusion Strategy
i) To note the update
Gypsy-Roma-Traveller-Boater Strategy
i) Note the findings of the review of the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller &Boater Strategy (2020-2025);
ii) Note progress against the current strategy, and areas for development; iii) Encourage partners to work with Wiltshire Council: to raise awareness of the community’s needs, and to further develop the aims and objectives for a new Strategy; and
iv) Request an update report from officers on the development of the Strategy.
Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership Update
i) To note the update
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Public Participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.
Statements If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named on the front of the agenda for any further clarification.
Questions To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution.
Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the front of this agenda no later than 5pm on Thursday 21 November in order to be guaranteed of a written response. In order to receive a verbal response questions must be submitted no later than 5pm on Monday 25 November 2024. Please contact the officer named on the front of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board was informed that a written response was provided to a follow up question made on 26 September 2024 and was included in the agenda pack.
Chair's Announcements A brief item to allow attention to be drawn to the following developments:
· Public Health Annual Report
· SEND & CQC Inspections Update
· Joint Chief Executive announced for new hospital collaboration
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board’s attention was drawn to the following developments which were included in the agenda pack:
• Wiltshire’s Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023/24
• SEND & CQC Inspections Update
• Joint Chief Executive announced for new hospital collaboration
Community Services and Hospitals To receive an update on the work of the BSW Integrated Care Board on community-based care. Supporting documents: Minutes: Caroline Holmes and Val Scrase delivered a presentation, which updated the Board on the work of the BSW Integrated Care Board on community-based care. The presentation was included in the agenda.
The presentation described the vision and aims of the BSW ICB and plans to implement a digital “front door” and self-referral into the system of community-based care to ensure more personalised care. The three priorities for mobilisation were also shared:
1. Building a strong BSW ICB system leadership and governance framework
2. Ensuring a seamless, safe transition
3. Establishing a route to transformation
Members of the Board expressed confidence in the metrics of the plan and noted the detail of the presentation. Members suggested that the public specifically focus more on hospital waiting times and other headline statistics and therefore regular reports on how the plan is progressing and how the culture could be shifted was very important. It was also highlighted that senior staff need to be reassured that as care shifts, their roles are secure, so that staff retention is maintained, and the system remains stable.
The Board echoed the need for different areas of the overall health system remain connected and collaborate through any transitional periods to maintain high standards of primary care.
During debate, the following was clarified for Board members:
Staff would be retained through awareness of their future and excitement over the future of care and their role in it. It is important that different areas work together to ensure the system remains stable during transitional periods.
Approaches would be data driven and progression assessed against data analysis. There was a focus on providing an evidence-based approach.
Funding and infrastructure were clarified as available to enable the initial steps and begin the transformation of care.
Prevention was a key priority, of both Wiltshire Council, the Board and its groups. The evidence was showing that, whilst early in the process, the approach was starting to filter through and as it builds, it was important the determination is maintained from all parties. Members highlighted the amount of discussion beginning to take place around prevention and that the culture and discussion around primary care was changing.
It was clarified that funding, whilst being desired to shift to prevention and community-based care, it was important to note that acute services also did not have the funding it needed and therefore it would be dangerous to assume funding could be shifted without significant consequences to acute services.
To note the update
HomeFirst To receive an update on the in-sourcing of HomeFirst from Wiltshire Health and Care Supporting documents: Minutes: Helen Henderson briefly introduced the report to update the Board on the insourcing of HomeFirst from Wiltshire Health and Care and invited any questions.
During debate, the following was clarified for Members of the Board:
It was clarified that staff would be reassured of their roles as any change occurs. HomeFirst was described as joint funded with a network of teams that provides various services and roles which was not expected to significantly change.
To note the update
Better Care Plan - standing update To receive an update on developments relating to the implementation of the Better Care Plan. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Helen Mullinger briefly introduced the standing update on the latest developments implementing the Better Care Plan. Helen described Quarter 2’s reporting as slightly different to Quarter 1, and formally introduced Q2’s report to the Board and welcomed any questions and comments
The Board welcomed the report, and it was clarified that the template for reporting would likely remain the same, although the narrative planning and timescales attached to this would be changing in the future and the Board would be updated on this further in the future.
To note the quarter two report submitted to the national team on 31 October 2024 (Appendix A).
Neighbourhood Collaboratives To receive an update on Neighbourhood Collaboratives, specifically the Well Farmers for Wiltshire Pilot. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Emma Higgins briefly introduced the report and gave a presentation to update the Board on Neighbourhood Collaboratives and specifically the Well Farmers for Wiltshire Pilot.
The full report and details of the pilot were available in the report attached to the agenda, and the presentation attached to the minutes.
The Board welcomed the report, the success of the pilot and all the learning achieved. The Board described the report and pilot as significant evidence in the case for prevention and especially in communities where trust was paramount the amount achieved was described as fantastic.
To note the update
Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership To receive the Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) Annual Report for 2023-2024.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Lucy Townsend, Chief Executive, and Julie Upson introduced the SVPP Annual Report 2023-2024 and gave a presentation before inviting questions from the Board. The full report was attached to the agenda and presentation attached to the minutes.
The Board thanked Julie for a very comprehensive and detailed presentation.
That the Board:
i) Notes the publication of the SVPP Annual Report ii) Agrees to support the work of the SVPP
Healthwatch Wiltshire Annual Report To receive and note Healthwatch Wiltshire’s Annual Report for 2023-2024. Supporting documents: Minutes: Kevin Peltonen-Messenger introduced the Healthwatch Wiltshire Annual Report 2023-2024.
Kevin described Healthwatch Wiltshire as the local independent consumer champion for health and social care, providing the bridge between those using health and care services and sharing their experiences with decision makers to inspire change. The annual report gives an overview of Healthwatch Wiltshire’s work including:
The full reportcan be found here.
The Board thanked Kevin for the report and wished to ensure the relationship between the Council and Healthwatch remained, and that engagement continued from both sides.
It was clarified that scrutiny and comment would always be welcomed and Healthwatch wished to continue working with partners and influence change in Wiltshire.
That the Board:
i) Note the key messages from the annual report ii) Confirm its commitment to understanding the voice of local people and ensuring this voice is a key component of future commissioning.
Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting will be 30 January 2025. Minutes: The next meeting will be on 30 January 2025. |
Urgent Items To discuss any items the chair agrees to as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: There were no urgent items.