Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Max Hirst - Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements The Chairman will welcome everyone to the meeting.
Minutes: The Chair, Cllr Richard Clewer, welcomed everyone to the meeting and made a chair announcement regarding the launch from Wiltshire Council of a patient survey that would inform the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: Apologies were received from:
Cllr Laura Mayes Office of Police & Crime Commissioner
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2024. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting on 28 November 2024 were presented for consideration.
The Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board approved and signed the minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 November 2024 as a true and accurate record.
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Public Participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.
Statements If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named on the front of the agenda for any further clarification.
Questions To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution.
Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the front of this agenda no later than 5pm on Thursday 23 January in order to be guaranteed of a written response. In order to receive a verbal response questions must be submitted no later than 5pm on Monday 27 January. Please contact the officer named on the front of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. Minutes: There was no public participation.
Health Protection Annual Report To receive the Annual Health Protection Report 2023.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board received the Annual Health Protection Report 2023, which was introduced by Gemma Brinn. A presentation was also delivered which was attached to the agenda.
Members of the Board commented that the report was hard to read and understand in places, but that they were confident that the data reflected what was being seen in General Practice and were especially pleased with the vaccination rates.
During debate, the following was clarified for Board members:
The findings of public surveys would be taken on Board and inform decisions going forward, especially around confidence in vaccines
Inequality in screening was considered and investigated, and cervical cancer was the most recent.
Infection prevention events were being used year-round and not just during winter and debriefs and tweaks to the plans always formed part of this process.
To note and acknowledge the Wiltshire Health Protection Assurance Group Annual Report 2023;
To support the recommendations of the Wiltshire Health Protection Assurance Group Annual Report 2023.
Better Care Plan - standing update To receive an update on developments relating to the implementation of the Better Care Plan. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board received a standing update on developments relating to the implementation of the Better Care Plan, which was briefly introduced by Caroline Holmes.
During debate, the following was clarified for Board members:
The section 75 agreement was being updated, especially given the current version contained outdated statutes.
To approve the BCF quarter three reporting for submission to the national team. To approve the Section 75 Schedule for 2024/25
Integrated Care Strategy Implementation Plan To receive the BSW ICS Implementation Plan for 2025/26. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board received the BSW ICS Implementation Plan for 2025/26, which was introduced by Emma Higgins. A presentation was also referenced and was attached to the agenda.
It was stated by Emma that the latest revision of the plan was not ready to be presented to the Board yet, but that as part of the recommendations it could be delegated to Cllr Clewer as Chair to approve the plan in consultation with chosen representatives and the ICB Place Director.
The Board thanked Emma for the latest update on the plan and commended the headway being made. The Board looked forward to seeing the full revised version soon.
To note the attached slide deck setting out the pathway and approach to the 2025/26 Implementation Plan refresh.
To encourage Board members to participate in the feedback process once open.
To delegate opinion and approval of the Plan to the Chair of the Board in consultation with their chosen local authority representative and the ICB Place Director.
Children and Young People Wellbeing Survey To receive the findings of the Wiltshire Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Survey 2024. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board received the findings of the Wiltshire Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Survey 2024, introduced by Sally Johnson. A presentation was also delivered which was attached to the minutes.
The Board thanked Sally for the presentation and found the findings very agreeable. The Board highlighted the need to avoid medicalising too quickly and focusing on other support mechanisms first. The Board raised concern at the serious and significant figures regarding young people who worry at night and struggle to sleep.
The following was clarified for the Board:
Gathering data for specific investigations was often difficult as it is important to protect young person’s privacy and information.
Children out of school were included in the survey however the number of participants was very small. Further surveying of this particular demographic was in the pipeline.
The numbers of participants per priority groups were lower in some than what would be liked.
Further statistics could be provided, especially regarding priority groups as a proportion of the entire young population.
The statistics provided accurately reflect the situation, and as more schools get involved this would improve even more.
To note the report
To consider the implications of the findings for services and communities across Wiltshire
To ensure senior lead representation at the Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Summit on 10th March 2025
To receive a further update in 6 months to include further implications of the findings and how they can inform prevention methods.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Update To receive an update from CAMHS on the commissioning of specialist mental health services in Wiltshire and wider approach to supporting children and families.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board received an update from CAMHS on the commissioning of specialist mental health services in Wiltshire, introduced by Kai Muxlow.
ICB currently funds 97.5% of CAHMS and a further 3 years of funding had recently been approved.
Wiltshire had taken a preventative approach and provided early intervention to ensure children and parents were able to be signposted quickly to the right level of care. This avoids medicalised care being overused but such measures are available as soon as they’re needed.
The Board thanked Kai and stressed that Wiltshire Council considered the topic of Mental Health as incredibly important.
The following was clarified for the Board:
That the average wait was 16 days, although extremely urgent cases can receive a call back within the same day.
Initial assessments could take between 1-16 weeks but were improving constantly.
To note the role of CAMHS within the continuum of support for children and young people with mental health needs
To note the extension agreed by cabinet and governance arrangements
To note the development in the service offer |
Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting will be 27 March 2025.
Minutes: The next meeting will be on 30 January 2025. |
Urgent Items To consider any items the chair agrees to as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: The next meeting will be on 30 January 2025. |