Venue: Committee Room III, County Hall, Trowbridge
Contact: Pam Denton Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Mrs Jane Bayley, Councillor Nigel Carter, Councillor Julian Johnson, Mr Craig McCallum, Councillor Ian McLennan and Mr Stuart Middleton |
Minutes of previous meetings To confirm and sign the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 22 September and 26 October (copies attached).
Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 22 September and 26 October were presented.
To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes |
Chairman's announcements Minutes: Localism Bill The Chairman announced that the publication of the Localism Bill had been delayed until 8 December.
Dates of Future Meetings These were listed on the Committee’s Forward plan.
Mentoring Training The Chairman had recently attended the Mentoring training organised by the Councillor Development Group. She requested those who were due to attend the next session to send feedback on the course to Democratic Services.
Mr William Bailey The Chairman congratulated Mr Bailey in his success in the recent NALC awards where he was placed in second place in the Councillor of the Year category. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest |
Public participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.
If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. The Chairman will, however, exercise her discretion in order to ensure that members of the public have the opportunity to contribute.
Members of the public wishing to ask a question should give written notice (including details of any question) to the officer named above by 12.00 noon on Monday 22 November 2010.
Minutes: There were no members of the public present
Minutes of Sub Committees The Committee is asked to receive and note the minutes of the following Sub-Committee:
Dispensations Sub Committee – 21 October 2010
Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Dispensation sub-committee held on 21 October were presented.
To note the minutes |
Outcome of a Consideration Sub-Committee To advise the Committee of the outcome of a meeting of a Consideration Sub-Committee – report by the Monitoring Officer
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The committee considered a report on the outcome of a Consideration sub-committee.
To note the report |
Code of Conduct Determination Hearings To advise the Committee of the outcome of two meetings of the Hearing Sub-Committee – report by the Monitoring Officer
Determination Hearing To receive a report from the Monitoring Officer Supporting documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer introduced the report and explained the background to the complaint. He added that training had been arranged for Councillor Ludlow and also for the Parish Council and this would take place in the near future.
To note the outcome of the Hearing
Determination Hearing To receive a verbal report from the Monitoring Officer. Minutes: The Chairman gave a verbal update on the outcome of a Standards Hearing sub-committee. She outlined the reasons for hearing 2 complaints together and the process involved. She also outlined lessons learnt from this hearing which included the importance of the Assessment sub-committee being clear about which aspects of the case the Investigating Officer should address.
To note the outcome of the Hearing
Review of Constitution To receive the report of the Monitoring Officer Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman introduced the report which advised members of the decision of the council on the review of the constitution following the detailed work carried out by the Focus Group on the Review of the Constitution.
The Chairman added that the Focus Group would continue to meet with the membership remaining unchanged.
To note the report
Report of the Task and Finish Group on Presentation to Area Boards To receive a verbal update from Mr Gerry Robson OBE Minutes: Mr Gerry Robson OBE reported that as the Localism Bill had been deferred the presentation to Area Boards would not take place until after 8 December. |
Status Report on Complaints made under the Code of Conduct To receive attached status report. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Deputy Monitoring Officer presented the report and outlined how the caseload was being managed. She explained the usefulness of the investigators findings of fact being set out in the hearing sub-committee report and said that this would be trialled at the next hearing sub-committee with feedback given at the next meeting of this committee.
a. That the report be noted.
b. That feedback on the use of detailing findings of fact in the investigation report be brought back to the next meeting.
Review the allowances for standards committee members As requested at the last meeting to give consideration to the levels of allowances payable to members of the Standards Committee.
Minutes: The Chairman asked for the committee’s views on the proposed allowance rise that was due in May 2011. After a debate it was
To ask the Monitoring Officer to investigate, and bring a report to the next meeting, on the possibility of freezing co-optees allowances at their present level.
Size and Composition of the Standards Committee To receive a report of the Monitoring Officer. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Deputy Monitoring
Officer introduced the report which recommended recommend a reduction in the size of the Standards Committee
from 22 to 14 members by April 2011. A debate ensued during which it was
To defer the decision in the light of the imminent publication of the Localism Bill and to bring a report to the next meeting of the committee
Procedures Surrounding Register of Interest Submissions To receive a report of the Monitoring Officer. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Deputy Monitoring Officer introduced the report which updated the committee on the work that has been undertaken by the Governance Team since 1 April 2009 in respect of the Registers of Members’ Interests for town and parish councils. It was requested that advice be also given to Wiltshire Councillors on the importance of being specific in their Registers of Members’ Interests. Resolved To note the report
Forward Plan To receive the committee’s forward plan.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The committee’s forward workplan was presented.
To note the forward workplan.
Urgent Items Any other items of business, which in the opinion of the Chairman, should be taken as a matter of urgency. Urgent items of a confidential nature may be considered under Part II of this agenda.
Minutes: There were no urgent items |