Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 20 March 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Calne Hub & Library, The Strand, Calne, SN11 0RD

Contact: Stuart Figini  Email:

Note No. Item

6.30 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Ade Hurren, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, Ed Jones, Calne Without Parish Council, Lynne Sargeant, Heddington Parish Council and John Skinner, Calne Our Place. 



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2018.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January 2018 were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.


Chairman's Announcements

There are no Chairman announcements for this meeting.


There were no Chairman’s announcements.



Partner Updates

To receive updates from the partners listed below:


a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group – including an update on the future of Patford Surgery, Calne

d.    HealthWatch Wiltshire

e.    Town and Parish Councils

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received and noted the following updates from key partners:-


(a)  Wiltshire Police     The written report was received and noted.


(b)  Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service           The written report was received and noted.


(c)  NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)The written report was received and noted along with a brief update on the future of Patford Surgery, Calne.


(d)  Healthwatch Wiltshire     The written report was received and noted. 


(e)  Bremhill Parish Council  The following points were noted:


·        Consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan being undertaken.

·        The Emergency Community Plan has been published.

·        The Parish Council website had been updated and more user friendly.

·        Planting trees as part of the WWI Trees for Commemoration project.


(f)    Cherhill Parish Council   The following points were noted:


·        A replacement parish clerk had now been appointed (Paula Purslow).

·        Two new defibrillators installed in the village, one outside the school and one in a disused telephone box. The Area Board were thanked for their contribution towards the defibrillators.


(g)  Compton Bassett Parish Council        The following points were noted:


·        The Parish Council Neighbourhood plan was now in operation and proving very useful to refer to.

·        40mph road sign would soon be installed along with a signage scheme to deter lorries diverting off the A3012.

·        A 5k run to be held by Calne Running Club.

·        Fund raising for a new village hall roof.

·        Planting trees as part of the WWI Trees for Commemoration project.

·        Parish Council to receive a presentation on AONB at their meeting on 11th April 2018. 


(h)  Calne Town Council         The following points were noted:


·        Six week consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan commenced.

·        Annual meeting of the parish of Calne and civic award presentation on 23rd March 2018.

·        Spring Sing across various locations in Calne.

·        A successful Spring Clean event held.


(i)    Hilmarton Parish Council           The following points were noted:


·        Double yellow lines had now been implemented on the road near to the village school.

·        The Parish Council has agreed to develop a Neighbourhood Plan.

·        A number of Parish Councillor vacancies existed.




Our Community Matters

To receive updates and consider recommendations arising from the following local JSA priorities/working groups:


·         Local Youth Network Helen Bradley (LYF) – One LYN grant for John Bentley School for a transition Summer School.

·         Calne Area Parish Forum – Ed Jones (Chairman)

·         Older People/Carer’s Champion – Diane Gooch

·         Health and Wellbeing Group (Calne Health & Social Care Forum) – David Evans/Diane Gooch

·         Dementia Friendly Calne Community Working Group Cllr Crisp

·         Air Quality Working Group Cllr Hill

·         Calne Our Place Project Naomi Beale (Chairman)

o   Presentation from John Skinner about the A4 Tourist Route and Signage

o   Deborah Basset – update about the Lansdown Monument campaign

·         Calne Community Safety Forum Town Councillor Glenis Ansell (Chairman)

·         CATG (Highways Working Group) Cllr Crisp

·         Training & Skills Working Group Cllr Thorn

·         Calne S106 Working Group – Cllr Trotman


Supporting documents:


The Area Board was provided with an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups as follows:



·         Local Youth Network(LYN)        The Area Board considered a Youth Grant Funding request from the LYN Management Group for John Bentley School to hold their annual Summer School for pupils joining the school in September 2018. The report highlighted the detailed activities of the Summer School. Cllr Ian Thorn proposed the award, seconded by Cllr Alan Hill.


The Area Board were also informed that the LYN initiative ‘Intergenerational Dementia Project’ would no longer be taking place and the previously awarded grant of £1,000 would be returned to the Area Board budget.



1.         To award £5,000 to the John Bentley School Summer School     project; and

2.         To note that the ‘Intergenerational Dementia Project’ would       no longer be taking place and the previously awarded grant        of £1,000 would be returned to the Area Board budget.


·         Calne Area Parish Forum            In the absence Ed Jones, Chairman of the Forum, this item was deferred until the next meeting.


·         Older People/Carer’s Champion            Diane Gooch gave a verbal update and reported that the current project ‘Celebrating Age’ was working with Cherhill’s ‘Oldbury Wednesday Club’, the local Methodist Church and memory group. A presentation on the project would be held at the Calne Hub and Library on 25th April 2018. A classical concert for older people and carers was being held at the Calne Hub and Library in June 2018. Preparations were being made for a Volunteer Fair in Calne.


·         Health and Wellbeing Group (Calne Health & Social Care Forum) David Evans reported that the Groups last meeting was held in January 2018, where they received a talk from a veteran’s support group. The Group’s next meeting was scheduled for 28th April 2018 at Marden House.       


·         Dementia Friendly Calne Community Working Group        The Area Board were informed that Dementia Action week was taking place in May 2018 and the alliance would be holding another public Dementia Friends session in the Community Hub.  The next meeting of the Group was scheduled for 27th March 2018.


Diane Gooch, Older People/Carer’s Champion highlighted the difficulties experienced by people with memory loss attending short walks due to the condition of the pavements.


·         Air Quality Working Group          Councillor Alan Hill reported that air quality in Calne was in a state of transition. He referred to a number of applications from Hills Waste Services to change the way they operate in Lower Compton, which could potentially reduce the number of heavy goods vehicles using the A4.


The Area Board noted that the Group would be meeting shortly. Cllr Hill raised a number of matters relating to air quality including, the impact on air quality in Calne due to pupils being transported to schools outside of the town, and the need to have air quality monitors in the vicinity of New Road, Calne.



·         Calne Our Place Projects             The written report was received and noted.


o   A4 Tourist Route and Signage  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80.



Area Board Funding

To consider the following applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme:


·         Calne Community Hub Volunteers

·         Heddington Parish Council

·         Our Walk Project


Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered three applications for Community Area Grant funding.  The Chairman invited the application representatives to give a brief overview of their project and an opportunity to respond to questions from the Area Board.




1.     That the following grant applications be agreed:


a)     Calne Community Hub Volunteers (new computer equipment as part of an upgrade of the information service provided at the Hub) for £674.97;

b)    Heddington Parish Council (Trees for Commemoration of WWI) for £280.00; and 

c)     Area Board Initiative – Our Walk Project (development of the OurWALK Digital App for the Calne community area) for £1000.00





Community Asset Transfer

To consider a Community Asset transfer request in relation to Marden House, Calne.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered a report from the Community Engagement Manager, about an application to transfer Marden House Centre, Calne from Wiltshire Council to the Marden House Trustees.


The Area Board were informed that the Marden House Trustees had been operating at the property for 25 years and would continue to host a wide variety of community groups, projects, activities and events that have been previously been supported by the Area Board.  The Trustees had conducted an extensive consultation of users and visitors, who expressed their support for the transfer.


It was noted that the application was for a third sector transfer which would be subject to a 125-year lease. If the property stopped being used for community purposes the lease may be terminated by Wiltshire Council.


The Chairman of the Trustees highlighted the benefits to the community of the proposed transfer, potential for future investment, ability to broaden the number of user groups and offer of volunteer opportunities.




To approve the transfer of Marden House Centre from Wiltshire Council to Marden House Centre Trustees on a 125-year lease, subject to:


i)                 The lease being upon such terms as Wiltshire Council Estates considers reasonable;

ii)               The ability of Wiltshire Council to terminate the lease if the property ceases to be used for community purposes; and

iii)             Each party bearing their own costs.




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting.


The next Area Board meeting would be held at 6.30pm on 29th May 2018, at Calne Library and Hub, with refreshments available from 6.00pm.