Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 29 May 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Calne Library and Hub

Contact: Stuart Figini  Email:

Note No. Item



Election of Chairman

To appoint a Chairman for 2018/19.

Supporting documents:


Resolved:     To appoint Cllr Christine Crisp as Chairman of the Calne Area Board for the 2018/2019 municipal year.



Election of Vice-Chairman

To appoint a Vice-Chairman for 2018/19.


Resolved:     To appoint Cllr Alan Hill as Vice-Chairman of the Calne Area Board for the 2018/2019 municipal year.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Mel Wilkins representing Hilmarton Parish Council and Helen Bradley – Local Youth Facilitator.



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2018.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2018 were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chair will make the following announcements:


  • Notification of Calne Area Board Budget Allocation 2018/19.


  • Becoming a foster carer video


  • Salisbury Recovery


Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the following written announcements included in the agenda pack:


·         Notification of Calne Area Board budget allocation 2018/19.


·         Becoming a foster carer


·         Salisbury Recovery


·         Update on Calne Leisure Centre Refurbishment



Appointment to Working Groups and Outside Bodies

To make appointments to Working Groups and Outside Bodies for the forthcoming year:


Working Groups

·        Community Area Transport Group

·        Calne Local Youth Network (LYN) Management Group

·        Health and Wellbeing Group

·        Older People’s Champion

·        Air Quality Working Group

·        Calne s.106 Working Group

·        Calne Dementia Action Working Group

·        Calne Training and Skills Working Group


Outside Bodies

·        Calne Heritage Centre Trust

·        Calne "Our Place" Project

·        Marden House 

·        Calne Dementia Action Alliance


Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered a report requesting the appointment of representatives to Outside Bodies, and to reconstitute and make appointments to Working Groups for the year 2018/19. 



1.    To appoint Councillor representatives to the outside bodies as set out in Appendix A of the report.


2.    To reconstitute and appoint to the working groups of Calne Area Board as set out in Appendix B of the report 


3.    To note the Terms of reference for the Working Groups, as set out in Appendix C of the report.




Partner Updates

To receive updates from the partners listed below:


a.    Wiltshire Police and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

b.    Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group – Including an update on Patford Street Surgery (Dr Harris and Helen Stevens, Practice Manager)

d.    HealthWatch Wiltshire

e.    Town and Parish Councils

f.     Area Schools Update

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received and noted the following updates from key partners:


(a)  Wiltshire Police      Inspector Mark Luffman highlighted a number of Policing issues within the Calne area and responded to the following questions and comments from the Area Board, in particular:


·         Crimes impacting the community

·         Burglary suspect arrested and charges with a number of offences and awaiting a court trial.

·         Information about the local PCSO’s and their roles in the Calne area.

·         Attendance of PCSO’s at Parish Council meetings.

·         101 Call handling stats.

·         Incident at Woodroffe Square and Glebe bungalows, Calne.

·         The work of the community policing teams in the Calne area and the publication of the Police Visibility Strategy.

·         Use of 2 bicycles for police work following a previous funding request to the Area Board. 


A copy of the Police update report is attached to these minutes.


(b)  Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service              The Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service representative responded to a number of comments and questions, in particular:


·         Recent caravan fires and advice offered to the owners of caravan sites in the Calne area.

·         Potential publication of actions taken by the Fire Service following the recent fire at Hills Waste and recycling Site.

·         Information about the Fire Service call out to false alarms.


(c)  NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)         The written report was received and noted.


The Chairman reported that representatives from Patford Surgery, who had intended to attend this meeting and provide a brief update on the future of the Surgery, had unfortunately sent their apologies. It was hoped that they would be able to attend the next meeting of the Area Board in July 2018.


(d)  Healthwatch Wiltshire       The written report was received and noted. 


(e)  Bremhill Parish Council   The following points were noted:


·         AGM was held on 14th May 2018

·         Preservation of country lane verges

·         Updating of the Parish Council Standing Orders

·         Planting trees as part of the WWI Trees for Commemoration Project.


(f)   Calne Without Parish Council    The Chairman of the Parish Council introduced Sarah Glen, the new Parish Clerk for Calne Without.


(g)  Cherhill Parish Council    The Area Board noted that the next parish Council meeting was scheduled for 5th June.


(h)  Compton Bassett Parish Council          The following points were noted:


·         The recent AGM was well attended

·         Lack of broadband coverage within the Parish

·         Issues with potholes and road markings within the Parish

·         40mph road sign would soon be installed along with a signage scheme to deter lorries diverting off the A3012.

·         A successful 5k run organised by Calne Running Club recently held in the Parish.


(i)   Calne Town Council          The following points were noted:


·         Glenis Ansell recently appointed as Mayor of Calne.

·         A meeting of voluntary groups to be held to understand how they could work closer together.

·         Re-dedication of the newly renovated War Memorial took place on 26th May 2018 and was well attended.


(j)   Hilmarton Parish Council            The following points were noted:


·         Double yellow lines had now been implemented on the road  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Electoral Review

To receive a briefing note and presentation regarding the Electoral Review.  The note gives details about the review, and highlights links for residents and partner organisations to submit their comments to the consultation.


Presentation to be provided by Maggie Mulhall, member of the Project Team.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received a presentation from Maggie Mulhall, Member of the Electoral review Project Team about the Electoral Review being undertaken by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, (LGBCE) to determine both the overall number of councillors on the Council, and the pattern of divisions within the Council.


Ms Mulhall explained that the Review was required because 25 Divisions within Wiltshire had a variance from the average in the size of their electorate of more than 10%, and 2 Divisions had a variance from the average of over 30%. In particular Ms Mulhall referred to the current electorate for Calne and the projected electorate for 2024 along with the projected numbers for 2024 in each Parish.  


The Area Board noted that the LGBCE draft recommendations for the number of Councillors for Wiltshire Council had been delayed.  Once the draft recommendations had been released there would be a period of public consultation, prior to final recommendations from the LGBCE and Parliamentary approval.  The review’s outcome, if implemented, would apply from the next elections in May 2021. 


Ms Mulhall responded to the following questions received from the Area Board:


·         Support from the Area Board for the Status Quo to remain with regard to the number of Councillors for Wiltshire Council

·         The use of up to date maps for parish areas.


The Chairman thanked Ms Mulhall for her presentation, and she encouraged residents and parish councils to submit any comments or views to Wiltshire Council at


7.50 pm


Recycle for Wiltshire

Wiltshire Council funds the Waste Education Team at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust to encourage Wiltshire communities to recycle more and reduce the amount of rubbish they produce at home.  The Team do this in as many engaging and fun ways as possible, running an education programme in schools and pre-schools, putting on waste workshops with youth groups and working with local residents and community groups to spread the message.  The team will be focussing it’s work on the Calne Community Area in the next few months and will present the Board with details of the proposed campaign.



The Area Board received a presentation from Jessica Thimbleby, Community Engagement Officer (Waste), about the work of the Recycle for Wiltshire, Waste Team. 


The Community Engagement Officer explained that Wiltshire Council funded the Waste Education Team at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust to encourage Wiltshire communities to recycle more and reduce the amount of rubbish they produce at home. This is done in many engaging and fun ways which include, running an education programme in schools and pre-schools, putting on waste workshops with youth groups and working with local residents and community groups to spread the message.


The team will be focussing its work on the Calne Community Area in the next few months and presented the Board with details of the proposed campaign.  The Community Engagement Officer responded to a number of questions and comments from the Area Board including, the need to stress the importance of recycling and the impact of littering, timescales for the project, how to measure the Teams performance and new recycling collection arrangements from July 2018.


The Chairman thanked Ms Thimbleby for her presentation and encouraged the Area Board to provide feedback and comment on the proposed campaign for the Calne area.






Our Community Matters

To receive updates and consider recommendations arising from the following local JSA priorities/working groups:


·         Local Youth Network Helen Bradley (LYF)

·         Calne Area Parish Forum – Ed Jones (Chairman) – to include an update on the WWI commemorative tree planting project

·         Older People/Carer’s Champion – Diane Gooch – to include a recommendation for funding under the Health and Wellbeing budget to the ‘Celebrating Age’ project.

·         Health and Wellbeing Group (Calne Health & Social Care Forum) – David Evans/Diane Gooch

·         Dementia Friendly Calne Community Working Group Cllr Crisp

·         Air Quality Working Group Cllr Hill – to include a review of the Calne Air Quality Action Plan, for review by the Area Board.

·         Calne Our Place Naomi Beale (Chairman)

·         Calne Community Safety Forum Town Councillor Glenis Ansell (Chairman)

·         CATG (Highways Working Group) Cllr Crisp

·         Training & Skills Working Group Cllr Thorn

·         Calne S106 Working Group – Cllr Trotman - to include an update on the review of the traffic calming scheme at Abberd Way, Calne.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board was provided with an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups as follows:


·         Local Youth Network(LYN)        There was no update for this meeting.


·         Calne Area Parish Forum            Ed Jones, Chair of the Parish Forum reported that the group is proceeding with plans for the development of a WW1 commemorative copse in the community area. It was hoped that more information would be available at the next meeting.


·         Older People/Carer’s Champion            Diane Gooch, Calne Older People/Carers Champion, gave a verbal update and reported that the current project ‘Celebrating Age’ was working with Cherhill’s ‘Oldbury Wednesday Club’, the local Methodist Church and memory group. A presentation on the project was held at the Calne Hub and Library on 25th April 2018. A classical concert for older people and carers was being held at the Calne Hub and Library in June 2018. Preparations were being made for a Volunteer Fair in Calne. The next meeting of the Alzheimer’s Group was cancelled due to lack of support.  The Community Transport Project was continuing to seek a volunteer to take the Project forward.


The Area Board was asked to consider a Health and Wellbeing funding request for the Celebrating Age Project for £1,500 from the Wiltshire Music centre.



a)    That the discussions of the Calne Older People and Carers Voices held on 2nd May 2018 be noted.

b)   That the request for Health and Wellbeing funding for £1,500 to the Wiltshire Music Centre for the Celebrating Age Project be agreed.


·         Health and Wellbeing Group (Calne Health & Social Care Forum) David Evans reported that the Groups last meeting was held in April 2018, where they received a talk from Karen Wade, Assistant Commissioner – Community Services, Wiltshire Council. The Community Transport Project was promoted at this meeting. The next meeting was scheduled for 17th July 2018.


·         Dementia Friendly Calne Community Working Group        The Area Board was informed that, during the recent Dementia Action week, the group had displayed an exhibition at the Hub and library, engaged in the Lions Club Duck Race and held a public  dementia friends session, which resulted in eleven new Calne dementia friends.


A number of other events would be taking place, including a ladies’ hair dressing working group, Short Walks around Calne Town and a volunteer day at the Library on 30th June 2018.


It was also reported that the Dementia Action Alliance had met. The Area Board was reminded that, as a member of the Calne Dementia Alliance, all members of the Area Board should undertake Dementia Friends training.  The Chairman encouraged everyone to undertake this training or attend a refresher session.


·         Air Quality Working Group          Councillor Alan Hill presented the Air Quality Working Group update and asked the Area Board to consider a number of recommendations from the Group, some of which were necessary to move certain aspects of the Action Plan forward.




a)    To note the discussions and updates of the Air Quality  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.



Area Board Funding

1.    To consider 1 application to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


·         Compton Bassett Village hall – New Roof


2.    To note an update from Calne Community Area Fairtrade Group about progress of a project following the receipt of a grant in September 2017.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered one application for Community Area Grant funding. 




a)    That the following grant application be agreed:


·         Compton Bassett Village Hall (new roof) for £5,000;


b)   That the update from Calne Community Area Fairtrade Group about progress of a project following the receipt of a grant in September 2017 be noted.




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting.


The next Area Board meeting would be held at 6.30pm on 3rd July 2018 at Calne Library and Hub, with refreshments available from 6.00pm.