Venue: Pavilion Hall, Beversbrook Sports Facility, Beversbrook Rd, Calne SN11 9FL
Contact: Natalie Heritage (Democratic Services Officer) Tel: 01225 718062, Email:
Note | No. | Item |
6:30pm |
Election of a Chairman To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming municipal year. Minutes: Cllr Crisp was re-elected Chairman for the forthcoming municipal year. |
Election of a Vice-Chairman To elect a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming municipal year. Minutes: Cllr Hill was re-elected as Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming municipal year. |
6:35pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions To welcome those present to the meeting. Minutes: Those present were welcomed to the meeting by the Chairman. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Trotman and Cllr Mel Wilkins (Hilmarton Parish Council). |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2016. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 5 April were presented.
Resolved: To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2016. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
6:40pm |
Appointments to Outside Bodies To appoint Area Board members to outside bodies and to reconstitute working groups. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The point was raised that Simon Tomlinson would replace David Evans as the Cherhill representative on the Calne CATG and that this amendment should be made to Appendix B.
It was also highlighted that the ‘Calne CATG’ listed under Appendix B should include the representation of Mrs Anne Henshaw from ‘Calne Area Transport’.
Subject to the amendment to the Calne CATG working group of Simon Tomlinson replacing David Evans and the inclusion of Mrs Anne Henshaw - Calne Area Transport as a part of the Calne CATG, listed in Appendix B – Appointments to Working Groups, to make appointments to outside bodies and working groups, as detailed in the agenda pack. |
6:45pm |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements through the Chairman: · Health and Wellbeing Group · Your Care, Your Support · Wiltshire Carer’s Strategy · Adult Care Charging Policy · ‘Meet the Funder’ Event · Update on the petition received at 5 April Area Board
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements provided with the agenda.
In terms of the petition on the Calne Library consultation that had been received at 5 April Area Board, the Chairman provided an update that the organiser of the petition, Melissa Loveday, had been provided with a formal letter of acknowledgement for her petition and also that the petition itself had been noted both by the Cabinet member and Full Council. The Chairman stated that any further questions or issues arising on the matter should be sent directly to Joan Davis, Head of Libraries, Heritage and Arts. |
6:55pm |
Partner Updates To receive an update from the partners listed below:
a. Wiltshire Police b. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service c. Health Services d. Calne ‘Our Place’ Project e. Town and Parish Councils f. Healthy Active Calne Community Area (HACCA) Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the written updates provided with the agenda.
The Chairman informed the meeting that Goatacre Cricket Club, who had received a grant from the Area Board in 2015 towards providing a new scoreboard and shower facilities, had been in contact to thank the Area Board for the grant award and to update that their project had been running smoothly.
In response to questions, Sgt Lungu confirmed that as the Corsham and Calne police forces had now become combined, there were now 10 officers working as a part of this team; which was an increase in 4 officers for the Calne community area, in comparison with the number of officers that had previously been allocated to Calne. It was stressed that officers had been assigned to the areas that had showed the most need.
Sgt Lungu informed the meeting that the police force’s recording systems were now more advanced than the system that had previously been in place and therefore, although statistics had stated that there had been an increase in crime, it was felt that this increase was due to the improvement in the recording facilities of the police.
It was highlighted that the way in which policing was organised would be changing; indeed, there would be a more community approach, as opposed to a neighbourhood approach. Furthermore, those present were informed that the Police and Crime Commissioner had applauded Calne’s police force for the valuable and positive relationships that officers had been able to build with the community.
Cllr Aylen, Calne Without, detailed that in terms of the housing consultations that had taken place in both Calne Town and Derry Hill, the turnout had been very good. He encouraged those present to participate in the consultations on possible development sites for the Chippenham DPD.
Cllr Hill then provided an explanation to the meeting on the ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ and relayed that such a document would seek to provide protection against unwarranted development in the wrong location. He stressed that the Neighbourhood Plan was a document that allowed the community to have the opportunity to note where they would prefer development to take place. It was noted that once a Neighbourhood Plan was finalised, it would become secondary planning legislation. Cllr Hill stated that, occasionally, developers may be able to offer benefits to the community, in exchange for the community agreeing to planning permission on a proposed development site. Those present were encouraged to visit the Council’s website and fill in the survey attached to the Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Evans, Cherhill Parish Council, detailed that there were a couple of upcoming events, which included a countryside access meeting and an emergency planning meeting; for which several people had been invited to present and discuss pertinent issues.
On behalf of Bremhill Parish Council, Cllr Crisp relayed that the latest plans for the Chippenham DPD sites that affected Bremhill had changed. She encouraged those present to attend the Chippenham DPD consultation for Calne, Corsham and Chippenham Area Boards, ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
7:10pm |
Tesco Bags of Help Programme Caroline McKenna will be in attendance to present on the programme and to detail how interested parties can apply for funding. Supporting documents: Minutes: Caroline McKenna was in attendance and presented on the programme and detailed how interested parties could apply for funding. She explained that the money that had been raised from the 5p charge on Tesco carrier bags would be used to pay for creating green spaces, as a part of community projects, across England, Scotland and Wales. She highlighted that £30,000 was available per region, per round and that applications were accepted from a range of organisations. The meeting was informed that £8,000, £10,000 and £12,000 were available for successful applicants.
Miss McKenna stressed that capital projects were the types of projects that could be supported and that proposed projects must provide a community benefit, whilst not charging for access. She relayed that the types of projects that had recently been supported were; community gardens, a bio-dome and a coastal path. It was detailed that there was also a nomination process; whereby individuals could nominate a particular piece of land that they felt could benefit from the scheme.
It was confirmed that 3 applications would be shortlisted and then Tesco customers would have the opportunity to vote for which of the 3 applications should receive the apportioned £8,000, £10,000 or £12,000. Miss McKenna stressed that the current round for applications was due to close, however, there would be a further 2 years’ worth of funding, with 2 rounds of applications per year.
The Chairman thanked Miss McKenna for her presentation and signalled that she would pass on her details to any interested parties.
7:20pm |
Local Youth Network (LYN) To receive an update from Helen Bradley, Community Youth Officer.
To consider the following procurement request: · Splash Summer Multi-sports: £321 to provide summer activities; in order to introduce young people to different sports, games and activities
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Helen Bradley, Community Youth Officer, was in attendance and provided an update on the Local Youth Network (LYN).
Ms Bradley introduced the procurement request from Splash Summer Multi-sports for £321; in order to provide summer activities, which would help to introduce young people to different sports, games and activities. She outlined that a range of sports activities would be provided throughout the day and from this point, young people would then be sign-posted to different arenas that could provide these activities on a long-term basis.
In response to questions it was confirmed that, if approved by the Members, the funding of £321 would be provided from the LYN allocated budget.
Resolved: To grant the procurement request to Splash Summer Multi-Sports for £321 to provide summer activities for young people. |
7:30pm |
The 'Big Pledge' Jane Vaughan, Community Engagement Manager, to promote this year’s ‘Big Pledge’ activity – the Road to Rio. Minutes: Jane Vaughan, Community Engagement Manager, was in attendance and presented on this year’s ‘Big Pledge – the Road to Rio’. Ms Vaughan outlined that the initiative was designed for both those who liked and disliked sport; as the idea was to help ensure that everyone in the community could be encouraged to get involved in having fun through being active. Ms Vaughan noted that walking, running, cycling and skating were examples of the types of sport that individuals could become involved with as part of the scheme.
Those present were informed that they could register on the Council’s website and that individuals would also have the opportunity to track their progress on the website. Ms Vaughan stated that one could sign-up either as an individual or as part of a team and that the HACCA had created a team called ‘TeamCalne’; for which anyone was very welcome to join. The competition would commence on 4 June 2016.
7:40pm |
Our Community Matters Update on community issues and recommendations from area board working groups. This will include:
· An update on Calne’s success stories from 2015/16 and priorities for the forthcoming 2016/17 year – Jane Vaughan, Community Engagement Manager
· Highways Working Group (CATG) – Cllr Crisp Ø To formally approve the minutes of the February CATG meeting Ø To formally approve the minutes and the resolutions of the March CATG meeting
· Calne Health and Wellbeing Programme – Cllr Hill
· Sandpit Road (Section 106) Working Group – Cllr Trotman
· Air Quality Working Group – Cllr Ansell
· Dementia Friends Working Group – Cllr Crisp
· Older People’s Champion – Cllr Crisp Ø To ratify the appointment of the Older People’s Carer and Champion Supporting documents:
Minutes: Jane Vaughan, Community Engagement Manager, presented a review of the Calne Area Board during 2015/16 and asked the area board to consider its priorities for the Calne community area for 2016/17. She outlined that there had been 7 Area Board meetings since the last election of a Chairman and that the average attendance was 45; which was rated as good. It was highlighted that in April 2015 a workshop on Older People had been held and that this had indirectly led to the creation of Older Person’s Carer and Champion posts. There had also been an Emergency Planning workshop, which had been very well attended by all the local parish councils. This workshop had promoted the review of local emergency plans, as well as better links with Wiltshire Council Officers in the event of an emergency situation.
It was explained that there had been a total of £30,760 Community Area grants awarded, which in turn had attracted an additional £110,125 of funding to local projects and that 27 young people had been awarded positive tickets. Ms Vaughan relayed that Wiltshire Police had recognised Calne’s positive ticket scheme as a huge success and the initiative was being explored for other areas too.
The meeting was informed that ‘Beat the Street’, ‘Billy the Melon and the Magna Carta’ and ‘Clean for the Queen’ had all been hugely successful events and had involved a wide range of individuals.
It was noted that the Calne Bowl Project had been able to open the new Calne Bowl, after many years of extensive work. It was relayed that this group had won an award from Britain in Bloom for their Salad Bowl project.
Cllr Crisp provided an update on the Highways Working Group (CATG) and explained that several traffic calming measures had been successfully implemented and others were still on-going. She also stated that the road safety scheme had been implemented and that the Springfield crossing and bus stop had now been completed too. Cllr Crisp detailed that the CATG had hoped to achieve more in 2015/16; however, the group was confident that the new highways contractor would be able to catch-up with any work that was running behind schedule. Cllr Crisp signalled that the priorities for 2016 concerned the feasibility study around the White Hart roundabout and the safety concerns of Anchor Road, however, she stressed that priorities could be subject to change, as new issues came through to the CATG.
Following Cllr Crisp’s update, the minutes of the February CATG meeting were presented. The minutes of the April CATG meeting were then presented and the recommendations were considered by the Area Board Cllrs.
The meeting’s attention was then drawn to the Local Highways Investment Fund document, included with the agenda, which detailed the areas that officers had prioritised for work on the highways.
Cllr Hill was then invited to provide an update on the Health and Wellbeing Programme and highlighted that the toucan crossing at the Beversbrook Sports Facility had been completed ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
8:00pm |
Area Board Funding To consider 3 applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme: · Calne Town Football Club: £5000 towards floodlights and ground improvements · Calne Tennis Club: £1233.31 towards a community hut · Calne Camera Club: £700 towards a projector
For the Area Board to note: · In consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, £90 has been allocated to the Community Engagement Manager in order to provide 2 ‘Dementia Friendly Calne’ banners, which helped to promote Dementia Awareness Week, which took place during 15-21 May 2016 Supporting documents: Minutes: Jane Vaughan, Community Engagement Manager, introduced the following 3 applications.
The first application had been received from Calne Town Football Club for £5000 towards floodlights and ground improvements. It was noted that there had been extensive vandalism to the football club and that, should the application be approved, some of the money would be used to improve security. It was explained that, although it was desirable for Town/Parish Councils to make a contribution to such projects, as the applicant had been able to draw down a great deal of funding from elsewhere, the lack of a contribution from Calne Town Council towards this application could be overlooked.
The second application had been received from Calne Tennis Club for £1233.31 towards a community hut. Again, it was relayed that the Town Council might normally be expected to make a contribution; however as the club had also drawn down substantial outside funding the board may wish to overlook this lack of contribution.
Sarah Brown, Chairman of the Tennis Club, outlined that the Club desired to build a hut to help with storage facilities, to be able to provide alternative youth activities during poor weather at summer camps and for the Club’s match teas. It was highlighted that there would be electricity to the hut, but that the hut would be of a very basic nature; as the Club would still rely on the facilities at Beversbrook Sports Facility.
The third application had been received from Calne Camera Club for £700 towards a projector. Mrs Lane, Calne Camera Club, explained that the Club was comprised of 43 members and encompassed a wide range of ages. She detailed that the Club’s current projector had been well used for over 11 years; however, there was now a need to replace it, as it was not operating at its optimum ability. The meeting was informed that the Club had no reserves to pay for the projector. Cllr Ansell remarked upon the value added to the Calne Arts festival each year, as a result of the input of the Club.
The Area Board was also asked to note that £90 had been allocated under authority delegated to the Calne Community Engagement Manager, Jane Vaughan, to ensure for the provision of 2 ‘Dementia Friendly Calne’ banners, which helped to promote dementia awareness week.
Resolved: i. To award £5000 to Calne Town Football Club for floodlights and ground improvements ii. To award £1233.31 to Calne Tennis Club for a community hut iii. To award £700 to Calne Camera Club for a projector iv. To note that under delegated authority and in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the Calne Community Engagement Manager had allocated £90 to provide 2 ‘Dementia Friendly Calne’ banners, which helped to promote Dementia Awareness Week, which took place during 15-21 May 2016 |
8:10pm |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Close The next meeting will take place on 2 August at 6:30pm at Beversbrook Sports Facility, Calne. Minutes: The next meeting was confirmed as 2 August at 6:30pm. |