Venue: Online
Contact: Stuart Figini Email:
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||
6.30 pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Area Board Members and officers present.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Insp James Brain – Wiltshire Police and Tim Elliott - Station Manager for North West Wiltshire – Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2021.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision
The minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2021 were agreed as a correct record and would be signed by the Chairman at a future meeting.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made by members in relation to Community Area Grant Applications:
· Cllr Ian Thorn – (i) Application by the Friends of Marden Valley –as he is the Chairman of the group applying for the grant; (ii) Application by Wiltshire Music Centre – as a Trustee of the Music Centre · Cllr Ashley O’ Neill - Application by the Friends of Marden Valley –as he is a member of the group applying for the grant · Cllr Sam Pearce-Kearney - Application by the Friends of Marden Valley – as he is a member of the group applying for the grant
The above members did not speak or vote on the applications.
6.40 pm |
Chairman's Announcements Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the following written announcements included on the agenda:
· Ash Dieback – The Community Engagement Manager, Jane Vaughan introduced the announcement along with a video about Ash Dieback, its impact on trees in Wiltshire and proposed action to be taken as a consequence of the disease.
6.45pm |
Partner Updates To receive an update from the partners listed below:
a) Wiltshire Police b) Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service c) Healthwatch d) Older People’s Voices – Diane Gooch e) Calne Health and Social Care Forum (Health & Wellbeing group) – Alison Ingham f) Rise Youth – Danielle Blake g) Calne Community Area Partnership h) Town and Parish Councils Supporting documents: Minutes: To receive an update from the partners listed below:
a) Wiltshire Police The Area Board noted the written report attached to the agenda pack.
b) Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service There was no report from the Fire and Rescue Service.
c) Healthwatch The Area Board noted the written report attached to the agenda pack.
d) Older People’s Voices Diane Gooch presented the Older People’s Voices report and informed the Area Board of the following:
· A large number of people attended the Reconnecting Group earlier in the day and there is now a waiting list due, in part, to other Groups closing. · Celebrating Age were holding indoor and outdoor concerts from September 2021. · A recent meeting of the Voices and Dementia Steering Group agreed that the two Groups should be amalgamated into one Group. It was noted that a new Chair was needed for the new Group, possibly one of the Area Board Members. Further consideration would be given to this after the Area Board meeting.
Calne Health and Social Care Forum
(Health & Wellbeing
f) Rise Youth Danielle Blake, Youth Co-Ordinator from the Rise Trust provided an update on the work undertaken in the Calne area. The following points were made:
· Continuing the detached youth outreach work and engaging with young people, common themes over the last few months included being safe out and about. · Undertaking work looking at substance misuse · The Youth Club has reopened with up to 20 young people attending. It was noted that it was a younger cohort attending the Club, therefore the opening times had been moved earlier in the evening, allowing the outreach workers to provide an hour working in the community. · Working closely with the Town Council about the delivery of services going forward
g) Calne Community Safety Forum There was no report from the Forum.
h) Town and Parish Councils
Calne Without Ioan Rees provided an update for Calne Without and reported that the Parish Council still had two Councillor vacancies available, and a new Parish Clerk had been appointed.
Issues recently considered by the Parish Council include a planning application for a solar farm, a consultant to undertake a Road Safety Feasibility Plan for the Parish as part of the Neighbourhood Plan and the Parish declaring a climate emergency.
Bremhill Isabel McCord provided an update for Bremhill and reported that the Parish now have Gigaclear fibre broadband, Bremzero, a local group set up in response to the climate emergency, were looking at community and local level solutions, with support offered from the Parish Council, Avon Needs Trees had recently purchased a field on Stanley Lane and the Parish Council supports their tree planting scheme, and Isabel commented on the impact of Covid on village activities – the produce show was cancelled along with the Parish Council face to face annual meeting.
Calne Town Council Alan Hill provided an update for the Town Council and report on the following issues:
· Beat the Street runs from 15 ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
7.10pm |
Community Engagement Report To consider a Community Area Action Plan emerging from the Calne Status Report, adopted in July 2021.
Officer: Jane Vaughan, Community Engagement Manager.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board received a report and presentation from the Community Engagement Manager (CEM), Jane Vaughan who provided an update on the priorities agreed by the Area Board at its last meeting.
The CEM reminded the Area Board that their agreed priorities were themed into the following streams - Young People, Older and Vulnerable People and Families, The Environment, The Economy and Community Resilience. It was noted that the draft rolling work plan would record the actions being proposed, their status and other information. This would be reported to the Area Board on a regular basis. Each stream was championed by one of the Area Board Council members and they provided updates on their specific areas, details of which were contained in the report.
Resolved: 1. To agree an area board action plan and confirm that priorities will form the focus of resources for the Calne Area Board during 2021/22 (appendix 1).
Highways - 5 Year Major Maintenance Plan To note the Highways 5 year Major Maintenance Plan as attached. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board received a report and presentation from the Highways Principal Technical Officer, Diane Ware, about the draft Highways 5-year maintenance programme.
The presentation covered the following issues:
· The current condition of roads requiring maintenance and the amount spent in each Area Board area. · The spend profile for Calne area. · The schemes being considered in the forthcoming 5-year plan for the Calne area.
The following points were raised following the presentation:
· The 5-year programme of works is ambitious and welcomed. · Thanks to the Highways officer for the support provided during the maintenance works in Curzon Street. · Concern at condition of the road surface on Sandpit Road due to lorry movements in and out of the recycling centre.
The Area Board were asked to provide any comments on the draft proposals to the Highways Principal Technical Officer who confirmed that these would be taken into account alongside the current proposals.
7.30pm |
Community Area Grants To note the budget update and to determine 3 applications for Community Area Grants as detailed in the reports attached to the agenda:
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board considered a number of applications for Community Area Grant and Health and Wellbeing funding. The Chairman invited a representative of the applicant to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.
To award the following grants:
Friends of the Marden Valley -
£1,000 towards a biodiversity
2. Avon Needs Trees - £5,000 towards the creation of a new forest – Community Area Grant
3. Wiltshire Music Centre - £1,500 towards phase 3 of the Celebrating Age Project in the Calne Community Area – Health & Wellbeing grant.
(Note – i) Cllr Thorn declared an interest in the grant at 1 above and did not speak or vote on the grant application.
ii) Cllr Thorn, Cllr O’Neill and Cllr Pearce-Kearney declared interests in the grant at 3 above. They did not speak or vote on the grant application)
7.45pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) - Update To consider recommendations arising from the CATG meeting held on 19 August 2021, as detailed in the attached report.
1. To note the discussions and updates outlined in this report 2. To close the following Issues: 6890, 3-19-6, 3-20-6, 3-19-7, 3-20-3, 3-20-4, 3-20-7, 3-20-13, 3-21-2 3. To add the following Issues to the Priority List (with CATG funding): 3-20-9, 3-21-8 4. To progress with Section 106 funding: Covid Response Issue Calne Silver Street/Spring Lane pedestrian route 5. To allocate funding to the following Issues on the Priority List: 6465 Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board received the minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 19 August 2021 and considered a number of recommendations arising from the meeting.
1. To note the discussions and updates outlined in the report
2. To close the following Issues: 6890, 3-19-6, 3-20-6, 3-19-7, 3-20-3, 3-20-4, 3-20-7, 3-20-13, 3-21-2
3. To add the following Issues to the Priority List (with CATG funding): 3-20-9, 3-21-8
4. To progress with Section 106 funding: Covid Response Issue Calne Silver Street/Spring Lane pedestrian route
5. To allocate funding to the following Issues on the Priority List: 6465
8.00pm |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Supporting documents: Minutes: There were no urgent items.
Future Meeting Dates and Close The next meeting of the Cane Area Board is scheduled for 7 December 2021 starting at 6.30pm.
Minutes: The next meeting of the Cane Area Board is scheduled for 7 December 2021 starting at 6.15pm